June 30, 2013

I know what you're thinking

tee: old navy    skirt: tjmaxx  necklace: curated by Kelly

Oh look, another maxi skirt and tee.  This is getting old.  

and yes I am thinking the same thing.  But I am running out of options.  I've thought about not posting outfits much since it is getting to be the same thing, but realize that posting outfits on my blog is probably one of the top motivation these days for getting dressed.  

If it weren't for that I'd only be wearing my boxer shorts and same tank top like I do most days.  And my tank top would be pulled high above my belly because I hate things touching my stomach these days.  Let's just say it's not a pretty sight.  

I am however incredibly thankful for accessories.  If it weren't for them I'd start to get even more bored with my outfit.  This is my new favorite necklace from Kelly.  I've wanted one like this for awhile and am so glad I waited until I got this one.  If you haven't checked out her shop you need to do  it.  She has so many beautiful pieces and they are not expensive either!  Win, win! :)  

Another thing that I'm thankful for is funny, cute and personable bloggers like Kaylin.  I'm happy she's back on my blog today to share with you 5 things that are better in summer.  I could easily come up with a list of 20 right away and they would include watermelon, dresses and walks.  

Sometimes you just need to be one with your outfit, if you know what I mean,
so insert awesome leopard impersonation here.....

Clearly, I nailed it.
I'm Kaylin, and I blog here at Stay  Blonde, Ski Local, or SBSL for short.  You'll hear tons about my new niece, my online shopping addiction, I'll even talk about weight gain, how I feel about blogging, and I'll confess a few personal things while I am at it as well.

I started reading Katie's blog the day I started blogging, which coincidentally was the day I started reading blogs. I immediately feel in love with her relate-ability, kind character, and adorable (and affordable) style!!!

Katie loves summer, but honestly who doesn't???
Summer is exponenially better than most all seasons, 
except maybe winter for the skiing, but for now we'll just agree it's better.
 So here are five things that are better in summer.

1.  Reading-
 sure curling up by the fire and reading sounds fun, but I usually end up falling asleep. Give me a lounge chair by the pool or lake, and a book, and it's like I blink and I've finished the book.  I love it. Super relaxing, and getting a tan while doing it. It's simply called multitasking.

2. Going to the Movies- 
Let's not pretend like the movies are 'enjoyable' in winter.  Who wants a cherry slurpee when it's raining outside? Also why must theatres run the air conditioners year round. Lay off the AC in the winter Signature Six, it's just no necessary. But when it's triple digit heat, going to the movies is AMAZING.  Plus don't all the good movies come out during summer anyways?

3. Walks- 
I love walking Zoey, try to do it every day. Though when it's cold, and I can see my breath (it doesn't even snow where I live, and overall we have mild temperatures, you Mid-Westerners are hating me right now) it's hard to find motivation to get out there and walk.  Summer is always more fun, there are more people out, everyone is happy, and you don't have to wear rain boots or a parka.

4. Dinner Dates-
 Need I say more. When the waitress asks, 'inside or outside', it's a no brainer, outside. 
In winter it's not an option. I LOVE sitting outside.

5. Road Trips-
 Traveling someplace by car isn't always fun, but when you can have your windows down, and awesome upbeat 'sing along songs', eight hours feels more like two and just like that you are at your destination, no worse for the wear.
Stop by SBSL sometime, I'd love to have you.
Also get out there and enjoy summer, it won't last forever.

Thank you Kaylin!  You know that I am much happier in the summer too! 



  1. Hang in there girlfriend...you are in the home stretch. And, what is wrong with maxis and tees everyday? LOL

  2. Maxis and tees are a wonderful thing! Don't ever apologize for that outfit ;) Have a good week!

  3. girl you can wear whatever you want and rock it!!! and I LOVEEE kaylin!!

  4. Oh, I'm totally in the same uniform right now. Isn't it weird how sensitive your belly is right now? I live in my hubby's clothes most days, and dread OB appointment days (when I actually have to get dressed).

  5. Such a cute outfit! I love how you add the statement necklace to it :)

  6. Such a cute outfit! I love how you add the statement necklace to it :)

  7. Keep posting, I think you look great!!!


  8. I think you are awesome for still getting dressed every day. Maxi are like the dressy version of yoga pants so you can't go wrong with them.

  9. super comfy AND stylish :)
    you look fantastic

  10. I give you so much credit for still looking cute! Hang in there!

  11. Ha! That's what you should post a picture of. The tank and boxer shorts. =) I'm not even pregnant and I'm pretty sure after my 30 for 30, I'm going to spend an entire week and a tank and pj shorts, so... ;)

    And yes, summer is the BEST! =)

  12. Haha, I promise I wasn't thinking that! It's a great combo, so it doesn't get old :) And that necklace is gorgeous!

  13. I'm with you on motivation for summer dress, if you're not going nowhere it's a little hard to make yourself look nice. Love this green on you :)

  14. I still love seeing your outfits even if they are maxis :) Love the green tee with that necklace...so pretty!

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. You look fabulous in maxi everything and it's one of the most popular trends this summer. Even though you are getting sick of them you are still rocking them girl! Love that necklace a lot!!!!! So pretty!!!

  16. That necklace is so gorgeous! I think you look cute AND comfy :)

    The Tiny Heart

  17. You look adorable in a tee and maxi skirt so keep on wearing them! You are soo close!!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. Never apologize for your outfits. You look adorable and I really am impressed that you are still getting dressed in the mornings. Haha. I hope I can still be inspired to be cute when I'm pregnant. :)

  19. You're getting there lady! And you look beautiful.

    Come enter my Riffraff Clothing giveaway and win a $30 credit for pretty clothes!

  20. You are so close and you look incredible.

  21. Who DO they run the AC at the movies in the winter?

  22. I don't think I even got out of my pajamas after 25 weeks! You should be proud that your still getting dressed everyday :)

  23. You look AMAZING!!! I love both of these looks! Hugs from Cali! xx The Golden Girls

  24. such a cute post!! =D


  25. you look amazing girl!! hang in there!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  26. What I was actually thinking was, "YAY! Another cute maxi outfit!" hahaha.. a woman can never have too many in my opinion. And I loooooove me some Kaylin! She is one of the best blogger friends to have :)

  27. I LOVE summer, too! Summer Autumn sounds kind of funny, though! Hehe...

  28. Amazing post, dear! Very inspiring:)


  29. You are almost there!!! And I say you are a rock star with the maxis, tees and accessories!! Adorable!!

  30. I can totally relate to wearing (or not wearing) "regular" clothes. The last few weeks of pregnancy I was in mesh shorts (with little to no elastic), and pulled them way up over my belly, and I wore only my hubby's t-shirts. :)
    You're close. Hang in there momma!!

  31. Thanks for introducing me to another awesome blogger! I kept laughing at her answers and will be heading over to her blog now!

    PS: I would be totally fine with wearing a tee and maxi skirt every single day but I'm not pregnant so I have no excuse... :)

    Exploring My Style

  32. Summer is definitely my favorite--I love eating outside, even at home. We've had quite a rainy summer so far, though.

    Katie, it won't be long now!!


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