June 20, 2013

Nursery Rhymes and Natural Birth

The other week Chris and I ended up laying on the floor of the nursery looking through some of our baby books and started reading some of the nursery rhymes in one of the books.  (Definitely one of those moments that I will not forget as we get ready for our baby to be here!) There were a handful we didn't know so Chris was looking them up on his phone.  

We came across the nursery rhyme Goosey Goosey Gander and after reading about taking an old man and throwing him down the stairs we had to look it up online.  

Have you ever heard of this nursery rhyme? Who would write this and think you should sing it to your babies?  We got quite the kick out of it. 

Somehow after watching that video we were led to a video about natural child birth. (I must be looking up only motherhood videos on you tube)  Let's just say that I won't be posting this video online as it was a woman giving birth in the middle of a stream in a jungle and I was a little disturbed.  And I'll let you know that it made me quite scared for labor.  Thankfully I will not be delivering my baby in a jungle.



  1. Even "ashes, ashes, we all fall down" is about the plague. I'm not such a fan of nursery rhymes anymore. Haha. If you are going natural labor good luck. If you get an epidural that's okay too. The most important part is seeing that beautiful baby very, very soon!

  2. This is too precious. I can't wait to meet her. Four more weeks :)

  3. A. We did a whole warm up series on the weird nursery rhymes like this... seriously SO WEIRD.
    B. I am very glad you will not be giving birth in a jungle... also youtube can be a rabbit hole of ridiculousness :)

  4. Oh my gosh this is the craziest nursery rhyme i've ever heard! So bizarre. Haha...wait, you mean you're not having your baby in a jungle??? And I thought that was your plan the whole time!!! ;) ;)

  5. Yeah, watching those birthing videos was cra-cra. It was about as fun as signing the consent for an epidural with one possible side effect as being death. Sweet. Thanks.

  6. Yes, the joys of parenthood. You learn that most nursery rhymes, and childhood favorite books are NOT so glamorous anymore! Some are down right appalling!

  7. There are a whole lot of nursery rhymes that are rather grim when you really think about them. Really makes you wonder about the origin of some of them!

  8. There are a BUNCH of nursery rhymes that aren't the greatest positive influence on children! Isn't that funny? I've never heard of that Goosey Gander one... probably won't read it to my Kinders anytime soon! And yes, please don't go on any jungle adventures in the next few weeks ;)

  9. Love this outfit! I'm still on the hunt for a gray maxi! Lots of nursery rhymes are weird!

  10. you are soo cute girl! there are a bunch of nursery rhymes or baby songs that are not appropriate and kind of scary/sad actually!! :/

  11. What on earth! I have not heard of that one. But what a fun memory to tell your baby! I've edited some really crazy children's books. People are weird.

  12. Ha, yes a nice clean hospital room sounds like a better choice!!


  13. That nursery rhyme is so wierd! haha!

  14. That picture of you, gorgeous! Nursery rhymes can be both cute and weird at the same time, haha. You'll do great, no worries! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  15. I have never heard that disturbing rhyme! In our house we sing, "it's rinsing, it's pouring, the old man is snoring, be went to bed, bumped his head, and woke up happy the next morning." My kids are convinced that's how it goes.

  16. How do you continue to look so stylish?

  17. Haha! I'm wondering the history of that nursery rhyme now....and I'm also wondering if I spelled rhyme correctly...

  18. I have never heard of that nursery rhyme! Haha
    Love the pic of your puppy on the floor with y'all too! So sweet!

  19. Haha, yeah, some nursery rhymes make me stop and think 'WHAT?!' You look so cute, your bump is darling :)

  20. Haha yeah, that nursery rhyme is pretty disturbing! Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart
    Zappos Giveaway!

  21. What a crazy nursery rhyme! There are so many nursery rhymes that are kind of weird if you really stop to think about them!
    Natural birth in the jungle? Um, no thank you!

  22. ahh! that video would scare me too!

  23. Wow never heard of that one, definitely won't be telling that one to my kids. I find that a lot of the nursery rhymes are quite disturbing. Having a baby in a jungle? yikes, I stayed away from watching birthing videos before I had my kids. -Eva

  24. Beautiful pictures and style! Just a few more weeks and she is here, how exciting.


  25. i stay faaaar away from birth giving vids on youtube as it might scar me from having children! haha

    nursery rhymes are actually scary once you look into their meanings...

  26. I have never heard of that nursery rhyme...but really- a lot of nursery rhymes are strange and have bad endings. Like Humpty Dumpty? Weird. Also, I'm glad you are not giving birth in a jungle...that sounds terrible! Have a great weekend!

  27. LOL, that's an old shcool nursery rhyme--intended to scare kids into doing something. I liked the story (on Always Maylee) about how you got started blogging. My wife wanted me to start an advice blog for men. But since my skills were honed in my relationship with her, I don't think I could be helpful to other guys--my wife is unique. :)

  28. That's totally an old nursery rhyme... I think some of them were meant to scare little kids into not misbehaving.

  29. This makes me feel really old, but I used to have this one tape of nursery rhymes and I made my parents play it so much that the tapey/filmy thing that used to be in casettes came out!
    I can't wait to meet her!
    P.S. I started a blog again?! Do me a huge favor and check it out?
    Hima Hearts

  30. Some of those nursery rhymes really are strange! But hey, it's really sweet that you guys were reading nursery rhymes together in the baby's room... I love it!

  31. Oh, that's so funny! Most nursery rhymes are really frightening if you think about what they say or when they were written!

    And natural birth videos are always scary! lol

  32. It is seriously crazy how many weird nursery rhymes there are out there. I was reading with one of my friend's little girls the other day and she brought me this book to read to her about a ladybug...it was a bizarre nursery rhyme! I wish I could remember it, but maybe it's better if I don't. Haha. P.S. I added you on instagram...finally got a smart phone!

  33. Seriously, could your bump get any cuter?! Love how you guys were hanging out in the nursery...I've never heard that nursery rhyme before ...But it won't too much longer til you have a little one hanging out in there with you :) Yay!

  34. That is the scariest nursery rhyme ever.. I would get a new book :)

    - Manda

  35. Oh man, I so needed to read this today! And you are a great example of this. I notice you give your full attention to whatever you’re doing. Thanks for the insight!!

    videos for kids


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