June 18, 2013

You should know

tank top: target   pants: walmart   wedges: old navy

that this outfit picture is from two weeks ago, so if you think my belly is shrinking it most definitely is not.  But I am not about to let an outfit picture go to waste these days. 

that you should not tell me that I look like a pumpkin in this picture.  Already noted. 

that I don't always wash my fruit before I eat it.  
that I would happily eat breakfast foods for every meal.  Especially yogurt, fruit and granola. 

that I spell the words physical and supposed wrong the first time about 99% of the time.  Thank goodness for spell check. 

that I use Ponds moisturizing lotion for my face every night and my sister makes fun of me and calls me a grandma.  My mom and grandma both do use it so I guess she is kind of right. 

that my thumbs must be too fat because whenever I leave comments on instagram or text and mean to put multiple exclamation points it comes out like this !***

that I sat outside one day last week while my niece and nephew played in their little pool and burnt my stomach in a real attractive circle just on the top of my belly.  

Lucky for you I didn't take a picture of it.  

that I still kind of fear that my baby will come out and be a boy, which would definitely be a problem since I'd have to dress him in all these girl clothes. 



  1. I always worry that I will look like Halloween when I wear orange with black, but I love the color combination, so I do it anyway. My grandma always used ponds too :)

  2. hahahha the final thought has me cracking up!! so soon, girl!

  3. I love your orange top! :) and i could definitely eat breakfast for every meal!


  4. If you look like a pumpkin, then you're the cutest pumpkin ever haha!!

  5. I find it almost disturbing that you can look more put together at 8 months pregnant than I can on any given day. You always look so good!

    I don't wash apples, ever. We should all be strengthening our immune systems anyway.

  6. you look extra beautiful in this photo :) I love the necklace and shoes--perfect combo--I'm crazy about earth tones, especially in jewelry and shoes :D

  7. Your sunburn sounds hilarious and cute all at the same time. I can't spell convenient like ever.

  8. I am with you on the breakfast front...I could always go for some cereal!

  9. I could eat breakfast all day long as well. And good thinking on the outfit post...definitely can't let those things go to waste!!

  10. I rarely wash my fruit,
    And, any meal that can be made in .5 seconds (i.e. cereal) is an instant winner in my book! I just wish the hubby agreed with my thoughts on this. :)

  11. It's good to know I'm not alone in the 'not always washing my fruit' department. I always wash my veggies though, not sure what makes me think otherwise, maybe because fruit just looks for delicious to me.

  12. You my friend crack me up! Praying it IS a girl cause ya know she has to carry on the legacy of either Lauren, Katie or Lena...and no pressure...must be born on 7/18/13!!! LOL Love ya!

  13. You my friend crack me up! Praying it IS a girl cause ya know she has to carry on the legacy of either Lauren, Katie or Lena...and no pressure...must be born on 7/18/13!!! LOL Love ya!

  14. you are the cutest! I think someone inserted a basketball in your belly and thats it since you have barely gained any weight at all!!


  15. Totally could eat breakfast foods for every meal too and up until Maggie was placed in my arms I kept thinking she'd b a boy too ;)

  16. you're so cute.
    and so happy you're having a girl.
    dont wory its not gonna become a boy ;)


  17. Breakfast food is the best!! and your little girl is going to come soo soon!

  18. Great pics!!! love the post


  19. This colour suits you so well. That is so exciting you are having a girl!!

  20. Breakfast food is THE best! And I'm sure you're having a girl :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Zappos Giveaway!

  21. I was thinking the same thing with our nursery and clothes - if this baby comes out boy he will love pink and sparkles!! :) I could eat that breakfast all the time too, my fav! You look awesome!

  22. I love that rug in your last picture!!

  23. I use that SAME lotion, and I brought strawberries, granola and yogurt for lunch today :) You look SO cute - love the orange top on you!

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. i completely have the fear in the back of my mind that my baby will come out a boy too! (i'm about 24 weeks). i mean, it happens!

  25. I use "supposed" all the time and can never remember if there are two Ps or two S(s). Spelling is hard ( says the English teacher)

  26. haha i never thought of that but i would be scared that the baby would come out as the opposite sex!! and you look lovely not pumpkin like at all

  27. you are too cute & I'm totally giggling right now! I use old lady night creme & totally get half-way finished with my fruit before remembering that I should have washed it ;)

    Enter my current giveaway!

  28. Orange looks beautiful on you! I love that color.


  29. 1. You most definitely do not look like a pumpkin.
    2. I never wash my fruit!
    3. I could definitely live on breakfast foods!

  30. Dude, you look AMAZING! Not at all like a pumpkin!


  31. I love this list and I do not wash my fruit all of the time either!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  32. Oh no! Weird sunburns are the worst. I had one JUST on the back of my right arm earlier this year. Also, I usually spell weird incorrectly.

  33. I ate yogurt and granola for lunch today - you aren't the only one who would eat breakfast foods everyday!

  34. Eeeeeee!!! Look at all those clothes! Can't wait to her her outfit posts! ;) And breakfast IS my favorite meal of the day... I could have any breakfast food for every meal too.

  35. Haha, it's a girl! That skins be pretty awful though especially with all those clothes ;)

    You look so fabulous! You're all belly!!

  36. haha i post older pics sometimes too!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  37. I had a coworker who thought they were having a girl and it came out a boy! They had to get rid of all their girl clothes! But they totally went with it, and it's going to be a great story to tell the kid later. Also, DO people wash their fruit? I don't.


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