September 10, 2014

Paint Nite

Monday night I got to go to a painting night and complete one of my 13 by 30 goals! I bought a groupon for Paint Nite, where different bars and restaurants host an artist and you get to eat, drink and paint a canvas,  I went with my sister in law and friend Rebecca, and we had such a great time.  I would've done it even if I didn't love the painting, but I actually love the one we made and it's now hanging in our dining room.  I am definitely planning on doing it again! 

This is the artist's painting.  I was not loving the pink, purple colors and wanted to be able to hang it in our dining room so I made my background with blues and greens and love it.  I also did only one baby bird so it was like our little family of three.  

 With my 30th birthday less than two months away, here's a little update on my other goals:

1.  Run another marathon.  I'm about a month away from the marathon.  I'm feeling a little nervous, especially since my knee has been bothering me since my 18 mile run.  But I'm ready for it to be here and to finish and to take a break from so many hours a week of running! 

2. Go away for a night without Addilyn.  And nothing in the works for this yet.  Honestly I feel nervous about leaving her.  Most nights she still doesn't sleep through the night and I nurse her once.  I'd like to leave her alone with Chris for the first time, but I don't have any plans yet.  And with the marathon and training on weekends I don't see this happening before my birthday.  So this one will be moved to a little after I'm 30.

3. Take a photography class.  I need to find one! You guys gave me some great suggestions last time. Online classes sound great, but I think I need to leave my house so I'm not distracted by a certain someone.  And I'd love to do it with a friend too! I have to spend time doing some looking for classes. 

4.  Attend one of those paint your own painting, bring your own wine, painting parties.  DONE!

5. Send some real mail.  This one is a kind of.  I've sent a few letters, but not as many as I'd like.  I have two packages just sitting on my floor waiting to be spent to friends too.  Why is it so hard to get to the post office?

6. Paint our front door a color.  DONE!!

7. Weigh what I did pre-fertility treatments.I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight but not quite at the weight I was before fertility treatments.  It's annoying all the time I spend running I feel like pounds should be falling off every day.  But I know my body is working hard, and I also still indulge in plenty of sweets which feels worth it to me at this point! 

8. Declutter our house.  This one is a kind of too.  I've made a lot of progress.  We've gotten rid of a ton of things, our basement being the biggest one.  I could still use some more decluttering in my closet and our garage is a nightmare.  But I'm leaving that up to Chris.   ALMOST DONE!

9. Make our basement a playroom.  I love our basement playroom and we spend lots of time in there. I am well overdue for pictures to share.  DONE!

10. Meet a blog friend.  I got to meet my friend Liz and her daughter Emma when we were on our vacation! It was wonderful.   DONE!

11. Make my own sushi. Sushi is my favorite food and we've talked about making it before, but I feel like by the time you buy all the ingredients and make it, it'd be way easier to just buy it.  But I think it'd be fun to do and I want to try at least once.  

12. More intentional time. I've mentioned this before, but it's so easy for Chris and I to sit and watch tv every evening and we are trying to make it a point to spend more time talking, reading, play games . . . anything that means more quality time and not mindless tv watching. We are still working on this one.  We mostly watch tv and need to do a better job having intentional time together.  

13.  Learn how to apply make-up.  I talked with a friend who used to work at a make up counter and she started doing make-up parties where she comes to your house and teaches you and friends how to do different looks, while of course eating good food and drinking wine.  She's about to have a baby so we're going to plan it in the coming months.  I'm excited! 

So I'm pretty sure they'll be a few left over but I'm making progress on my list! Thank goodness I did choose 30. 

Image Map


  1. Way to go!! It's always fun to cross things off a list. :)

  2. I seriously love those paint nights, I've only done one before and I loved my painting!!!! I'm excited for your list of pre-birthday fun! I know you can get it all accomplished!! I wish I could go play photography w/ you ;)

  3. I have always wanted to do one of those paint nights. I love how your painting turned out! Good luck with the rest of your goals!

  4. What a fun night out. Love how it turned out.

  5. Our church had small groups this summer, based on what activities you liked to do (swimming, running, book club, crafting,etc.) There was also a photography group. I would have loved to join it, but it was on a night when I worked.

    I definitely want to try one of painting parties!

  6. Oh my goodness, so cute!!! This definitely makes me want to grab some girlfriends and go paint! :-)

  7. I just signed up to use my Paint Nite groupons in two weeks! Yours came out great :)

  8. I'm pretty obsessed with that painting because it's so good!! And I might have done an unhealthy amount of high-fiving to nobody but myself for number 10 on your 13 before 30 list. :) Since your birthday is in 2 months, let's make a list of 1 thing to do by 32---spend a whole weekend with your blog bestie Liz! Ok?


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