January 18, 2015

Time for a new week

Yikes.  This last week and a half was a rough one.  Monday morning Addilyn passed out when she fell, which even though it's happened a handful of times before, it's been a few months and it just threw me off.  Made me a little more anxious, and made me worry about her and her health.  We thankfully had her 18 month appointment that afternoon where the doctor assured me it was okay.  The doctor wants us to put her on a nebulizer twice a day to see if that helps her nighttime cough, and while I am happy to be doing something that will help and anxious for positive results, I'm dreading the treatments and the expense.  

Then Monday night in a matter of an hour I went from feeling completely fine to feeling absolutely awful.  I had a violent, awful case of the stomach flu and literally felt like I was going to die.  I rarely get sick, and have never been that sick before.  Hence the no blogging.  Any second I put Addilyn down for a nap or bedtime all I could do was lay down.  I am far from a sympathetic person when Chris gets sick, but I think this has given me more compassion for the future.  

That same day, my father in law had to go to the hospital with a heart scare.  He is fine now, and everything is good, but a reminder that life is scary and you really have no idea when things like that could happen.  

Chris then went out of town, his flight back was delayed and he was welcomed home with a sick baby up all night with the stomach flu.  A throwing up one year old is just the saddest thing.  And the most exhausting and messy too.  All in all a week and half that I'd be happy to not relive again. Weeks like last week are bad, and I'm so happy for a new week.  A reminder to be extra thankful when ourselves and family are healthy and when things are easy.  

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  1. So sorry you had to endure all of that. Praying are all on the mend. Here's to happier days ahead!

  2. Oh my goodness, I hope your whole family gets well soon!

  3. Ugh! I hope good health is on the agenda for this week! Do they know why she passes out after falling? So scary! I hope she is feeling much better. Vomit is gross and I can't imagine dealing w/ a 1 year who can't really get it in the bowl!

  4. Hopefully this week goes better! I am so not sympathetic towards Jeremy when he gets sick, I am a really bad wife that way.

    Eldon has been on a nebulizer since a little over a year old. For him he does fine with the mask if he is watching something on the iPad. Brighton has had a few treatments and she prefers the blow by thing and the selfie cam on my phone or the monkey preschool lunchbox app.

    I don't know if you have tried one yet but Eldon responds really well to have a air purifier and a cool mister in his room. We actually have been able to take him off all his allergy medicines and he hasn't had a need for daily treatments this winter where normally he is pretty sick all winter.

  5. So sorry to hear about that. That is really one hell of a week. I rarely get sick myself too, but when I do, i feel like I'm going to die too. Getting sick is such a big bummer. Good thing though that it all ended now, and that you're all back in good health and happy about the coming week. It's definitely something to be thankful for.

  6. ugh! What a week! Hope this one will be better!

  7. OH you poor thing! Sounds like a rough week for sure, but I'm glad it is behind you. Hope you are all happy and healthy campers this week. :)

  8. Oh my gosh. What a week!!! I hope you guys are all better soon and can catch a break this week!! SO glad Chris is back too.

  9. Wow! I'm so sorry you have so much going on! I pray things get easier for you all soon!

  10. Ugh, what a horrible week! I am so sorry. I hope everyone is feeling better and this week starts to look up. xoxoxo.

  11. Ugh, that's a tough week! Seems like everyone is sick, my son had RSV and an ear infection then I got a cold. Hopefully everyone is all better now! Do they know what's causing her fainting spells?

  12. Lots of prayers for a better week ahead. Hope you are feeling better. xo

  13. Hope you guys are on the mend over there!! Moms can't get sick and baby's shouldn't be able to either!! Ok sickness sucks all around!! Lol! Do they know why she passes out when she falls?


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