July 3, 2012

Outfit Observations

 shirt: tjmaxx  shirt: gap  sandals: target  bracelet: francesca's

1. Let's acknowledge the obvious first. 
You may be wondering where my eyes are.  You have to look hard. 
Hey, it's been a rough week. 

2. If you want to feel like you are wearing pajamas all day wear a cotton maxi skirt and cotton tee.

3. If someone knows how to tie their shirt like this in less than 5 minutes please tell me.
It takes me way too long, which probably means I need longer shirts.

4. I think I wear these sandals at least every other day. 

5.  I clearly have stopped blow drying my hair.  
Case in point here and here this week. 
It is just too darn hot. 

6. I recently bought a strapless bra that has detachable straps, and have been wearing it as a non strapless bra. But today one strap unhooked at least 5 times, which is incredibly inconvenient. 
(I know you can't see this one, but trust me.  It may have been mid detachment in this picture.)

Happy 4th of July!


  1. I really don't understand how you can make something so simple look so cute...
    I have the same problem with strapless bras!

  2. Adorable! And your eyes look fine..what are you worried about.

  3. I am actually wearing the same thing today. Love cotton maxi skirts. I may even attempt to make one myself :)

  4. Cute outfit girl! P.S. I'm sooo over blow drying my hair too!!

  5. You are hilarious! I S-O want a cotton maxi skirt. They look so comfy! And I stopped blow-drying my hair a longgg time ago! Glad to know I'm in good company!

  6. i love you, katie! your honesty is one of my favorite things about you!!! love it!

    still being [molly]

  7. This outfit looks SO comfy!
    I'm totally one for wanting to stay in my PJs (or workout clothes) all day so I may just have to copy this outfit :)

    Happy 4th, girl!

  8. adorable!

    visit nichollvincent.blogspot.com

    happy fourth!

  9. I have totally had that happen before - in public. Yikes. ;)
    Love that skirt. I keep meaning to try the t-shirt knot thing, but I just never think about it when getting dressed! ;) I wore a maxi skirt the other day and just about had heat stroke, so I think I'll stick with shorts until the temps cool off just a bit. Or I may just knot my maxi skirts so they look like high-lows! ;)
    Hope the rest of your week is better!

  10. lol at point number 4, it always takes me forever to tie my shirts too. Great casual look!

    xx Jenee C.

  11. lol at point number 4, it always takes me forever to tie my shirts too. Great casual look!

    xx Jenee C.

  12. Love the skirt! It is totally my style. Just stopping by to say HI! Found your blog via Red, White and You. Looking forward to reading your future post.

  13. Too funny on the bra straps! That's the worst... Hope your week gets better, Katie!

    It's an Easy Life

  14. Looks like such a comfy outfit! Love maxi's!

  15. You look so cute and comfy! Don't worry, it takes me forever to tie a tee like that too. I think my blow dryer is now gathering dust since my hair has been in a bun on a daily basis!

    The Tiny Heart

  16. You're always so pretty!! I always pick a pair I sandals too that I wear all the time! And strapless bras stink. :)
    And I love your braid in the previous post! Plus always praying for you! Happy 4th pretty lady!

  17. I have those same sandals (different color) and I wear them just as often.

    I hope next week is less rough for you. :)

  18. This is something I would wear, simple but fun with cute accessories. Love your sandals and I'm terrible at tying knots so i can't help you out in that department. But I am following you now:)

  19. so cute! I love real clothes that feel like PJs... and the knotted tee is making a comeback in my closet too!

  20. I don't know when the last time was when I tied a knot in a shirt. so it would probably take me forever! haha I love how cute and comfy you outfit looks. LOVE your maxi skirt!

  21. Love the outfit! It looks so comfy - which always scores points in my books!

  22. We BOTH tied our shirts for our outfit posts! HA!

  23. Love the maxi skirt! I am visiting from the Red, White and YOU party and thought I would say hi! I am a new follower! Hope you will stop by http://www.garagesalesrus.blogspot.com/ and do the same.


  24. Loving your maxi with your tied shirt! This outfit is perfect and looks insanely comfortable.


  25. You may feel that your eyes are tired, but that headband makes your hair look perfectly poofy!
    Happy 4th of July!
    (Isn't it great that the summer holidays don't affect teachers...)

  26. hey, you really have a great blog... if you have time you should visit my blog and let me know what you think, if you like it we can follow each other... let me know ok!

  27. Love that tie shirt and long skirt!! Perfect combo!

  28. you look so fresh and fabulous! I've been wanting to try a tied up shirt for a while now, you've inspired me!

  29. I can't tie my shirts period. I try then give up because they never look good to me. And then they end up all wrinkly! You look great!
    Carolyn http://sillyhappysweet.blogspot.com

  30. Ha, there's just something about a maxi dress that makes you feel like your in your jammies! lol I love them. I'm going to try mine with a cotton tee sometime when I think I might be in for a long day. =)

  31. i love that you are so gorgeous. so gorgeous that even though you are dressed down, you look dressed up.

    hope you had the best 4th!

  32. Love this outfit! Gorgeous cuff xx


  33. i need that maxi skirt!!!! i am so sick of wearing skinny jeans and leggings (the only bottoms that still fit my pregnant body and yes, it is still cool enough here to wear pants! Adorable. Also, i hate when the bra straps fall off.. soooooo irritating.

  34. thanks for stopping by and leaved a comment... you have to try that banana smores, =)

  35. I completely agree with you on not blow drying your hair in the summer. Now that I am just basically running errands vs. working all day, a braid is my go to. My husband finally told me I should wash my hair and put on some more makeup :)


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