October 22, 2012

A year in . . .

dress: target (similar)  sweater: target (similar)   boots: dsw (similar)

It's still a little crazy to me that I have a blog. 
That I write and people read it.
That I post pictures of my outfits for hundreds of people to see. 
Even crazier that I've shared some of my most personal things on this blog. 

When I started my blog a year ago, I honestly thought Lauren, Lauren and my mom would read it. 
and that's it. 
I had no intentions of it turning into what it has. 

It's become a place to share things that make me happy
to share funny stories from teaching. 
to share my heart
to share my skill of finding cheap clothing
to make real friends.
to share projects I've made. 
to process what God is teaching me
to be encouraged by others. 

Looking back at this last year this blog has been a great blessing and has been one of my favorite things.
I am truly convinced that God has used my blog this year as a hobby, a distraction, and a place to for me to share what He is doing in my life.
I am continually amazed at the people that I have met and the encouragement and joy that they have brought to my life.  

Each time I post a personal lesson or a glimpse into what I'm going through I'm blown away by the people that read my story, take the time to comment on my post, offer me advice, encouragement and even share their own hearts.   
I can't imagine how alone I would feel in my struggles if I hadn't met the people I have and I am beyond thankful for that. 

Not to say that there aren't things that I don't love about blogging.  Like my desire to buy more clothes or the added time it takes me to get dressed in the morning as I often feel the need for a "blog worthy" outfit post. 

Or the struggle with comparing myself and my blog to others or the amount of time I spend on my computer.
And I imagine as I continue blogging, the struggle for finding balance and avoiding comparison will increase.  

BUT the blessings from this little blog have been so good.
and I am thankful for you.  For reading my blog and for the friendships I've made.
I look forward to many more blessings!


  1. I am thankful for your blog and for sharing your story!! Wishing you your own little blessing soon ;)

  2. So glad I've met you on my blogging journey :) You are definitely one of my daily reads and faves! Love this dress on you by the way ;)

  3. Always saying prayers for you dear.

  4. You've been a blessing to me. Thanks for sharing your fun fashions and the journey you're on. I see many good things coming your way this year.

  5. I love looking at your outfit posts. I haven't taken the leap to try yet. One day maybe I will be {brave} enough!
    Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick

  6. Happy blogiversary! I am truly enjoyed reading your posts each day: they are hilarious, uplifting, encouraging, and just fun! I feel like we are close friends (which I hope isn't incredibly creepy, ha)! And that dress/cardi are adorable... I just wish Texas would keep its boot weather! Ugh!

  7. Happy 1 year! I absolutely love your blog, one of my favorites! Thanks for sharing your life with us! :)

  8. wow you've gotten so big in 1 year! Congrats! Happy 1 year :)

  9. Congrats on 1 year of blogging!! I can't wait to see what the next year brings. I absolutely love your blog and I'm so glad we have connected. Loving your boots and socks :)


  10. crazy that its been a year. i love your blog so much!
    and i love this outfit!


  11. I really do love reading your blog! I can't believe you've only had it for a year! I pinned you as a "lifer" :) Loved reading back through your links too. Very sweet

  12. One year...woohoo :) congrats girl!
    I look forward to your posts!

    And I love this dress!

  13. Love that dress.

    Think you're great!

    Happy blogiversary!

  14. Congrats on one year! I'm pretty sure I've been following you since the beginning!

  15. Awww happy anniversary! It's amazing how much joy can come from blogging! Love your outfit! Gonna have to try the socks sticking out look!

  16. Congrats on a year, Katie!! You are one of the most genuine people I've "met" through blogging and I so enjoy reading your blog every day! Never change! :)

  17. Happy blogiversary! I so enjoy reading your posts. Your attitude and faith in the midst of difficult circumstances are so inspiring.
    Love your cute dress and boots look. And the boot socks are adorable!

  18. I'm thankful that you started this blog and even MORE thankful that in a sea of bloggers something led me to find yours one day! You've been a lending ear when I felt no one else would understand. Congrats on one year girl!

  19. I'm thankful that you started this blog...and I'm thankful that I found it!
    Keep up the good work! Hey, at least you're a bargain shopper..right?

  20. Congrats on one year! That's such an accomplishment. Keep up the great work!
    Isn’t That Charming.

  21. Happy one year to you!! Love you Katie! So happy we met thru the www and one day mark my words friend we will be laughing it up in real life together! XOXOXO

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

  22. I love your blog, Katie! I love that you "keep things real" and when something's heavy on your heart, you share it. Honest and open...it's no wonder you have so many loyal followers. Happy blogiversary to you!

  23. Looking good lady! =) Happy one year!!

  24. Aww it's my first time here and I'm so happy I found your blog! I love your style and can't wait to read more. The lace socks under boots might be my favorite. Newly following and can't wait to read more!

  25. I'm so grateful for your blog!! You are truly fantastic, Katie and I love reading yours everyday!!

  26. you are amaaaaazing, katie!! i'm so glad you started blogging, too!! :) cause you are an inspiration, a beautiful woman, and all around fabulous. i'm glad i "know" you!! :) xoxo

  27. I love this dress, and you!! I really hope that we get to meet live and in person at some point!!


  28. Happy blogiversary, Katie! Love your blog and so glad I "met" you through blogging!

    The Tiny Heart

  29. Glad that you decided to start this "little" blog of yours. I love reading it. You are definitely not alone in your struggles, the blogging community is so great isn't it?

  30. 1 year of blogging is a big deal!! Congrats Katie! I think I've followed along almost just as long, and I've loved every post :)

  31. And oh, boy!! You have 1000 followers!!

  32. Yay, I absolutely love you and your blog and I'm so happy to have 'met' you. You are beautiful and amazing and I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you. I think good things are coming your way! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  33. I am so glad that I have found you!! You are inspiring in so many ways and I can't believe how much you have done in a year!! CONGRATS!!

  34. I love your blog! I was overwhelmed by how friendly and great fellow bloggers are, it truly is a community and I'm so happy to be a part of it. I definitely understand your struggles (it's hard not to want to buy more clothes or compare yourself to other bloggers) but I try to refocus myself and remember why I blog and why I love it and focus on the positive aspects. Keep up the great work!


  35. blogging is amazing isn't it?

    and comparison is the thief of joy.

    haha you above reasons are why I don't do outfits...lol...that and I only really get dressed in "likeable" clothes on sundays :)

  36. Congrats on the year, Katie! I feel you on what you've said about blogging--both the good and the ugly. And once I feel like I've reached a happy balance the blog grows and new challenges arise. Anyway, I love your outfit today!

  37. Congrats Katie! And I believe I am your 1001 follower!! Love the outfit. Especially the boot socks!!

    Helene in Between

  38. its crazy the amount of joy you can get from a blog huh!

    I found you through hippie lace and i love your blog.

    I am having a giveaway so I hope you'll stop by and enter : )


  39. Congratulations on the one year. I have been blogging for only 5 months and I myself found it to be a rewarding experience. You get to meet so many wonderful people and You get to learn things about yourself as well.

  40. Congrats on the one year! I am so glad I've gotten to know you! :)

  41. Congratulations on your one year blogging that's a big milestone! I remember when I hit one year and I was like wow I really did this, it's a great feeling. :)

  42. This outfit looks amazing, simple but soo classy! Nice choice, keep it up, your blog is very interesting! Please check out my new post :)

  43. I love reading your blog!
    You are amazing girl! Keep up everything you are doing <3

    I love that dress by the way!

    Thanks for being so sweet always!!!


  44. I love your blog, happy anniversary! Love that look you're rocking too :)

  45. I think many bloggers have similar stories. We begin by blogging just for ourselves or for family, but then it turns into so much more! I've definitely enjoyed my blogging journey and can't imagine ever quitting!

  46. congrats on your one year! you're looking fantastic in that outfit!


  47. I'm so happy you started blogging Katie, and so happy we are blog friends :) I love seeing your recipes and outfits, and also just getting a sneak peek into your life!

    The Other Side of Gray

  48. So beautiful! Lovely blog!
    I follow you now, wanna follow me back? =)


  49. i just love your heart and your passion for blogging - you inspire us with your outfits and life!

  50. Love this look!


  51. Congratulations on one year! I'm so happy your blog has turned into what it is now, and that I've gotten to know you through it! I look forward to reading your posts every single day! I'm with you on the negative parts of blogging too - it's hard not to compare, and sometimes to find the time (or the energy), but the good totally outweighs the bad!

  52. Happy Anniversary!
    I can't even imagine what 1 year feels like?!
    I've fallen in love with this bloggy world...and am only 2 months in!
    Thanks for checking in on my H54F posts...I'm happy to follow along and watch your story unfold!!


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