February 3, 2013

12 months of advertising for One winner!

I am beyond excited that I get to be part of this amazing giveaway, paired with so many amazing bloggers.  Whoever wins this prize is going to be more than set for a whole year of advertising for their blog or shop. 
Check it out: 
If you have a business, blog, or website that you want to grow, you do not want to miss this! 
30 fabulous bloggers have come together to bring you 12 months of advertising. 
One lucky winner will be featured on different blogs each month throughout 2013*.
The winner will have the following advertising options during the following months:
*Since January 2013 has come and gone, the prizes listed under January will be awarded in 2014.

Each of the following bloggers were handpicked based on the quality of their blog, their readership, and social media following:

Enter to win using the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

Please refer to the Rafflecopter form for complete terms and conditions.

Hope you are having a great weekend!!



  1. Thank you so much to all the bloggers who created this giveaway. It is so helpful for us new bloggers to get exposure. A great opportunity since the Blogging World has it its gold rush and its very hard to get noticed. I am a new blogger and although I have a lot of view's I still have 1 follower and since my 2 yr blog birthday is coming up winning this would mean the world to me and be the highlight of my year. It would be a much needed boost to have that kind of exposure.

  2. Congrats on expecting a baby. Best wishes to you and your husband. New follower from www.thememorynest.blogspot.com

  3. I heard about it on StylElixer blog! ;-)

    In case you haven't entered, I'm holding a giveaway today if you would like to take a peek! ;-)

  4. Oh my goodness I hope I win! I heard about the giveaway from For Lauren and Lauren!

  5. Oh my word! This is an unbelievable giveaway!

  6. wow! what a crazy giveaway! i heard about it from you, of course : )

  7. Heard about from Molly. Thanks so much! Hope I win, but either way I know I'll be advertising with some of you...contact me if you like :-)

  8. I came across this giveaway while blog surfing. :)

  9. Love this giveaway!

  10. Heard about the giveaway through your blog! Hope I win ;)

  11. I have never wanted to win anything this much ever! Except of course the HGTV dream home :-)

  12. Hey Katie! Did you guys already choose a winner for this?


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