January 31, 2013

A Surreal Moment

I'm not quite sure what happened, since I look way more pregnant in week 14.  I'm guessing it's a combination of how I'm standing, plus the fact that both of these were in the morning and I look at least twice as pregnant by the evening.

I had a very surreal moment in church this last week.  

There were so many times over the last two years when I would stand during worship and see pregnant woman and couples with babies and just long for that to be me.  There was this one woman who I remember seeing every week, and I just watched her belly grow and then her baby grow.  I would dream of the day when that would be Chris and I in church. 

I remember clearly a few weeks after our early miscarriage in August, we sang the song "Blessed be your name" which is one of my favorites.  But one that I hadn't truly taken to heart until that point.  One of the lines is: 

"You give and take away, You give and take away. 
My heart will choose to say.  Lord blessed be your name."  

I was pregnant with a baby I thought I would have and then I wasn't.  But I was working on, with everything in my heart, to still say "Blessed be your name."  I couldn't sing much of that song, as I was fighting the tears from streaming down.  

On Sunday we sang that same song.  And I fought back tears again.  But not out of pain, but of joy. 
"Blessed be your name. When the suns shining down on me.  
When the world's all as it should be. Blessed be your name."  

I looked down at my little belly, with my baby growing.  Our baby.  Here I was standing in church praising God and blessing his name for this miracle and time of joy in our life.  

And the fact that I get to sign that sweet letter your mom?

God is so good. 
Blessed be His name.  



  1. Look at that cute little bump! So excited for you!

  2. tear! That is an amazing song.
    Before you know it 3 1/2 weeks will be up and you'll be in total design mode for the nursery! So excited for you!

  3. Oh Katie that is a surreal moment and love that little baby bump. Mine at night looks like a HUGE pot belly!

  4. Goosebumps. I'm so incredibly happy for you. You look amazing!

  5. Way to make a girl get teary eyed! :) I am so happy for y'all and feel lucky to be able to follow along in your journey with Baby Vale! You are going to be such a great momma!

  6. Beautiful post. Congratulations to both of you.

  7. You look fantastic Katie!!! Love that striped shirt as well!! I also love your letter to Baby Vale

  8. so, so unbelievably happy for you. can't wait to see this little bundle of adorableness.

  9. Oh you are pregnant! So cute! I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. But you heard the heartbeat with this little one! Woohoo! Congrats!

  10. Just look at you!! I love that you sign mom too. Perfection. ;)

  11. katie my heart is so joyful when i read these posts. God is so good and so faithful and you are a testament of that. sooo excited to see baby vale grow and grow!

  12. Isn't is so amazing how much you love them from the very first moment you know they are growing inside you! Blessed be the name...for sure!!

  13. Yay! Yay! and more Yay! Thank God that He kept me faithful to Him while things seemed to totally suck for us. I trust that He's got this! (For you and me!) Congrats! Enjoy!!

  14. I love this :) makes me get all sappy and emotional. What a beautiful, precious moment that God foresaw well before you did :) he's faithful. I need to daily remind myself of that.
    Oh & you look adorable in your pictures :) :) you even make a ponytail look cute! ;)

  15. I love this! Just putting everything in God's hands and knowing He will give you exactly what you need at the exact time you need it is such a way to live. He's is so good! And you are going to make an amazing momma! That little babe is so lucky already :)

  16. Oh my word, YOU and your little belly are ADORABLE Katie! Yay! Also, I love that song. That had to be a bittersweet moment for you. So awesome :)

  17. This post is so sweet <3 I always love patting my friends' pregnant little belly LOL I love how you write letter to little Vale ^^

    Please feel free to join my giveaway : $80 MsDressy Gift Voucher

  18. This post is so sweet <3 I always love patting my friends' pregnant little belly LOL I love how you write letter to little Vale ^^

    Please feel free to join my giveaway : $80 MsDressy Gift Voucher

  19. Yep. I cried reading this. :)

  20. I often look around at church too and wonder if/when that will be us. I can't imagine how painful it must have been for you. (I people-watch WAY too much at church).
    So glad you get to sign "Your mom" :)

  21. Such a beautiful post! Also love that you write a letter to your little one each week. how precious...

  22. What a lovely post! This little baby is so lucky to have such a wonderful mama:)

  23. what a precious little baby bump and SWEET letter to baby vale. you are gonna be the best momma ever!

  24. My gosh your story nearly brought me to tears! Thats so beautiful and so heartbreaking all at once. I am so sorry you two had to endure a miscarriage, but I am so happy for you both for the joy now brought into your lives. The parallel of the song is really incredible and powerful.

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  25. My gosh your story nearly brought me to tears! Thats so beautiful and so heartbreaking all at once. I am so sorry you two had to endure a miscarriage, but I am so happy for you both for the joy now brought into your lives now. The parallel of the song is really incredible and powerful.

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

  26. this is just the sweetest post. absolutely the sweetest

  27. Such an awesome moment. You know that they (Matt Redmon & his wife) experienced a miscarriage - You Never Let Go is the song he wrote from that experience. God is truly amazing and I am so happy for y'all.

  28. I love your little note to your baby.. SO sweet and amazing. I can't wait to watch your belly and your baby grow!! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. this is so amzingly sweet and wonderful. it's crazy how things that you long for seem to come at the right time.

  30. Dear Baby Vale,

    I love you and your mom so much!! I cannot wait for you to be here!

    Love, Aunt LO

  31. This gives me chills...I am so happy for you and Baby Vale!

  32. Um, I know exactly how you felt! Kind of how I'm reading your blog and following your pregnancy dreaming of the day when that will be me? Haha. Congratulations on finally being able to sign "your mom"

  33. What a beautiful post! The little letter is so very sweet.

    The Tiny Heart
    Sephora Giveaway!

  34. This post really got to me, almost to the verge of tears. I've had so many moments like that, maybe not in church, but like out in every day life. I had never heard of your blog before this, and I was really just checking out the bloggers that are taking part in the 30 Blogger 12 Months of Advertising giveaway but this post.. got to me. New follower needless to say, haha.

  35. That song does it to me every single time! I'm so glad God spoke to you through that song both times. It was a great message. (for all of us)

  36. gah i am totally tearing up right now, katie. beautiful beautiful post. God is so good, isn't He?

  37. You look so great! Congrats on your pregnancy! Ksses from Israel!
    You are very welcome to visit my personal style blog!

  38. Great song. I think a lot of the time the "give and take away" part throws people off. God takes away? That doesn't sound good... But it is SO good. God gives comfort, takes away pain. He gives joy, takes away sorrow, gives peace, takes away fear. He gives LIFE, takes away death. Blessed be His name is right.

  39. You look wonderful! Congrats to you and your husband on the baby!
    One of my bestfriends has had an experience very much like yours. She and her husband lost their first baby early in the pregnancy, but she is now 5 months pregnant! I will pray for you and your baby just like I pray for hers.

    Drop by our blog and enter our $80 MsDressy Voucher Giveaway!

    Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  40. Beautiful!!!! You look radiant and gorgeous and what a lovely story.

  41. Aw, your little bump is so cute! You make an adorable pregnant woman :) Love those brown and gray boots!

  42. oh. my. GOODNESS!!! this is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I'm loving the glimpse of your heart and journey you just gave us :) xoxo linds and congratsssssss on the pregnancy!

  43. i heard that some days you bloat more too :p
    ahh this must be so exciting for you! when i got married i thought that i wouldn't want kinds for at least 2 or 3 years. but now, im kinda thinking i wanna get pregnant soon! just seeing all my friends get pregnant is so awesome and i want to experience that too. but im not sure if right now is the right time so we're gonna wait till we know its right :)

    The DayLee Journal
    $50 boutique giveaway

  44. i am very very very happy for you! congratulations on the baby! i know you will be a wonderful mother. :D

    <3, Mimi

  45. you look gorgeous!


  46. Congrats on your little bean! Looks like we are due around the same time! :)

  47. This is truly amazing! I love reading this journey :) btw don't forget to enter my giveaway :) http://ow.ly/hmiOu

  48. Sweet Katie, the Lord is using you, your words, and this little baby your are growing is such amazing ways :) Right now I am struggling to sing that song, and truly mean those words with my heart... because of our miscarriage this January. It is such a blessing to me to hear how the Lord has healed your heart and that you can now sing this song with joy :) And I LOVE reading how you are fully trusting in the Lord for his plan for you and your growing family! I can't wait to see your belly grow along with your faith! We are praying for you all :)

  49. Such a great post...So happy for your blessing. :)

  50. that song has alternately been my joy and my pain-- so many times have I sobbed singing "you give and take away."

    I am so excited for God's gift to you! Congrats!

  51. Exciting times xx

    check out my cath kidston giveaway 1stepclosereveryday.blogspot.co.uk

  52. ohh my goodness you're pregnant!? CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you. that was such a sweet thought that you shared. you look great!

    The House of Shoes

  53. I wrote (and still write!) letters to my babies!!! Such a beautiful way to connect with that precious little life <3

  54. You are adorable! and I catch myself doing the same thing at church slash i would freak out if I really was pregnant (i don't know if I am mom enough yet!) but I am in love with your blog and so happy to have found you!!! yes!

  55. hey amazing giveaway aou have going on on here!!
    I'm participating for a chance to win!

    MY blog needs it!thanky you for advertising this giveawayy!

    congrats on the pregnancy!I cant wait to have kids =)

    Bea =)

  56. Pretty girl. No better place to stand then in the presence of our sweet Lord. He is so mighty and his plan is so perfect.. Even if its not our own timing:) you are glowing, beautiful preggo!

  57. You are so cute!! If I looked as cute as you do while I was prego I would probably have 20 kids! ha!



  58. I just found your blog through Frills for Thrills...hi!

    I wanted to tell you that I love this story - God is so good! I had a similar experience two summers ago, I was hit with the same feeling of longing as I watched a super cute little mama-to-be walk her pregnant belly down the aisle of my church. In the midst of my feeling of emptiness, I heard the Lord so clearly speak to me: "I know." He knew how much I wanted a baby. He knew my desire to be a mama, and I knew that he knew every ache I felt. I was instantly brought to tears as the band started to play "How He Loves." Now, every time I hear that song, I am reminded of that sweet moment when He spoke encouragement into my heart.

    I am currently sitting on the couch snuggling my sweet, beautiful, precious 7 week old blessing. Through every season of longing and waiting, He was preparing her for me, in His perfect timing. An, Oh, how He loves me because the blessing of being her mama is sweeter than I could have imagined!

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, I hope you are enjoying every moment!

    x - Stephanie

  59. YAY!! So happy for you, everything in it's proper time :)

  60. I haven't been on my blog in forever and just signed back in today and then remembered that you were pregnant and then got really excited to read how it was going and you do not disappoint! :) You are adorable and I am so so excited for you! Cannot wait to see your adorable little one!!

  61. Yay! So glad you could have your own special moment. I love that song too!

  62. Wow. Congratulations on being pregnant. Is this your first child? I am new to your blog so I don't know the whole story. But the little note next to your picture that you wrote to your baby was so beautiful. I think I got chocked up a bit. Well blessings to you and your family.

  63. Wow. Congratulations on being pregnant. Is this your first child? I am new to your blog so I don't know the whole story. But the little note next to your picture that you wrote to your baby was so beautiful. I think I got chocked up a bit. Well blessings to you and your family.

  64. Love your little bump!

    What a great moment for you!

    I love your shirt in your 16 week photo. I have such a hard time finding long shirts like that. I'm sure it isn't available where I am anyway :(


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