February 18, 2013

Ask me

sweater: target   jeans: old navy   wedges: target   bow necklace: ebay

Well to be honest I feel slightly nervous to post this, as I wonder what would people possibly want to know more about in regards to my life?

But I've enjoyed reading other blogger's question and answer posts, and thought that in case you missed my day in the life post, you might be thinking that my life is really exciting, and filled with lots of unanswered questions.

Like how many times a month I go to Target or how many outfits I try on before deciding what to wear.

So if this is the case, feel free to leave a question in the comments.

If I get more than two questions I will do a post answering them.
And if I don't, maybe I'll just make up some and answer them anyway.


Linking up to: style session


  1. Love this outfit, and this idea!

    I want to hear more about Lauren and Lauren! Tell us what their styles are like! :-)


  2. This is so cool! Do you have a decision-making procedure for purchasing clothing? Can you make a "day in the life" but for shopping (i.e. what sections do you go to first)? Can you tell us about the Katie clothes shopping experience?

    Kate @ A Journey in Style

  3. I love this idea too! I want to do a Q&A sometime in the future. My question is: How do you plan out your blog posts? Like, do you just randomly think of what you want to write about that day or do you have them planned out ahead of time?

  4. Do you wear really wear these outfits each day or do you just out the outfits together to take photos? Do you ever take multiple photos of different outfits on the same day?

  5. You look so cute. I love this outfit! Here are some questions...if you weren't a teacher, what job would you most like? What's the most expensive clothing item you've ever purchased? Who is your favorite big sister? :)

  6. Do you try to plan out your outfits the night before or do you just wing it? And yes, how often do you go to Target? ;)

  7. Did you change locations on your deck for your pictures?? WAIT! That isn't really a question for your Q & A post..haha I just don't remember houses behind you before! Okay, so really do you have a monthly budget you allow yourself to spend on clothes? And you seem to have a good readership for your blog what type of bloggie tips do you have?

  8. I've often wished you would do a Q&A for fashion questions. Like, what color tights do you wear with a whit dress & red cardigan in winter? Orwhat shoes do you wear with a maxi dress in winter?

  9. I love this sweater pretty lady!
    So much fun to do a Q&A - what is your favorite item in your closet?
    Enter my Lash Boutique Giveaway!

  10. How did you grow your blog so big and not get caught up in numbers while doing so?

  11. Love the sweater :)
    What activities did you do in high school? What was your college major?

  12. I don't necessarily have a question, more of a comment (that sort of counts right??) I just love your blog, I am most likely starting a family soon with my new husband and reading about your baby adventures is just so great. I appreciate your honesty and hearing about your adventures! You seem like such a sweet and genuine person!

  13. oh I love this!!

    my question would be when did you know you wanted to start a family?

  14. My favorite question to ask: "What is a day in the life of Katie like?"

    (P.S. Did my payment for my ad for you go through via PayPal? Just let me know and I will send you a link for my button/ad/thang. If it didn't go through, just let me know and we can work something else out. Thanks ma'am!)

  15. how did you get your signature pose? I have tried posing like that.. but I look so weird.. you pull it off and look so svelte..

  16. Wait.. I know!! What time do you take your pics?

  17. Loving your sweater!
    My question would be do you have a 'go to' outfit or item of clothing?

    Courtney @ thegreyjunction.com

  18. The print on your sweater is great! And love the pop from the pants. you put it all together so well... I'm taking notes.. ;)

  19. I notice that you get an insane amount of comments. Do you respond to them all each day? Where do you find the time??!! :)

  20. Really like the outfit, and idea.

  21. Oooh I LOVE that cardi - especially with the red pants!

    Question...hmm...how about what's one item you can't live without? And what was your fave TV show growing up?

    The Other Side of Gray

  22. Love this idea for a Q&A post! Do you always wear your outfits that we see on the blog in "real" life?

    The Tiny Heart
    February Group Giveaway!

  23. I LOVE that sweater. My question is: Do you have a monthly clothing budget? Or how much do you think you spend a month?

  24. LOVEEEE this outfit, katie. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

    I wanna know more about Chris! I know you said he's been your only boyfriend - I'd love to hear your story!

  25. Katie- Do you post every outfit you wear? Only the really trendy ones? How do you decide?

    Do you ever put on an outfit just for the picture and then change back into leggings and a t-shirt?

    -Shannon W

    p.s. Can I borrow that sweater? Forever?

  26. i love this! and i love your outfit :)

    Q: how much do you spend on shopping every month? and do you frequently buy things full price or do you chance it and wait till they go on sale? :)

    The DayLee Journal

  27. Love the red jeans with this sweater, so cute!

  28. How fun! I love the first question about learning more about Lauren and Lauren and their personal style. PS, loveeee the sweater.


  29. Are you sharing potential baby names?

  30. Oh, that's a good one. I AM actually curious how many outfits you typically try on before buying one!

  31. Do you have a monthly budget for clothes? How often DO you go to Target? Do you actually where all the outfits you blog about?

  32. I LOVE this look. You are adorable. Catching up on my favorite blogs and wanted to say hello :)

  33. That sweater is gorgeous! I love it. It looks a lot like an Urban Outfitters one that I've been pining after.

  34. Love this outfit! You are one of my favorite blogs to read...what are some of your favorite blogs?

    XO Samantha

  35. I have (and love) that sweater & those jeans. :) Cute!

  36. Love your sweater with the red skinny jeans! I can't wait to fit into my red jeans again, although they might be out of style by then haha!

    I dunno if it's been asked, but I would like to know Where do you find your inspiration for outfits? And do you have a budget for buying new clothes? Hope that's not to invasive!

  37. I'd like to know when you write your posts. I have trouble finding time to write one every day! (Obviously. ha.)

  38. I love that aztec inspired sweater! Was it a recent purchase from Target?? :)

    xo – Sheila
    Enter to win Dr. Hauschka Regenerating Eye Cream!


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