February 19, 2013

Dear Lauren

pants: walmart   shirt: shadeclothing   vest: tjmaxx  boots: dsw   necklace: made by me

1.  After loving my black pair of jeggings that I wrote about last week, I went back and bought the mint pair.  $10 each means I may need another color too.  

2. I really want a pair of cute rainboots. I know you have a polka dot pair and I want to copy. 

both from Target

3. It was SO good to see you this last weekend in California.  While for a sad reason, it was an extra blessing to get an unplanned weekend with you.  It's rare that us three siblings get to spend time alone together and I loved it. 

A highlight would definitely be you getting to feel a tiny baby kick.  Our baby is already lucky to have the best aunt and will love you so much! 

I love you Lauren!


Linking up to: pleated poppy  &  random wednesday & look what I got


  1. Love this,and I'm glad you got family time this weekend!


  2. Ohmygosh, I knew I forgot something when I was in Wal-Mart yesterday...jeggings! (Your very favorite word..)
    I really like the striped shirt too.

  3. Love the color of those pants. Rain boots are so fun. I want Hunters but I hear they are narrow so probably won't fit me. Glad that even though you went to CA for a sad reason that you made the most of the time w/ your family.

  4. I'm so sorry that you lost your grandpa, but I'm glad you got to spend some QT with your family!

    Fingers crossed you start feeling some kicks soon! =)

  5. tiny baby kick... eek! how precious & exciting is that :) :) :)

  6. I thought those were pants when I saw the picture! I might be making a Walmart jeggings run tomorrow!

    I have the polka dot rain boots from Target and I love them!!

  7. Girl! My walmart sold out of the colored jeggings in less than a week! Yikes. I may have to order some online. :) I love your outfit today. And yay for sweet baby kicks. :)

  8. After your post last week I scoured my Walmart without success. Dang it! Love the mint color!

  9. I need to go to Walmart and find these $10 pants you speak of! The mint color is fabulous.

  10. Happy that you were able to enjoy family time.

  11. I just bought mint jeans too! :) Your family is so beautiful!

  12. love this!! so glad your trip to CA was a blessing in disguise and you got to spend time with family. and yay for baby kicks!!

  13. LOVE your mint jeans! Just ordered a pair today! And I love the top and vest you paired it with! Too cute :)

  14. Love the colors of this outfit! They are so springy. Yay, for the first baby kicks!!

  15. I love your mint leggings. Mint is one of my favorite colors at the moment. I have been wanting a cute pair of rain boots for a couple years now but haven't actually taken the plunge of buying a pair yet. Polka dots are one of my favorite prints but those whales are just adorable.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  16. I may have to get a pair or 2 of those $10 pants! I have plaid rain boots that I adore.

    When my Grammy passed, it was so good to see everyone. I know she would have been so happy to see all of us together. I bet your grandpa would have loved that you were all together as well.

  17. Aren't you the cutest. I love the pants. I hope ours get them!! I love cool rain boots!!

  18. I'm so sorry for you loss, but at least you got to see your family! Your pants are such a pretty color and now I'm wanting some rain boots too :)


  19. I have those same polka dot boots! I just love them!

  20. Great buy on the jeggngs, and i may be a bit late, but congratulations, you are looking fantastic mama!

    Aesthetic Lounge

  21. I need those mint jeggings in my life! You are seriously the cutest, Katie!!

  22. Um, $10 jeggings? Yes please! You look adorable!

  23. No way you got those at Walmart!?

    You're looking great and so glad that you got to catch up with family :)

  24. Glad you got to spend time with family...that's the best! Love the yellow and mint together...and you definitely need some cute rainboots :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  25. Such a fun color...I need to get to Wal Mart and check out those jeggings!

  26. you definitely needed another pair of jeggings! and for only $10.

  27. I love those polka dot rain boots! So cute!!

  28. I wish those jeggings weren't sold out online! My Walmart is really gross so I try my hardest to avoid going in there. :)

    The Tiny Heart
    February Group Giveaway!

  29. Oh I love the mint jeggings! And I definitely think you should get a pair of polka dot rain boots! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  30. Love those mint jeggings! And I think I need those little whale rainboots...

  31. You are adorable! Love the mint jeggings. I am dying for spring over here! Can't wait to buy some pastels and bright colors.

  32. Your outfit is adorable. Looks like you had a great weekend with the fam ;)

  33. I love that you busted out the mint pants already! I've been staring at mine wanting to wear them but it just seems too cold still. I think I'll be taking my queue from you :)

  34. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's realized Walmart has really cute clothes now! I was literally there yesterday and was amazed at all the cute stuff. Just got some mint shorts and a striped maxi skirt there for summer. ps i'm SO happy for you for being preggers!

    The House of Shoes

  35. I need some cute rainboots too. Ballard has leopard ones on clearance that are calling my name! I love your black dress with the pops of color. Very cute!

  36. Such a cute outfit and I love the little bump! Can't wait to see how you dress it as you get further along. I could definitely use some inspiration!

  37. Glad you were able to have some time with your sister even if it was for a sad reason. My sister lives 500 miles away and I struggle because I always miss her. BTW, those mint leggings look terrific and I love your fur vest!

  38. Love the outfit! Can't believe the jeggings were only $10!! I've got to go check those out!
    Found your blog through Look What I Got Blog Hop, and am a new follower! Would love it if you checked out my blog!



  39. this post made me smile! :) sisters are the best. i can't wait to see my sisters in a couple of weeks!

    love those mint jeggings! i would buy every color too, haha.

  40. It's nice to see family... even if it is in not so good circumstances.

    I'd love to see which boots you pick out. I've gone through two pairs of Target rainboots... they're a great investment... I wear them all the time. My current pair is still from college.

  41. I'm so jealous on your mint pants!


  42. Great deal on those jeggings (I hate that word too...haha) Thanks for linking up.
    Penniless Socialite
    Target Gift Card Giveaway!

  43. You looks cute pregnant! I'm so happy for you, Katie.

  44. Okay, you have me sold to hit up Wal-Mart....I mean the mustard cardi and now these skinny jeans???? Stop? I just don't believe it!!! I am in LOVE with this fun, furry look!


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