February 20, 2013

Saved by Jess

I am quite lucky that I have a sweet blogger to share with you today, because if it weren't for her, you'd be stuck with this outfit:

For one my camera battery died and I can't find the charger.  Secondly it is freezing cold outside and I have no desire to go take an outfit picture.  But honestly, it is mostly because the last two days I've tried on an embarrassing amount of clothes in the mornings, ending up with really nothing to share. 

Maybe I should do a post with all the ridiculous outfits I thought would work when I was pregnant.  
But probably not going to happen. 

I'm really excited to introduce you to Jess from A Heart full of Frost.  Jess' blog is a mix of everything, which are my favorite kind of blogs to read.  From light hearted posts about recipes and projects she's completed to heavy stuff like her battle with infertility.  Jess is definitely a blogger I can relate to and know you will too! 

Plus she's giving away an amazon gift card to a lucky reader!  

Hello! I'm Jess. One of the first things you should know about me is that writing guest posts feel like i'm starting at a new school and it's lunch time and I am just desperate to make a friend so i'm not sitting on my own (come on, you know you've felt that way. no? just me?...). The good news is, I love new friends and I hope you can stop by and visit my blog sometime.

You see, i'm not brand new. I've been blogging for over 2 years now, just for me, recording my life and all the stuff that goes with it. But it's heaps more fun since i've had more people visiting and sharing it with me! We are also going on 2 years of infertility and when I've written about how it feels to go through it, I've received lots of messages of support from other women. They were so happy to hear someone put into words how they were feeling. So I thought it was about time I tried to share my little corner of the internet with a few more people - i.e YOU! I don't just write about infertility - my blog is a mix of life in general, crafty stuff, recipes, self indulgent posts about eating cupcakes and living in Australia. Most of all, I try my best to be honest. Sounds like lots of fun, yeah?
Just because I can, here are a few (FUN!) facts about me:
  • I'm an Aussie!
  • I'm 28 
  • I just had braces taken off that I've been wearing for a year and haven't stopped eating apples since they came off.
  • I have the mandatory blogger addiction to diet coke (but that's been going on for years)
  • I love anything to do with bread but have a gluten intolerance (some bad karma got me on that one I think)
  • I listen to music ALL the time
So in tradition of what it's like trying to make friends at a scary new school, rather than sharing my lunch so you'll like me, i'm giving away a $15 gift card to amazonAlso because I think amazon is a random name for an online retailer. Particularly because the store has nothing to do with a river or a tribe of women. So that's it! I hope you can stop by and visit me sometime on the blog (or twitterfacebook or instagram) and make sure you enter the giveaway because hey, it's free money!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you so much Jess! And thanks for a great giveaway too!


  1. Thanks for sharing a "new" fellow blogger with us! What a sweetheart. Looking forward to following!!!

  2. Gotta love a giveaway! Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. We ALL have days like that, Katie. I, for one, don't understand how you keep up with it as well as you do! Sometimes I've got no outfit and no recipe. Those are bad days.

  4. She seems great! I can't wait to check out her blog!

  5. Jess is too cute...definitely going to check out her blog! And some days just aren't meant for outfit photos Katie, and that's OK :)

    The Other Side of Gray


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