February 21, 2013

Celebrity Connections

dress: kohls    sweater: old navy   boots: gojane

While Katie Middleton and Kim Kardashian may not dress their pregnant selves in a $3 Kohls dress and $2 Old Navy sweater, all three of us are due in July.  Which gives me some sort of celebrity connection to them.
And if I didn't enjoy celebrity gossip and updates already from PEOPLE magazine, I'm especially interested any time I see articles about these two.  I'm also always interested when there are fashion recaps from awards shows, like the upcoming Oscars.  

While I don't always watch the awards shows, I always look forward to reading blog posts, magazines and tv recaps of what the celebrities wore on the red carpet.   I'll be even more excited to check out the PEOPLE magazine 2013 Oscars Double Issue, as soon as it is available on March 1st. (But only until March 18th.) 

Some of my past favorites that I am excited to see this year are: 
                      Natalie Portman                                  Amy Adams                                   Emma Stone

I'm sure it's no suprise, but if I was going to go run to a store to pick up PEOPLE magazine I would choose Target.  That way I can "quickly" check out the clearance racks and shoes as well.  Lucky for you, you can win a giftcard to Target today where you could buy your own copy of the PEOPLE magazine 2013 Oscars Double Issue, a shirt and maybe even a pair of clearance shoes all for $20. 

And if you think you know your celebrity trivia, head on over to PEOPLE trivia for your chance to win one of hundreds of rewards cards! Click the link to play now!
Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!


This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group ™ and PEOPLE Magazine  but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #PEOPLEforOscars http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO 


  1. I want to see Emma Stone. She is so naturally pretty and funny.

  2. Hmmm I'm excited to see what Anne Hathaway will be wearing and I'm sure Emma Stone will look amazing.


  3. Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway!!!!!

  4. I'd love to see Jennifer Lawrence! Thanks!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Wait till you get to the summer Old Navy Maternity clothes ;) Awesome! I have an August Baby.

  7. I love seeing what Jennifer Lawrence & Reese Witherspoon are wearing. They always have the best dresses!

  8. I want to see Jennifer Garner and Marion Cotillard

  9. Emma Stone or Jennifer Lawrence, or both of them!

  10. I love Natalie Portman too! She is so gorgeous and such a great actress.

  11. Jennifer Lawrence! She is so gorgeous and real, not to mention completely hilarious. I also love to see the stars you mentioned, as well as Anne Hathaway and Nicole Kidman.

  12. Daniel Day Lewis.

    I entered on the rafflecopter as Mary Happymommy. Thanks!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  13. Emma Stone, Reese Witherspoon, and Jennifer Garner are some of my favorites. And of course, Catherine Zaera Jones, because she is basically my twin : )

  14. I love Amanda Seyfried & Rachel McAdams! :) also.. Thanks for not making us do 3454377 entries to enter.. That drives me bonkers :)

  15. I always like seeing what Anne Hathaway and Emma Stone are wearing!

  16. Jennifer Lawrence. :) Or Rachel McAdams.

  17. Ahh you are too cute Katie girl:) So excited for you to have this baby:)

  18. Ahh you are too cute Katie girl:) So excited for you to have this baby:)

  19. Reece Witherspoon is one of my favorites! I love the recaps too...they work well for my crazy schedule :)

  20. i am bummed i missed the Oscars but saw the Grammy's.

    i think Emma stone looks gorgeous all the time!

    And you look just lovely!

  21. Bruce Willis! Hello! Die Hard? Why does THAT never get nominated for an Oscar? I am totally not kidding.

  22. I love Emma Stone! She is so real and easy to relate to. Plus, she is gorgeous.

  23. Jennifer Lawrence since she is from my hometown :)

  24. My two current favorites are Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone! I love award show fashion!

  25. I love Emma Stone the most! She's a true beauty :)


  26. I have such a great relationship with Kohls! It never fails me. Ever. Haha... And I think I want to steal your adorable boots!

  27. I can't wait to see Jennifer Lawrence rocking something fun! She never fails to awe me! Who do you think will win best actor?
    I got a $2 sweater at Macy's the other day, and I was so proud of myself! It's not going to be cool enough to sweaters in sunny California for much longer though!
    Do you watch Downton Abbey, by any chance? If you're looking for a new show, it's absolutely amazing!

  28. That sweater was seriously $2?! I used to pride myself on being the best bargain shopper until I "met" you, Katie...you are the BEST! You always find the cutest stuff for the cheapest prices...Loft sells cardigans just like that for $50. I love that you always look like a million bucks for, well, a lot less than that :). And I think it's great that you are Kate are both due in July! Secretly I'm kinda obsessed with the Kardashians, too :).

  29. I wish I could say I was even aware of who current celebrities are, I used to love celebrity gossip, and especially People magazine, but I just can't keep up with it any more! That's the one thing I don't mind about doctor/dentist appointments, mags in the waiting room! :)

  30. I'm currently obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway...

  31. I love all the red carpet part of award shows. I can't wait to see what Jennifer garner wears this year.

  32. I just love Jennifer Lawrence! She seems so down to earth and she's gorgeous!

  33. I want to see Jennifer Lawrence, Jennifer Garner, and Emma Stone! They are all gorgeous.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  34. I'd love to see what Jennifer Lawrence is going to wear. Jennifer Garner as well - she looked flawless at the golden globes.

  35. I would love to see Anne Hathaway on the cover of People- love her style!

  36. I'd like to see Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling on the cover!

    The Tiny Heart
    February Group Giveaway!

  37. Emma stone or Jennifer Lawrence! : )

  38. Gotta love Natalie Portman! TGIF friend!


  39. Bhahahahaha!!! You SO have a celebrity connection!!! I felt the same way when me and Nicole Richie were preggers at the same time! ;)

  40. I'd love to see Jessica Lawrence or Emma Stone on the cover of People. I don't care for either as actresses, but I love their red carpet looks.

  41. Both of my kids were born within a month of each of Kourtney Kardashian's kids. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it.

  42. Jennifer Lawrence! Oh, and the little girl who played Hushpuppy in "Beasts of the Southern Wild."

  43. I would love to see Emma Stone, Jennifer Lawrence, and Jessica Chastain. They are some of my favorites!

  44. Oooh.... Reese Witherspoon and Anne Hathaway... they're both always so elegant. And Jennifer Lawrence cracks me up. But mostly, I'm looking forward to seeing who wears the "don't"s, haha!

  45. Gah!You always look so cute for so cheap- definintely an inspiration!

  46. J Law and the lovely Bradley Cooper!

  47. Definitely Natalie Portman or Kelly Ripa!

    xoxo chelsea


  48. I love Emma Stone. I also wouldn't mind seeing Ryan Gosling. The two of them together would be even better.

  49. Emma Stone

    Amanda Sakovitz on rafflecopter

  50. I would love to see Anne Hathaway!

  51. I'd love to see Christoph Waltz because he's one of my favorite male actors.

  52. I want to see emma stone.
    rounder9834 @yahoo.com

  53. While I honestly dont follow who the latest and hottest are, I am always such a sucker for Brangelina or just Brad!

  54. I want to see Zooey Deschanel. I'm not even sure she has anything to do with Oscar's this year, but I just love her style so much that I'll take any excuse to gaze at her :)

  55. I want to see Zooey Deschanel. I'm not even sure she has anything to do with Oscar's this year, but I just love her style so much that I'll take any excuse to gaze at her :)

  56. I love the clearance section at Target! This giveaway is screaming my name! :-)

  57. Hugh Jackman and Octiavia Spencer

  58. I would love to see Jennifer Lawrence. I love her style and personality!

  59. Reese Witherspoon!! Love her and love the recaps too

  60. Anne Hathaway or Reese Witherspoon

  61. I just wanted to say I love those boots! I am totally a Frye boot girl, for the look & comfort, your boots are wicked!

  62. you look adorable!! and i LOVED Jennifer Lawrence's dress last night! so gorgeous!


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