February 24, 2013

I Mean Business

I think it's probably a little too early to start using pictures of my baby to convince you to do something, although I do think he or she is quite adorable already.  

So for now I'll just use a picture of little me.  

After you get passed the outfit choice (I was dressed up as Joseph for our Christmas Eve tradition) I think it's pretty clear in my face that I mean business.  Even back then as a six year old.  

But in all honesty, I do take sponsors and anyone who is paying me to do something very seriously and am confident in my ability to help grow your blog or shop.  Here's my current stats and prices:

GFC Followers: 1590
Daily pageviews: 800
Monthly pageviews: 22,000


For now until March 1st take 10% of any ad size.

Email me at katiejvale@yahoo.com to reserve your ad space for March or April.  

(I know passionfruit seems to me the way to go with sponsoring, but I like emailing you and answering questions and feel like it's a little more personal. Invoices will be send via paypal.)  



  1. Hi Katie, how are you?
    Found you through Molly's blog, congratulations on your pregnancy,'m 30 weeks pregnant myself and it's so exciting to "meet" another fellow blogger who shares the joy of this precious period with readers!
    Many kisses


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