dress: banana republic outlet (old) belt: target boots: dsw
Why I would write this post is beyond me because it may just be the most boring post you'll read here.
But I've seen many bloggers write one, so I figured it was my turn.
If you stop reading now and just look at my outfit, I won't be too offended.
6:15 My alarm goes off and I press snooze one or two times. Shower. Put my sweatpants and slippers on and go make coffee.
6:40 - 7:15 Ideally I would want to tell you I read my Bible every morning, but I fail to do that daily and want to do better. I use a lot of this time to read emails and blogs and sit at my computer drinking coffee.
7:15 This is where I'd like to tell you it takes me five minutes to pick out an outfit and get dressed.
But that would be a lie.
I do it in the dark because Chris is sleeping, so I'm going to blame part of that time on Chris.

7:40 Leave for work.
7:50 Yep. Takes me less than 10 minutes to get to school. In that short ten minutes I call my mom and sometimes talk to my sister too.
See? Isn't this just SO exciting.
8:00 - 4:30 My day is filled with 22 eight year olds, teaching them, praying they understand what I'm saying, planning, answering 10,000 questions a day, holding onto the funny things that make me laugh, grading papers, and a few parent phone calls and meetings during the week.
4:30 Depending on the day I either go home to run on my treadmill or do a workout video or go to the gym for a workout class.

6:00 Just like a typical 80 year old couple, we like to eat by 6:00.

Although many nights a week we aren't home as Mondays we usually go to my parents, Tuesdays we lead a small group, and Wednesday I have girls' night with my girlfriends and Chris goes to his guys' night.
Being a homebody, I am often so ready for Thursday nights at home that look like this:
Sweats, coach, tv, Molly, husband.
Again, I'm not quite sure why I'm sharing this post with you because I am now admitting that I usually get into bed around 9:30, watch an episode of One Tree Hill and go to bed. That isn't before Chris "puts me to bed" as he likes to say, reads a Psalm, and always prays for us each night.
One of the best parts of the day.
Don't you feel like that just may be the best "day in the life" post you've read?
Feel free to humor me and tell me so.

haha. I actually really am jealous of your day! It's so relaxed (except the taking care of kids parts, cause Lord knows that isn't relaxing).
I actually loved this post. I am such a voyeur..probably why I love reality tv! I love getting a glimpse into what other people do with their day. You made me miss teaching and I just love how Chris puts you to bed each night. Love that.
Sounds like a good day! I absolutely love your dress and boots!
Southern Glamourista
I have to pick my clothes out in the dark as well. It stinks since I have no clue when I am looking for a black tank and might accidentally grab the dark blue one instead!
This actually was a great post girl. Honesty is beautiful, I love that you guys pray together at night. Such a great thing, right? :)
Girl, sometimes we eat dinner before 5 o'clock :) one day last week we made, ate, and cleaned up dinner BEFORE 5! We're the 80 year olds!! And I basically live in sweatpants when I'm at home.. I always change when I walk in the door :) love those sweatpants, so cute! && that's enough of my rambling. XO
I'm always getting ready in the closet in the mornings so Kyle can sleep. Thankfully it's a walk in and I moved my dresser in there too!
I'm jealous that you don't have to be at school till 7:50. That's what time mine starts so I have to be there by 7:20.
I get in bed by 9:30 and watch an episode of Friends! Oh the life of a teacher!
I actually enjoyed reading this. It's fun to know what your favorite bloggers do on the daily :)
I really do love this!! What do you normally do for your girls' night?
LOVE that dress!!!
At least you only press your alarm once or twice. I have a tendency to turn off my alarm and so I set about 4 alarms every morning, if not more!
I love hearing other people's daily routines. I wish I was more of a morning person like you! And reading Psalms and praying together before bed sounds so sweet!
Sweat-pant night is tonight for me, and I am taking fullllll advantage!
Sounds kinda nice actually. I love getting in sweats and watching tv with my hubs after a long day. Sometimes the best things in life are the simple things:)
Aesthetic Lounge
Hi Katie, great post. I really enjoyed reading it. I would like to read the bible every morning too and need to do better so I can relate to this. I really love your Thursday nights and I think your husband is so sweet.
Love this. Our lives are quite similar. ;)
Lol. I've done the 'Day in the life of a 10-month-old', and other months, but never one for myself. I honestly like reading about people's days like this, and find it really interesting. For one, it's cool that you spend half an hour in the morning by yourself - reading and drinking coffee. A lot of people would press the snooze button a half dozen times instead!
this is hilarious and awesome and the best post i've read all day. love it. for real. you live my life. and that makes me feel good!! lol
Super fun post. I like an early bedtime too!
Love that dress!
I actually love posts like this. I am kind of making fun of you for the 6pm dinner, though. :O ha ha!
(Love the outfit, btw!)
It's funny the way "8-4:30" only takes a line or 2 of explanation, but it's the whole darn day!
I do love my Banana dresses :)
I enjoyed your day, and your outfit.
HAHA I love this! It's so fun to see how other people spend their day.. my favorite is that you guys eat by 6:00... I would LOVE to have that go down over here at the Raborn household!
It's an Easy Life
It's really hilarious how similar our schedules are... I wake up before my husband (which is always so hard, and on my grumpy mornings I'm quite annoyed by it), I don't teach but I do work 10 minutes away, and our evenings consist of small group and exactly what you have pictured - slippers and sweats every night! Especially lately in the chillier weather.
P.S. When do you blog??? How do you manage to do it every day??
Gorgeous dress!!! I love your schedule, it's way better and so different than mine. I usually get home at 10, eat dinner, go to bed. So exciting haha
This was actually interesting to read! AND I love that Banana Republic dress...SO cute :)
Seems like a lovely routine! Your sweats look so cozy. Love your OOTD as well.
xo Annie
ohh i love this!! we eat really early too, sometimes close to 5ish. I get hungry!
Haha, actually your days sound a lot more interesting than mine. And I can't believe you do all that stuff in the morning (like drink coffee and read). Maybe because it takes me 30 min just to tame my crazy hair, but I always have to get coffee on the run. And if it makes you feel better, I am most definitely always in bed by 10pm! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
love this post and love your blog! <3
I am cracking up at your comment about eating at 6 pm because we do too...sometimes gasp, 5:30!
I could never pick my clothes out in the morning or I'd always either a) look like a mess or b) be late for work :)
The Tiny Heart
Great post!! I love this! I'm an old 80 year old too... I like to eat at 5:30 :)
Great belt!
Sparkles and Shoes
My 300 Follower Giveaway!
LOVe that dress, and the polka dots with the green necklace is gorgeous!
Haha! Definitely the best day-in-the-life post ever! ;) Seriously though, I love your polka dot blouse! So cute! And I am totally in bed early too (around 10ish) and I love that you guys share a Psalm and pray at bedtime every night! We always pray together at night and it's one of my favorite times. :)
Your typical day is more eventful than mine!! I think it's great that you guys have a routine...and eating by 6 is supposed to be healthy, right? :) We are bad, usually eating McDonalds or Whataburger around 8pm. Love that Chris prays for y'all each night...what a special tradition.
I like your day in the life!! But when do you dry your hair/put on make up? Is that during the 'get dressed' time?
We eat by 6:00 PM too....I am actually starving by 5 PM. I liked getting to peek inside your day. It was fun!!
you look adorable! love those cozy boots :)
love this :) i love that you hit snooze a few time in the morning too :)
darling post! that pasta looks amazing..and nothing wrong with eating at 6, hha XO chaseandem.blogspot.com
love the dress with the boots
Xo Megan
I'm just wondering what the heck you're doing between 6:15 and 6:40????
Love your outfits! They're sooo cute :) I think these posts are fun, no matter what your day looks like ;)
Thanks for sharing!
Most definitely the best day in the life post! I might just have to do this too. And that is totally my Thursday night wish (or every night wish).
It sounds like an amazing and relaxing day. I need one of those.
I enjoyed reading this, it's nice to get to know the blogger behind the blog!
Haha I love that you shared a day in the life - your routine actually sounds a lot like mine! I am also in bed by 930, no shame here :) Your outfit is too cute!
I like that your mom was mentioned twice in this post. Love, your mom
Loved reading this. Fun to see what others days are like.
It was NOT boring! Silly Katie. You have the cutest outfits! I really like your boots & dress!!
your day sounds amazingly similar to mine - teaching 21 eight year olds all day long and finding myself falling asleep on the couch by 9:30. I have totally been hooked on One Tree Hill past seasons lately too. I'm half way through the 2nd season and loving it!
looks like a fantastic day!!
i think you have one of the cutest bed time rituals ever ever! and i am a homebody too. three nights out in a week and i am soo ready o stay in too!
High five from one 80 year old to another :)
We are so like you, up early with coffee, dinner at 6, bed at 9! Thanks for sharing your day.
I LOVE the polka dot top with the bubble necklace!!! TOO CUTE!
I love that your husband prays for you before bed every night. That's precious! My hubby does the same. There's something so intimate about those moments. :) Gotta love having a godly hottie by your side. I'm a new big fan from Erin's blog hop!
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