February 26, 2013

Half Way

top: shade clothing    scarf: gap    pants: target   boots: dsw

It's hard to believe that we are half way through!  I am enjoying being pregnant SO much more the last few weeks than the beginning.  Due to our complications at the start, lots of nauseousness, and unfortunately letting fear control a lot of my daily feelings, I can't say that I have loved being pregnant.  While I daily woke up and thanked God for this miracle it was a struggle for me to feel at peace and trust that everything was going to work out.  

Looking forward to: 

*Finding out and sharing our baby's gender with our families and friends! (and of course all of you)

*Feelings lots more baby kicks.  The past week I have loved every single little movement and am blown away that there is a real baby in there moving all around! 

*Working on a baby name.  We have a few of each that we love. I don't know how you actually pick one!

*Starting baby's nursery.  Of course I have ideas, and have for quite awhile.  I can't wait to start buying and making things! 

I'm thankful that I've taken weekly pictures, as it's fun to see this belly grow over time!
Here's a look at weeks 13 - 20. 

Hope you are having a good week! 


Linking up to: style sessions


  1. you are so teeny and cute! I can't wait to find out what you're having :)


  2. Awww! Your belly is so cute and tiny!! You look amazing! Aren't the movements the best?? Can't wait to hear what is in there! Hope you're having a great week!


  3. Your baby bump is still so little! Fun to compare all the pics week to week. Glad you are feeling better. Very exciting things coming up!

  4. Half way already?! So crazy! I'm so glad you are enjoying being pregnant more now too! Looking cute as always!

  5. You are looking absolutely beautiful, as always, and I am sooo excited about this journey of yours! I'm glad to hear that things are getting better though with what goes along with the whole pregnancy stuff. :)

  6. I CANNOT wait till tomorrow night to find out what you're having!! I am so excited for you and Chris, and all of us!! You are beautiful (and I'm not just saying that because I'm your mom).

  7. You are just too cute! I can't wait to hear if its a boy or girl! Hmm... I vote... Boy. No girl. No boy. I'm not sure!

  8. So glad everything is going well for you!

  9. You are SO TINY, oh my word. Yay, halfway!

  10. Beautiful! I loved being pregnant. Part of me is actually sad that I won't be doing it again. Oh well, at least I can live vicariously through you. :)

  11. you are so lucky to be pregnant now.. Target has the cutest maternity clothes all on clearance!!! I'd have another baby just for the clothes.. right?

  12. But then one day I'd have a 17 year old... EEEEKKKK!!!! never mind...

  13. Wow!! Halfway finished! That's so great!

    I never loved being pregnant either, but once I started feeling my babies move, it was easier to enjoy. =) I loved to sit in bed in the evenings, read a book with my hand on my belly and feel kicks and rolls and flutters. I can't wait to find out what you're having!!

  14. awww sweet belly progression! Looking forward to finding out if you're having a boy or a girl!

  15. Love this post and all the pics!! You look amazing!! Can't wait to hear if its a boy r girl!! Yay for half way!!

  16. You're so cute! Can't wait to hear the news! I'm guessing.... boy! :)

  17. It is so crazy that we are half way through!!! Kind of scary how fast it is all going but at the same time I know we are both eager to meet our little miracles!

  18. Your bump is growing! I can't wait to find out what you're having, my guess is a girl :)


  19. I can't wait to hear if you are having a boy or a girl and to see what you do with the nursery, I know it's going to be precious! Your little bump is definitely growing, pretty mama!

  20. Congrats on the halfway mark! You are adorable and I love the montage of all the photos. So cute!

  21. I love seeing all the pics next to each other! You look beautiful! :)

  22. you are so cute.
    i hope you are able to better enjoy the second half of your pregnancy.
    also i think ou are skinnier than me and im not even pregnant. dang girl!


  23. Very cute! I'm glad you are having more fun being pregnant!

  24. You are the cutest preggers EVER! Love that sweet bump. Congratulations on being halfway there...keep soaking up each precious moment! It all goes by too quickly...and while it's amazing to meet your little one, it's also super special (as you know) to carry him or her. Blessings, blessings. You look SO great, Katie!

  25. I like the pants. Not overpowering, but better than basic black or blue.

    Picking a name would be the hardest part. Can't wait to hear all about it!

  26. I can't believe that you're at week 20 already! Can't wait to find out the news! keep us posted!


  27. Yay!!! The halfway mark! Love the pants and your adorable scarf :)

  28. 20-30 weeks were always my 'best' part of pregnancies. I am 16 weeks now with my third and ready to get energy and back and stop getting sick. You look great!

  29. Ahhh, congrats! Halfway there! That is so cool and you look so great for being this far along. You're quite lucky on that front. :D

    I love your boots by the way.

    Mostly Lisa

  30. Hooray for 20 weeks! I love seeing the weekly photos :) And baby names and nurseries....eeee....so fun!!

    The Other Side of Gray

  31. Half way there is awesome! You look amazing!!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  32. I absolutely love all these pictures and watching you grow! You are so cute! I love that scarf too!

  33. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better now! I can't believe you're already halfway through...time flies!

    The Tiny Heart

  34. look at that bump!!! so cute. SO SO cute! and yay for being half-way there! you give me hope :)

  35. You look so pretty! Your bump is so cute.


  36. I love this collage!! Look at you grow! :) SO MUCH fun stuff to looking forward to. I am so excited to hear all about it!!

  37. Yay for half way! Can't wait to find out the gender of baby vale! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  38. You are looking SO great!
    I can't wait to know if its a boy or girl! How exciting. I am that person who always guesses (and is right). So I can't wait!

  39. Adorable! Can't wait to find out what you're having. Any predictions?

  40. wow, halfway already?! How exciting!! Feeling baby flutters and kicks was my favorite part of being pregnant, it just amazing! Can't wait to see all that's to come for you!!

  41. I am dying to know the sex too!!! I am calling girl. maybe that's because I am secretly hoping that she is one....but I know you have said he a lot...maybe that's a sign???? So happy you have started to feel better and I CANNOT believe you are half way there!

  42. Look at you! You're so cute! :) I'm halfway as well. We just found out the gender yesterday and will announce tomorrow on our blog! Can't wait to see what you're having! :)

  43. Congratulations! I have that same top. Love how you styled it!

  44. YOu are so teeny tiny for 20 weeks! YOu look great!

    The Hartungs Blog

  45. Wow! You're still so tiny! You look GREAT girl!

  46. How cute are you!? I love seeing the transformation over the past weeks, that is too fun!

    Pearls & Paws

  47. Congrats!!! what a blessing it is to have a baby. You look great :)

  48. oh my goodness, you are still so teeny! You and my sister are due around the same time!


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