February 27, 2013

My shopping routine

dres: kohls    tights: jcpenney ($2)  boots: dsw   cardigan: kohls(?)

I was happily surprised at all of the questions asked in this post! Enough that I am going to break them apart into different posts.  Thank you for amusing me and helping with some blog post topics. I figured I'd answer some of the shopping/fashion ones first.   

1. What is your shopping routine? How do you decide what to buy? 

I usually shop at Target, Old Navy and Kohls.  I just about always walk straight the clearance section and rarely buy something that isn't on sale.  I wrote a post before about my $15 rule.  Unless it is something that I've really been wanting for awhile or will get a LOT of use out of I don't buy it if it is more than that. I have started learning in the last year or so that sometimes it's better to buy something higher quality for a little more money.  But I am still mostly a fan of clearance items, especially when it comes to trendy things like polka dot pants.  

Not always, but SO many times when I see something full price at one of the stores that I want, within a few weeks it is on clearance.  See I am patient in some things? 

2. What colored tights do you wear with a white dress? 

Besides the maroon tights I'm wearing in today's outfit, I've also worn this white dress with blue tights.  I've worn it with black leggings too, but I really think most colors would work! 

3. Do you really wear the outfits each day?  Do you ever take multiple photos of different outfits on the same day? 

About 95% of the time yes I wear the outfit I posted.  I don't usually wear the outfit I posted that day, as I plan my posts a few days ahead of time.  I think there has been about four or five times I've tried on a few outfits on a weekend and took pictures of them.  Ideally this would be a great idea and way to plan ahead.  The problem is when it comes down to the days the coming week I often don't want to wear the outfit I had "planned" and want to post outfits that I actually wear.
4. What is the most expensive item you've purchased? 

I bought my favorite boots at DSW last year and I think they cost around $45.  I even debated about buying them, but as I'm sure you know I wear them ALL the time so they were well worth it. I also spent about $50 on my fringe boots this year.  

5. Do you plan out your outfits out before you wear them? 

I really should do this because I spend too much time in the morning trying on clothes.  And it's in the dark because Chris is still sleeping.  But I never have a desire to try on clothes and choose an outfit the night before.  

6.  What is your favorite item in your closet? 

Besides those tan boots, I love my chambray shirt.  It is probably one of the few things I've paid full price for.  I also love my denim leggings. I feel like that are thick enough that I can get away with wearing a long tunic with them.  I'm sure this changes by seasons, but I can't even think about what my summer clothes are.  

7.  Do you have a monthly clothing budget? 

Multiple people asked this question.  Since we got married Chris and I have always had an allotted amount of discretionary money that we are allowed to spend on whatever we want.  He uses his on food and activities, I almost always spend mine on clothes.  For the last few years our amount is $60 a month.  There are a few months here and there if I buy a pair of boots or a dress for a wedding that I spend more, but there are months that I spend less.  Any time I get gift cards or birthday/Christmas money I almost always spend them on clothes.  By only buying clearance clothes I do a pretty good job sticking to my budget.  

Thanks again for the questions! I hope that wasn't too boring.  It may have been one of the longer posts I've written.  I plan on answering the rest of the questions soon!



  1. I have the same fringe boots in black. Love them!

  2. Thank you for sharing more about your shopping routine! I'm always curious how other fashion bloggers can do mostly outfit post and stay within a budget. It's definitely true if you are patient it will go on sale.



  3. Thank you for sharing!! I should totally start taking pictures of my outfits ahead of time and plan my posts. Haha! I always just do them on the day I wear them! Ha! I love the chambray very classy and those boots! Love!

  4. Boring? No way! I can't believe you pull all those cute outfits together in the morning. I mean I don't plan out my outfits the night before either but it definately shows! I wish I was as creative with my clothes as I am in other parts of my life!! You do such a good job mixing and matching things up. Great post!

  5. this is a great post! like you, most of my wardrobe is target and old navy (& clearance). I have such a hard time spending a lot of money on clothes because I know most of what I buy is not going to be for long term. I change my mind about my fashion wants and style far too often.

  6. I enjoyed reading this. It's actually because of you that I started shopping at ON :)

  7. Love this post! I can't get outfits together the night before either.

  8. Love this. I'm with ya rarely buy something full price unless its cheap!!

  9. The $15 dollar rule is a great idea! I almost always shop on clearance, too. My problem is...I'm not a patient shopper. if i see somethiing I really like, I don't want to wait for it to go on sale. :) I love the white dress! I have been looking for something like that, with the lace.

  10. I shop the same way!!! Clearance clearance clearance! Love a great deal! I also love shopping at old navy! Love the kohls white dress!!

  11. This post was definitely not boring! I love these Q&A posts. I like your $15 rule and the fact that you usually shop clearance, I have a bad habit of paying full price for things pretty much all te time, so it gives me hope that I can go to the clearance section and get things that are just as cute!

  12. Go girl! I love that you shop clearance...and still look so cute and fashionable! It can be done! And you've convinced me I need to add a chambray shirt to my closet...asap!

  13. Love reading your answers! I am a Target, ON and Kohls girl too!

  14. Loved your answers! I hardly ever buy anything full price either. They always go on sale!


  15. Loved this post, I'm also obsessed with your colored tights and white dress!

  16. Chambray shirt for the win! I am liking reading all your answers lady! And super impressed with all the great items you get using your $15 rule!

  17. This is such a great post...I loved learning more about your shopping habits! I'm like you, I high tail it straight to the clearance section. Everything goes on sale at some point or another, right? I LOVE your white dress...and those tights were seriously $2?! Great find! "Jewel tones" like that are so in right now and they look great paired with that dress!

  18. Thanks for answering my question (about your shopping routine)! I love posts like this :) People asked some really interesting questions-- I can't see what else is in store for us!

  19. Boots are such a wardrobe staple piece, I can't blame you a bit for spending a little extra on them and wearing them again and again! I know I love my boots!

  20. You are an expert shopper, that's for sure! I cannot believe that the most you have spent on an item of clotng is $45...does that include dresses and coats? You are so amazingly thrify. I'm impressed.

  21. you are an amazing shopper! i try to buy on sale but sometimes forever 21 or target will get the best of me!

  22. I love all these answers!
    I buy clearance clothes too! My rule is about $20. And I also have a monthly allotment! Great way to save and shop at the same time!
    Although you are far braver than me - I never really post pics of me.

  23. I wish I was more patient and could wait for things to go on sale...I admire that about you, especially because you always look so cute! Love that white dress...and my chambray is probably my fave too :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. I'm a clearance rack kind of gal too! It takes a little work, but I'm totally willing to put in the extra effort/time if it means getting more for my hard earned $

  25. I really love your $15 rule...I wish I could stick to that! I always have to pick out my clothes at night since my brain does not function well early in the morning :)

    The Tiny Heart

  26. What a great post :) Great tips girl!

  27. Loved reading this post! I've recently started doing more bargain shopping and I've enjoyed the challenge of finding a good deal. Maybe someday I'll actually do an outfit post! ;)

  28. Everyone needs a chambray shirt!! :-)

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  29. Lauren,

    I wish we lived in the same place, because we are shopping soul mates. I was hoping to learn something, but these are all things I already so. Seriously, let's hit Kohl's together already.


  30. We do the same thing with our play money! Mine always goes to clothes!


  31. Loved reading your q&a! I am the same way with outfit posts. I always wear what I have posted, but the pics were usually taken a day or two before I put the post up (when I originally wore the outfit). On rare occasions, if I wear something I love and don't get a change to take photos, I will put it on again just to take photos. I'm the same way with a clothing budget too, I try and limit myself on price, but there are some things worth spending more on because they last longer.


  32. You always look great! I love your style.


  33. love this! i can't make decisions in the a.m. so I definitely plan out my outfits the night before :)

  34. This was so fun!!! I have been kinda playing with the idea of doing this as a vlog. I am just so scared at what people will ask me!!! I wear 90% of the things I post too....there are a few things here and there that I just put together for fun. Looking forward to the next installment! ;)

  35. I plan outfits in my head and then shove those items to the front of my closet so I don't forget. (Because I will.)
    However, 50% of the time, I change my mind in the morning and end up throwing something better together. Things always look better in your head!
    (I like your budget idea!)

  36. I really enjoy your creaitvity

  37. Love those dsw boots! Went shoe shopping there yesterday! Love your blog design as well!


  38. I love learning more about bloggers, especially how they shop for cheaper. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to read the other question and answer posts. :-)

  39. Awesome outfits! I love the denim shirt and the white dress:)


  40. I agree with everyone with the $15 rule. It's a great tip and I definitely need to abide it, haha. I tend to get a little carried away when I got shopping, but it's so great to find items that are inexpensive and look great.

    Love all your outfit pictures. Especially love the pairing of the chambray shirt and the purple maxi. :)

    Mostly Lisa

  41. gotta love getting clothing gift cards!!!

  42. You shop at the exact same places I do!! But somehow your clothes (and you in general) are a million times cuter than mine!

  43. I love your $15 dollar rule! I have an unsaid $15 dollar rule and love that you shop clearance, too (and at some of my fave stores!). I thought I was the only one who did that (except the rest of my family) and that it was just the teacher/frugal girl in me!

  44. I LOVE the Kohl's clearance rack...haha. I have learned to just be patient and eventually everything at Kohl's and Target will go on sale. Thanks for linking up.
    Penniless Socialite
    February Group Giveaway!

  45. I'm the same way - usually only spending clothing money on clearance! Saves SO much!

    The Hartungs Blog

  46. We each have an amount we can spend on whatever we want each month too! I think it really helps me be thoughtful about what I buy, because if it's going to cost me my whole month's amount, I better love it!

  47. LOVE the chambray shirt! It is totally a must have! I love all the different looks you crated with it :)

  48. We have discretionary funds too, and it makes it guilt free :) I try to keep my price set at around $15 too. These days with all of the bargain stores, there is just no need to spend more!

  49. Thanks for sharing, girl! I've tried planning out outfits in advance before but 0 is the number of times those outfits actually pan out to what I feel like wearing in the mornings. Why waste the time preplanning anymore? ;o)

  50. I love all the different ways you wear your chambray shirt! I never know how to wear mine...thanks for the super cute ideas!!

  51. this was an awesome post! i love target and old navy....you inspire me to be a more "thrifty" shopper for sure!

  52. we do the same thing with our budget and i totally spend my allotted money on clothes, too! :)


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