February 28, 2013


I confess that this is the first pair of full panel maternity pants I've worn and I love them.  I don't understand why some women try not to buy or wear maternity clothes.  They are SO comfortable and were only $10! 

blazer: tjmaxx     maternity pants: h & m     boots: target

I confess that I always want to pin these healthy dessert recipes but then I click on the recipe and see ingredients like agave syrup, raw cashews and cacoa nibs?  Nevermind.  I'll stick with my cheap, known unhealthy ingredients.  

Like this dessert that I want to make.  Hey it does have bananas in it? Healthy right? 

I confess that I want to buy everything on groopdealz.  I just bought this necklace yesterday and can't wait to get it. 


I confess that I just finished re-watching all of the Hills episodes and am a little sad that it is over.  However, I won't miss watching their rich tan selves and all their vacations. 

I confess that I know our sweet baby's gender!!  We just have to tell Chris' parents and I will share it with you! 

I am ready to go shopping! 

And I confess that I already have a little. 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Cute striped blazer! And I love The Hills! Miss it... :(

    xo – Sheila
    Win a $30 Target giftcard!!

  2. I can't wait to find out the gender! And anything with banana and chocolate is always amazing. I'm obsessed with your blazer!

  3. I love that blazer and cute shoes! You look gorgeous!! Those healthy banana chocolate chip bars look good! I'd love to hear if they are good or not if you try :) Also, I can't wait to hear the gender!! How exciting for you both!!! You deserve to spoil yourself and shop a little. :)


  4. YAYYY! How exciting! I LOVE Groopdealz!! Addicting!

  5. Still scoring deals on your outfits! Can't believe you found maternity clothing at such a great price. and, that blazer is perfect, love it! I know what you mean about health food items, they def aren't ones you always have stocked. Enjoy the banana cake, you deserve it :) can't wait for the reveal!!

  6. Love that necklace!!! I'm ever hopeful my sister could make something like it lol!
    I am the same way with recipes! I'm not a fan of trying new things, although right now I don't really have a choice!

    Love the hills as well!

    Can't wait to hear what baby V is! I hope is a girl, because then you would be having te only girl I know being born around the due date! Everyone seems to be having a boy!!

  7. What a tease! Can't wait to find out!!!


  8. Maternity clothes are amazing.

    I'm so excited for you guys! Yay baby!! :)

  9. I didn't buy maternity clothes because I couldn't find any that fit! I am super short waisted and once I got past a certain point my kiddo threw a fit if anything pressed on him. That included maternity panels. :) I can't wait to find out what you are having. :)

  10. Ahhhhhh can't wait to hear the gender!!!!! :)

  11. Oh yay, I can't wait to find out the gender!!! What an exciting time :) I think maternity clothes are super cute, especially those pants!

  12. I love this Hills! And I'm so excited to find out the gender of your sweet baby .:)

  13. Can't wait to hear the gender...congrats to y'all :)


  14. Eeeeeekkkk! Baaaabbby! I can't wait!

  15. I'm 19 weeks and just got my first pair of maternity pants last week - most comfortable pants ever! Im with you, not sure why people try not to wear any maternity clothes, I'm wearing these afterwards...every pair of pants should have an elastic band!
    [ lifeofpoole.blogspot.com ]

  16. Nice pants! I never had full panel maternity pants until my 3rd pregnancy. I wish I had had them sooner! I love groopdealz! So dangerous! Love the u/s picture of your sweet baby!

  17. I'm excited to know whether you're having a girl or boy! That must be so fun to know just a big secret :) I'm gonna guess boy. And love the blazer!

  18. That banana dessert looks and sounds yummy! I'm the same way, I always look at "healthy" desserts and am like never mind when I see the ingredients. I am so excited to find out if you are having a boy or a girl!

  19. Love these confessions - I love groopdealz & the hills, too! And will embrace maternity clothes bc by what I've seen they can be adorable!!!! You look great mama! Xoxo

  20. Can;t wait to find out! And I love the Hills. I also really miss Laguna Beach.

  21. What a great blazer! I have never heard of groopdealz...looks like must check it out. :) So exciting that you were able to find out the sex of the baby!!

  22. Eeeep!!! You tease!!! Cant wait to find out :) And if I looked stunning like u in maternity pants Id wear them too!!

  23. I love wearing maternity pants! I only bought one pair and have been fortunate to borrow several pairs from friends. Sometimes I feel like I'm wearing sweats b/c it's that comfy!

  24. At my local Target, it's really hard to tell where the women's section ends and where the maternity section begins. I've found myself (unintentionally) looking at maternity clothes before... and considered purchasing some for myself. Why can't a (non-pregnant) girl have a little stretch in her clothes? Anyway. You look great! Hope pregnancy is treating you well. I may have to take this outfit idea, too :)

  25. I love the Hills and I'm not ashamed. I should probably go back and re-watch too. Haha. And I love that necklace you just bought!

  26. Ahhhhhhhhhhh I can't wait to hear the gender!!! So exciting!

    I love the hills too...just good quality trash tv. And I love your new necklace! Oh and yes, maternity clothes are awesome. I found a lot at Goodwill on the cheap and they were super comfy.

  27. So excited for you! Shop, shop, shop!

    They also have blazers like that at Target, but the "clearance" price is still $20. I'll wait it out.

  28. The Hills!!!


  29. I say girl! And then I just thought boy...ahhhh!!!! I have to know...how about you just tell me and I'll keep it a secret :-)

    Totally agree...I wish I could forever wear maternity pants. They are fantastic!

  30. I love your striped blazer! And that necklace is beautiful, I hope you get it very soon!
    I'm glad you are feeling better now that you are farther along into your pregnancy. How exciting to know the gender of your baby!

  31. and now I want to rewatch the hills!!! and I do love groop dealz! so much! and sooo exciting! girl?!

  32. So exciting that you know the baby's gender!! It'll be exciting to start planning around that, picking out decorations, clothing, for him/her.

  33. Did you buy those pants at your H&M store or online (I'm guessing online)? Our H&M maternity section SUCKS! They have like two things, and those pants are so cute!

  34. So exciting that you know the baby's gender! I love the Hill's too but then Heidi/Spencer got crazy annoying towards the end!

    The Tiny Heart

  35. We can't wait to find our what you are having! Have fun telling your husband's parents! I bet they will be thrilled!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  36. Awesome maternity pants and great price! I think it's funny too when girls don't want to wear maternity clothes, with the way they make them these days they are so cute and trendy AND COMFY! So way to rock your maternity jeans :)

  37. congratulations! So exciting about the new little one :)

  38. Those pants look awesome!! I LOVE that necklace - I sorta wish we had groopdealz but then maybe not. :) YAY for knowing the gender!!! :) LOVE it.

  39. My sister-in-law didn't want to go back to normal pants after wearing maternity pants! lol

    I LOVE the Hills!

    Also, I can't wait to find out what the baby is! My guess is a girl!

  40. I can't to find out what you're having!!!

  41. Love the outfit. Would've never guessed they were maternity pants!

    And I love The Hills too. I live in LA so it's fun to go to the same restaurants that they used to hehe.

    Found you via the giveaway and I'm your newest follower :)

  42. Love, love and love. And I bought that necklace as well and LOVE groopdealz! New reader!! :)

  43. I can't wait to find out if your little one is a girl or boy. Having already done some shopping for him/her is the right choice. ;-) I'm guessing girl. :-)

  44. You look amazing, absolutely pretty. Banana chocolate chip sheet cake sounds delicious.

    I miss my weekly LC fix too.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  45. I can't wait to hear what you're having!!! It's SO exciting to find out the sex of the baby.

  46. Love your outfit! Great blog you have here. I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx


  47. I confess that I too loved The Hills and was sad to see it go! I also confess that I love groopdealz and may have to unsubscribe myself before I go broke buying things!

  48. I am definitely pinning that sheet cake and I SEE A BABY!!!!

  49. i miss some laguna beach. yup. i admit it.

  50. I love my unknown expensive ingredients if someone else is preparing the dish. I feel like I'd mess up if I try.

    7% Solution​

  51. I have that same blazer and I never know how to wear it.. your way is super cute..

  52. ooooooooo i did not know that H&M sells maternity pants!! yes! i need to add them to my wish list. you look adorable.

  53. I LOVE that striped jacket. ADORABLE!

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