March 1, 2013

Bling Bling

I own a lot of jewelry, but very few pieces that are really nice.  The majority of my jewelry comes from clearance racks, or online places like groopdealz.  As you know I rarely like to spend a lot of money on something, but if I had a giftcard I would be thrilled to pick something out from Tiffany's.  

Today you have a chance to win a $400 giftcard to Tiffany's.  The only mandatory entry is to tell me what you would like to buy if you won!  Of course there are lots of bonus entries for following some fabulous bloggers! 

Good luck and happy weekend!
27 Amazing Bloggers
1 Winner: $400 Tiffany & Co Gift Card
1 Mandatory Entry + lots of bonus entries
There is just one mandatory entry and that is to leave a comment below telling me "what would you buy at Tiffany's with the gift card". The rest are bonus entries and totally up to you!

Dreaming of Dimples | Lemons Avocados and the Bay | The Shine Project 

Because Shanna Said So | Gentri Lee | Ramblings of a Southern Belle
Meg O. on the Go | Along Abbey Road | Perception is Everything
Lipgloss and Crayons | A Night Owl Blog | Running in Stilettos 
Life After I "Dew" | Her Late Night Cravings | Brunch with Amber
Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife | The Sunshine Diary | lala Lists
The Life of Bon | Oh So Amelia | Choose to be Happy Blog
Travel Babbles | Sparking Footsteps | So Shay
Don't Quote the Raven | Messy. Dirty. Hair | For Lauren and Lauren

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would buy a ring or a necklace :)

  2. i'd get myself a pretty lil necklace! AHHHHHHHH or earrings! or like a charm bracelet that says Tiffany's on it!

  3. I would use it towards a gold band! :-)

  4. What a great giveaway! I love Tiffanys!! Any of their Return to Tiffanys necklace or bracelets are my fav. :)

    xo – Sheila
    Win a $30 Target giftcard!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Is it terrible to say I'd give it to my boyfriend and see if he puts it towards a shiny little diamond? :) Or I'd buy myself a necklace!

  7. I think I would by a ring or maybe a necklace!!

  8. I would get myself a necklace!

  9. I would buy a diamond necklace!

  10. Def would buy a new necklace!

  11. Definitely a ring. I love my wedding set but my right hand is so naked!

    Great giveaway!

  12. i would love a simple ring for my right hand!

  13. I'd buy the classic link bracelet! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

  14. I'm just like you - I don't own a single p iece of nice jewelry... I'd love to own that cute elephant necklace!

  15. I'd get the Tiffany Locks
    butterfly sunglasses!!

  16. Love, love, LOVE the "I Love You" ring.

  17. I would buy a simple round ring from there. So beautiful!

  18. I would love a really nice necklace... I just went through my jewelry the other day and realized and I really don't like any of my necklaces. Time for something new and pretty!

  19. I love the "by the yard" collection. Hubs got me a bracelet from it last year. I'd like to get a ring or necklace from the same line too. But it'd be hard to decide!

  20. I'd love to get a really pretty necklace!

  21. Ah - the way to any girls heart is a Tiffany's giveaway! Would definitely get a bracelet and some charms! Also, thanks for sharing all these great fashion bloggers! x, Kat

    Love and Ace

  22. A woman after my heart! Me and Tiffany go a ways back...after I broke up with my very first serious-ish boyfriend I thought I needed to buy myself something pretty. I purchased the Return to Tiffany's signature bracelet which I still wear on a weekly basis...and truthfully I love it more than I ever loved ex-bf haha

    Anywho...lately I've been eyeing their little bow stud earrings. I also am slightly obsessed with the silver mesh ring so, God willing, I would go with one (or both!) of those babies!

  23. I would buy a dainty necklace!

  24. Thank you so much for the opportunity to own something from Tiffany's!!!

  25. A simple silver ring! I've always wanted one from Tiffany's! :)

  26. I'd choose a pendant--possibly an infinity one

  27. I would love, love, love to have the key necklace!


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