March 3, 2013

Hello Sunday

Hello comfy weekend outfit. 

Hello PEOPLE Magazine 2013 Oscars Double Issue.  I was happy to find you at Target this weekend.  

Hello beautiful ladies who made the cover.  Anne Hatheway, Adele and Charlize Theron.  But Jennifer Lawrence you definitely win in my book.  I liked you before but after watching all your post interviews I like you even more.

Hello other gossip and celebrity news inside PEOPLE magazine.  Thank you for accompanying my Saturday morning cup of coffee.  Any news on Jennifer Aniston, award show trends and outfit favorites and least favorites are good reading material to me!   

Hello Amy.  Congrats on winning the $20 Target giftcard so you can go get your own copy.  If you didn't win you should still go buy a copy and check out all the great Oscar fashion! 

Hello early post.  I will be back tonight with another post as I am so ready to tell you our big news!

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday! 


And you can still test your PEOPLE Trivia skills for a chance to win one of hundreds of rewards cards! Click the link to play now!

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group ™ and PEOPLE Magazine  but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #PEOPLEforOscars 


  1. Love your dress, and the vest looks great too!

  2. Isn't Jennifer Lawerence fabulous?! I liked her once I saw her in Hunger Games, but her interviews are HILARIOUS and she's so down to earth. Love how she doesn't take herself too seriously! Have a good week!

  3. Jennifer Lawrence's post interview speech was theeee best! And you have bigger news than a baby on the way? Hmmm...twins?!?!?! :)

  4. Jennifer Lawrence went up like 315789 points in my book :) Also, I think I'm going to have to splurge on myself and buy this magazine. And some hot chocolate to drink while I read it.

  5. Literally... PEOPLE is my Bible. I don't know what I'd do without it - such a great issue - LOVE the Oscars AND Jen!! :)

  6. ahhh did you find out the gender?!?! can't wait!!!

    i am so in love with j Lawrence! she is awesome spice.

  7. Seems like a relaxing end to the weekend. Hope Monday will be as relaxing and not too stressful.

    Mostly Lisa

  8. Love that outfit! I'm waiting for that magazine to come in the mail...can't wait!

    Happy Monday!

    The Hartungs Blog

  9. i have that SAME maternity top from target. TWINSIES!


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