March 19, 2013

Late to the Party

I'm a little late to this five things sharing post, but better late than never right?  And I'm sure you're dying to hear five more random facts about me.  Thank you Shanna for tagging me!

I tried hard to think of five things I've never shared.  

sweater: target   leggings: jcpenny   boots: kohls

1.  There is still a good amount of people in my life that don't know I have a blog and every time someone finds out about it I get a little embarrassed.  

2.  I had the chicken pox when I was in second grade and from the looks of this picture I'm pretty sure it was as hard on my mom as it was on me.  

3.  I used to be the pickiest eater growing up.  Until I met Chris and he made me try different foods.  The thought of sushi used to disgust me, but now it is my favorite food. 

4.  I was in dance from about five years old to fourteen.  We wore quite the costumes and I'm pretty sure I had quite the moves.  

5.  Two of my best friends (one from high school and one from college) got married the same summer 7 years ago and both picked the same bridesmaid dress.  To a poor newly married college student this was the best news ever! 

Hope you are having a good week.  Three more work days and then Spring Break - I am very ready!!



  1. I just thought I would take a minute to let you know that I love your blog! You seem so down to earth and very personable, definitely someone I would connect with in person! :)

    I am with you on being embarrassed when people find out I have a blog, I'm new-ish to the blog world and I find it awkward when people close to me find out I have a blog!


  2. ha, me and my sisters had the chicken pox at the same time. We have no pictures of it. I'm sure my mom wanted no recollection of that time!

    I got married 7 years ago too! You look so young. You still do. ;)

  3. Pretty sure you've still got some moves. ;)

  4. The same dress for two weddings!??!? That's seriously a dream come true! :-) I still have my dress from my best friend's wedding simply in case another friend chooses it for her wedding. :-)

  5. Same dress and same color!!?? What are the odds of that? I worn periwinkle in 3 different weddings!! Never the same dress.

  6. You shouldn't post such lovely pictures of your mom (without her permission). We were all miserable when you had chicken pox - you refused anything that might have made you feel better. But we loved you then and we love you now!

  7. This is one of my favorite posts from you. Those dance moves get an A+ from me...and that picture of your mom..hilarious!! I bet chicken pox is hard on the momma!!

  8. At least you had moves! I tried dance classes several times and never quite got it. I still can't dance, although I would still love to learn. Some dreams never die...

  9. I was the same way with food but my husband made me try sushi and it is my favorite now too!

  10. oh my gosh the bridesmaid thing is the best! No, actually the pictures of you from dance are the best :)

  11. Whoa! For a second I thought I wrote this post! Same thing, lots of people in my life have no idea I blog and I feel like a total loser for a split second when they find out! Sushi is my fave, got chicken pox also in 2nd grade, and I danced in crazy costumes too. Knew there was a reason we got along so well!!

  12. Seriously I've picked up that sweater atleast 3 times at Target and put it back. I'm too much of a cheapo to pay more than 20 bucks for something! Love your dance pictures! I was in dance when I was little too.

  13. I was the same way about sushi! Now I'm obsessed with it, so good!

    That is the perfect news to a bridesmaid, lol.

    Haha, when people in real life learn I blog I get uncomfortable. I hate the feeling.

    And I couldn't help but laugh at the picture with your mom. Moms are the best!

  14. Love all this! I can relate to almost all of them! I'm a very picky eater as well, but it is Nate who gets me to try different things and my parents can't believe it. I was in dance from ages 3 until 10, until I wanted to become a "cool cheerleader" psh, over-rated. I had chicken pox, but I was two years old. I don't remember it, but I'm sure I wasn't the loveliest patient! Have a good week!

  15. Love your sweater!! Until I met Robert the thought of sushi disgusted me, but now it's my favorite food too :)


  16. oh my gosh, how cute were you? Love those dance pictures!

    I want that sweater...shoot, I want everything in your wardrobe.

    Z and I are both picky eaters...he's a "meat and cheese only" kinda guy. Wish he'd branch out so maybe I'd take the plunge too!

  17. How awesome is that they picked the same bridesmaids dresses?! Must have been so great to know you didn't have to purchase a new one.

    This was so much fun to get to know a little more about you. :D

    Hope you're having a great week also.

    Mostly Lisa

  18. You are so cute! Love that outfit...I can't get over how much you HAVEN'T changed from that picture of you as a little one. So precious!! Hope your week is going well, sweet friend.

  19. i love that they picked the same dress! too funny!

  20. I can't believe they chose the same dress! What are the chances!?

  21. I was a picky eater growing up too. I think it did get better once I graduated college, but I don't think I really branched out until I started dating my husband Chris either.
    You're so lucky you got to rewear the same dress for two weddings you were in! That's pretty much the best thing a bridesmaid could ask for.

  22. Ha! Love the chicken pox photo! :) And how I wish some of my friends had used the same bridesmaid awesome!

  23. haha, that's awesome that you could wear the same bridesmaid dress, twice! And I love your cardigan. Don't take that lightly, because I'm one of the rare people who don't like cardigans. But that one is so bright and happy that I can't help but love it!

  24. Oh my goodness - that photo of you and your mom is the CUTEST! And love your cardi :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  25. #3 I am right there with you!!!

  26. I love your cardigan! I am a picky eater and I should try other food, but sushi is good! I also love the bridesmaid dress.


  27. Very few people IRL know that I have a blog also! At my birthday party, one of my blogging friends met some of my other friends and they looked at her weirdly when she said she knew me from blogging! They never mentioned anything to me so either they are secretly reading or have forgotten about it!

    I love your necklace in your sushi picture!

    Wow only having to buy one bridesmaids dress would have been awesome! Nice dress too!

  28. Yay for being late to the party! Loved seeing these old pics of you! precious as can be! And I used to hate sushi I crave it ore than Mexican food! ;)

  29. Awwwwwww what a cute post! BTW - I was born in IL. ;)

    Today's Post: Ella Lane Giveaway

  30. I had the pox in 2nd grade too. But I'll probably never be brave enough to post my elementary school dance photos :)

  31. What great photos!!

  32. I still get embarrassed too! Funny, right?


  33. I am a really picky eater and sushi (well and all fish) scares me!

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  34. That bridesmaid dress is awesome! I bet you were excited!

  35. First off, I love the dance outfits. I have a closet full at home.

    Second, that bridesmaid coincidence is unreal! I'd be a little nervous to get too sweaty at the first wedding, but you are the luckiest!

  36. I used to be scared and embarrassed about people finding out about my blog, but more and more now I'm posting things about it to my personal facebook, etc. and people are really supportive! You have a great blog so you shouldn't be embarrassed at all! And I was a super picky eater too (still am!) and I also danced! Love your costumes!

  37. So crazy they picked out the exact same dresses! How lucky for you! My Chris introduced me to sushi too! I'd only had it once before I started dating him and I did NOT like it. Now it's one of my favorites!

  38. that pic of you and your mom is too funny! love the fringe boots!

    Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

    Gigglosophy Giveaway!

  39. yeah the chicken pox pic is both adorable and hilarious!!

  40. I'm a super picky eater! I working on liking veggies but they're so yucky! lol.

  41. Love all the childhood pics!! Especially the first one!! Neither one of you look impressed!

  42. you and I share something in common with #3 ;)

  43. The picture of you and your mom is awesome (although at the time, it probably wasn't haha) and woah that's awesome that your friend's picked out the same bridesmaid dress, lucky you!

  44. I made it to your blog! I feel so honored!(Although I don't look that amused in the photo!)

  45. I was picky too before I met my husband, also a Chris. He introduced me to some of my now favorite foods, including sushi:) I had no idea what I was missing haha


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