March 18, 2013

Second Guessing

sweater: kohls    dress: c/o sugarlips    leggings: jcpenney   boots: dsw 

I've always been a sensitive person and have a hard time not over thinking things.  As I've grown older I have become more confident but still find myself with plenty of insecurities.  

In the last few weeks I feel as though my sensitivities and insecurities have been increased.  Someone can say something that should not come across offensive and I've cried.  Something can happen at work that is nothing to get stressed about and I feel inadequate or overwhelmed.  

I find myself over thinking things or feeling insecure about something I may have said or worrying more about how people perceive me.  

I'm sure you can chalk some of this up to being pregnant and all the changes that are happening physically, emotionally, thinking about our future, etc. 

But I have to say one downfall of having a blog, pregnant or not, as been the extra insecurities or over thinking that I do now.  There are many times after I post something, ranging from serious to even funny (mostly because it is probably only funny to me and my sister) that I wonder if I should have written that differently, posted that picture, think about what others will think and worry about how others may view me. 

Lately with lots of talk on other blogs about how people run their blogs, post outfits, handle sponsors, all that - it is starting to stress me out!  I hadn't worried too much in the past about these things and am finding myself getting overwhelmed with them.  I'm not sure if it is the extra pregnancy hormones and emotions or just that I've had a blog long enough now it's all crossing my mind. 

Whatever it is I am not a fan.  I need to remind myself that I am writing about, wearing and sharing what I want to, what is a reflection of me and I just need to be confident in who I am.  I am working on finding a balance between caring about what I write and put out there, but not letting it consume too much of my thoughts and time.  

So far this blog has been fun for me, is a source of encouragement, and something I really enjoy and I want to keep it that way.  So here's to continually working on throwing away insecurities and working on finding balance.  

And yes I did take a picture in the snow today.  I am pretending that it isn't snowing at the end of March. 



  1. If it makes a difference, I think you're funny (most of the time :p).

    I second-guess myself a lot. I've deleted a lot of drafts and saved a lot of drafts that I just don't want to post. I don't want people to lump me into categories by one or two certain characteristics they think they see in me.

    For the record, I see you as "fashion blogger with substance". Regular fashion blogs don't have the kind of substance you do :) Whatever you're doing appears to be working!

  2. Go back to the reason you started your blog.. It wasn't to impress other people, right? You've got a heart and spirit of gold :) I love your honesty and your funny sense of humor. Keep that chin up.. I believe you're doing a wonderful job on your blog! I admire you :) XO

  3. Oh my goodness, I struggle with the same exact thing! My blog isn't even as close to being as big as yours, so I can't imagine how much more stressful it is to you. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the negative things in blogging, or to even get your feelings hurt. What helps me is to remember why I started blogging in the first place, to share our lives with our families back home. To remember that my mom or mother in law doesn't give a rats ass about how many followers I have or if I am sponsoring the right person. I hope this helps! I love your blog and what you have to say!

  4. Reading your blog is one of the highlights of my evenings. I know I'm your sister, but I think you are hysterical, and your posts have made me laugh and touched me to tears many times. I am so proud of you, and I believe that God is glorified through your words and pictures. Don't overthink it Katie Jane!

  5. Awww Mama Vale don't let those baby hormones get the best of you! You are very genuine on your blog and I have chuckled out loud at your post before. With that being said I totally feel better knowing I am not the only one who sometimes regrets, second guesses, or feels silly in regards to something I've posted. Sometimes I think I am the only one who sees humor in the things I say and often times I feel I am being somewhat tamed compared to what I really want to put BUT then people would really know how crazy I am!

  6. I love your blog Katie! You inspire me and I know that God had a reason for you starting this blog and that he has a plan for you as a mom! I'll be praying for!


  7. I too love your blog. I look forward to reading it every night!

  8. I really do a good job at staying out of the "blog world drama" but I too get sensitive about things especially w/ friends and work. I think it is normal. I'm sure being pregnant isn't helping you either. I love your blog and that it is not fake or trying to impress - love that you wear "normal" clothes that are from a variety of stores and prices!!

  9. I've really tried to keep my blog true to what I wanted it to be in the beginning. I've tried hard not to stray from that. I feel not everyone will understand my blog, my humor, me, but I do. As long as I understand and accept myself it makes it easier to just blog. To just be me. Along the way I've been able to meet wonderful people and it makes it worth it.

    Blog as though you don't know the "rules". Blog as if it is your first day. And only then will you not feel stressed. At least that is what has worked for me :)

    I adore you and your blog!

  10. I'm still a new blogger, but I can see how easy it is for it to become a stressful hobby instead of a fun one! Html coding def. boggles my mind!

  11. You are not alone! My blog is small but I do some of these same things and it can be too overwhelming at times. Thanks for sharing your feelings. It helps to know I'm not the only one! Keep up the great work and try not to worry! :)

  12. You're a very honest blogger and this space is a reflection of who you are. I've been reading a lot of stuff too and it does make you wonder. But in the end, there is no right or wrong just people's opinions. It's your make the rules.

  13. Great!

  14. I love you blog, girlie! I feel as though you're so real and easy to relate with. That's one of the most important things to me with blogs I read.

  15. Great look! Love the dress. I wish it wasn't snowing in March too...
    I definitely think you have the right philosophy about the blog: keep it fun and find a balance between quality of product and no stress.

  16. Girl, you are fabulous! But I completely understand, I am insecure in that way too: should I have said that, what if they think, what will happen if... I get frustrated with myself when I think that way, but I have to remind myself that if I am reflecting God in all I say and do, that I should not worry or be insecure. Easier said than done though!

  17. Girrrrrrrrrrrllllll.. you are seriously my blog guru... you and the Pleated Poppy are why I wanted to blog in the first place.. I am always so jealous of all your comments.. your honesty and pictures ( said like I'm like, 2.. picturrrres) are always fun for me.. so don't second guess.. I seriously LOVE your blog...

  18. you are one of my favorite bloggers Katie, and also I was the same way when I was pregnant...It just makes everything ten times what it was! I love your outfit, you are seriously the cutest preggers ever :)

  19. I tend to second guess a lot too. I'm a pretty anxious person in general (and with that, sensitive) so it's hard sometimes not to! Just try and remind yourself why you love blogging - and that none of your readers would be here if we didn't love to read your blog!! xo

  20. I love your blog and wouldn't worry about changing or doing anything different with it!

  21. I tooootally feel you on this one, Katie! It's really easy to get caught up in what other people think, even in blogland (where everyone seems so nice and wonderful!). I think you just have to remind yourself that there's a reason you have so many followers and people that love your blog...because they love you and what you have to say (and wear!). We want you to be honest and yourself because this is, after all, YOUR blog. Your little space in the universe to be yourself and if people don't like that, they don't have to read it or visit it. We come because we want to!

    Such a pretty outfit...that dress/tights combo is perfect! And it seriously snowed there today?! It was almost 90 in Houston! Couldn't even take Bear for a walk because I thought he'd get too hot and sweaty in the stroller. I'm a little envious of the snow!

  22. I have to remind myself every time I write a post that I am really writing for me, and that God will lead anyone else who needs to read my words to my blog at the right time. It is not easy. I love reading here! Continue to be true to yourself!!

  23. I'm loving the color of your tights!

  24. I love visiting your blog every day :) I have the same feelings too about my blog though and it's definitely overwhelming sometimes.


  25. Love this outfit!! Your bump is growing!

    I like your blog the way it is! Try not to worry about what others think. :)

  26. yep! I'm in denial too about the "springtime" snowfall! and I too, randomly fret about my posts. It's pretty awesome to read you share those feelings at times. I def save a few to drafts for another day or I simply publish and say, "what's meant to be will be". So long as you stand behind your every word and stay true to you, then there really is no need to worry, baby momma!

  27. Aw, you look adorable! Ignore the craziness in blogland.....people are getting very negative. It's silly, and I think it will pass. You've always been awesome!


  28. you rock my socks off, and are my favorite blogger to date!!! thanks for sharing your stories, feelings, life, and pregnancy with us. I will follow along as long as you will let me :)

  29. Over thinking is a tough one I am working on myself, but when it comes to you over thinking about your blog? advice is you should never! I love your posts daily! And never want you to think that you should change this or adjust that... you write what is on your mind and post it..and I love it. ;)

  30. Oh, honey, I think you are over thinking it :) I do the same thing and my husband always says, "for a ball buster, you're kind sensitive" LOL I guess sometimes I can dish it, but I can't take it. I think it is probably all preggo related, hopefully your emotions will balance out soon :)

    I'd love for you to join our Blog Hop going on now:

    xoxo Tori

  31. I know exactly what you mean! I get super stressed whenever I read a blog post like 'how to to get more followers/sponsors'or 'how to make your blog look better/ attractive' or blogs with picture perfect fashion posts.
    It makes me insecure and thinking that maybe i should be like that too.
    But that's not why I blog! And just like you I don't want to be consumed by my blog.

    For this very reason I'm planning on not offering any paid sponsorships on my blog. I'm thinking of offering ad space for free to bloggers I like. I mean it's usually a trade anyway (you're paying each other for ad space, might as well just exchange it for free, right?)

    Keep doing what you do girl, and don't let anything get you down!

    Looking super cute per usual!


  32. You have very amazing blog, dear! Love it! :)
    I hope you wanna follow each other on GFC & Bloglovin. Pls let me know? ;)

    Join my GIVEAWAY for winning $30 Chicnova voucher!
    HERE :

  33. I definitely get the insecurities that come with blogging, too. Wondering if I should have written the things I wrote, etc. For me what helps is just asking my husband, "Do you think what I posted is good/funny/true?"
    It's nice to have a second opinion, even though I know it's pretty much his job to be on my side, it does help with the insecurities!

  34. Okay first off, you look SO CUTE!!!! I love that outfit. Secondly, it really is probably the hormones intensifying all your feelings. Those babies are some nasty creatures. Keep you head up gal & I hope that you can find the balance you need.

  35. Insecurity sucks! But I definitely know what you mean and feel that way too. Most of the time I'm asking myself (about what I write) is that funny? Or is it corny? Haha. But I think you are funny and wonderful and I love reading whatever you write Katie! And I also love that pretty :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  36. it's your blog, run it how you want!! I know that's easier said than done, and I get insecure about things sometimes too. but obviously people love you!

  37. Pish posh, don't worry about that stuff. You blog for you and I love your blog the way it is. We all have insecurities, so it's natural, but just know that you have a lot of loyal readers who love you just the way you are! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  38. First, your outfit is adorable, I love those tights. Second, I cannot believe it's still snowing and spring is almost here, it gets me upset. I do agree with you when it comes to blogging and all of the insecurities. I do the same thing after I post something, should I change the pictures, should I write something different and the big one, what are people going to say. At the end of the day it's my blog and I love all the sweet and negative comments because they make me stronger.


  39. I over think things ALL the time! Lately I've been comparing my blog to other blogs which is something I never used to do. It can really stress me out at times!

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  40. Look at your adorable little baby bump! Cute mommy award goes to you. I absolutely love your blog by the way, so fresh and well done. I will definitely be following you via bloglovin, GFC, etc. xx. McKenna Lou

  41. You are glowing! I love your outfit.

    I definitely catch myself second guessing a lot of things I do recently too. It seems like it's something we do instinctively if we have a natural tendency to want to fit in. I really try not to second guess, but sometimes it's so hard!

  42. I don't know what I would do without your blog!! :)

  43. I think we all have those insecurities pregnant or not, especially as bloggers. It's hard putting yourself out there. But you are right, we just have to do what feels like us and be confident in it. AND of course have fun while we're at it. I just try not to take myself too serious or my blog because at the end of the day it's just a little corner in the internet.

  44. You girl are amazing. Don't ever feel like anything you say or do should make you feel insecure. You are you and that is what people love about you!
    I understand how you feel but you have built your blog around these people who adore you!

  45. I second-guess myself all the time - especially when it comes to blogging. Well hell, just life in general usually. I'd say don't worry about what others think, but then that would make me a hypocrite and I dislike those people. One thing I find myself doing is making sure whatever I'm wearing, saying, doing, etc. that it's 100% me. I think we all have to get to that point where we are comfortable just being ourselves. That's so hard to achieve. I don't know if pregnancy hormones are sending your insecurities into overdrive, but the only person you can control is you. And no one does you better than you. Keep you head up, pretty lady!! xoxo

  46. oh girl we ALL struggle with that stuff sometimes. it happens. and i just honestly block out all the negativity that does exist in the blog world - honestly, it's to the point where if i see a post that is negative in nature about blogging or whatever, i just don't read it. :) keep doing what you love!!

  47. i second guess myself all the time too! i go through phases... where i LOVE blogging and then i want to quit it b/c i get overwhelmed haha!!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  48. no need to feel insecure, i think you are amazing!

    Target Giftcard Giveaway

  49. It's snowing here too! I love love love that dress!!! I know what you mean about insecurities and worries! I am such a worrier about so much!!! It's a girl thing, I believe! That's what everyone tells me! :)

  50. I feel the exact same way, both in real life and blog life....and I am NOT pregnant! :) I think it just means that we TRULY care about people and how they feel. It's a curse and a blessing. You know how much I love you...just keep doing what you're doing...we all adore you!

  51. I just want to tell you that I LOVE your blog. It's my fav. Seriously. Whether you are funny, serious, whatever, I just love reading it. You remind me so much of my best friend, and also me for that matter. :) And I'm so excited that you are pregnant. You look great!!


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