March 17, 2013

Happiness is . . .

jacket: c/o wendybox    maternity jeans: ross     boots: dsw   necklace: c/o redenvelope

. . . a pair of $11 skinny maternity jeanss that I've worn three times last week because they are so comfortable.

. . . a baby crib that I walk by and look at multiple times a day and am filled with joy. 

. . . a new personalized necklace that I am in love with from redenvelope.  I would like to wear it everyday and just may. 

. . . an easy way to switch blogs you follow to bloglovin.  Login to bloglovin, click on claim your blog, click on import google reader blogs.  Done!  Thank you Kristin for telling me how easy it was!  And if you want to keep following my blog, click here.  

. . . the chance to build relationships and get to know other ladies in the blogging world.  

Sybil from Peace it All Together.
Sybil is one of the sweetest ladies I've met through blogging.  So sweet, she even sent me a cookie gram last week.  I wish I had taken a picture but I ate it right away.  I am always encouraged when I read Sybil's blog.  She writes things that I can relate to like anxiety, body image and being still enough to hear God's voice.  Her posts are honest, encouraging and I love them!   

blog //  twitter // bloglovin

Sara from The Hinton Hookup.

I've been getting to know and reading Sara's blog since the first few months I had mine.  I've found we have quite a lot in common.  Like a love for coffee, training for races, and shopping for bargains.  Sara recently moved to New Jersey and blogs about life adventures with her husband.  She is definitely one of those bloggers that is super sweet and easy to relate to and get to know! 

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Stephanie from Oh Baby Infinity.
I first found Stephanie's shop a few months ago from a giveaway and loved all her products!  Stephanie is so talented and makes the cutest things, from infinity scarves to personalized tote bags.   I am of course a huge fan of one of her new products, which are diapers bags. She has one in the similar elephant fabric I'm using in my nursery!  

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Sandra from Litva's Jewelry.

Sandra is another shop owner that I recently discovered and love!  This month I got lucky and won a pair of her beautiful earrings in a giveaway and can't wait to wear them.  Sandra certainly creates some gorgeous jewelry like her chandelier earrings and some really fun pieces like these feathered earrings.  And it's a bonus that she is so easy to work with and I've loved exchanging emails back and forth this month! 

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What is on your happy list this week? 


Linking up to sunday style  YOLO Monday


  1. Sandra rocks! I have a TON of her jewelry (and she does my hair too)!!!

    Yahooooo for baby cribs!!!!!!!

  2. I love that crib. It's gorgeous!

  3. Look at your cute baby bump! Love it. My happy list includes trying out a recipe for oatmeal muffins and hopefully sun tomorrow!

  4. You are too cute. My happy list includes you, my niece, all 4 of us laughing hysterically in the car, and those sugar cookie bars that are dangerously delicious!

  5. It makes ME happy to see your cute growing baby bump!!

  6. I love your necklace! And of course the crib is VERY exciting!! I can't wait to see the elephant crib skirt that you make!!

  7. you look ADORABLE! and the crib is just perfect. i am having the hardest time finding a crib i like!

  8. 1) The crib is perfection! 2) That jacket? I want it! It's adorable! 3) Happiness sure is blogging were my first....and I'm forever grateful!


  9. Love the crib! I'm excited to see the bedding and everything.

    I love your necklace, so pretty!

    I hope you had a great weekend!

  10. I'm on BlogLovin too and love it!! That crib is adorable!!!

    I also love Sarah from The Hinton Hook Up! Her blog is great!!

    Hope you had a great weekend!!

  11. Love this look! The colors and baby bump are perfect on you :)

  12. Such a pretty crib! Can't wait to see the full nursery :)

  13. Look at that perfect baby bump :) I love it!! And the crib is beautiful :) love you my friend!

  14. We finally got our crib too-and I know exactly what you mean,it is such a joy to see all these baby items:) You look super adorable! By the way, I'm hosting a link up party and would be glad if you decided to participate!

  15. super cute necklace. love it!

  16. I love your necklace and the crib is perfect!!


  17. happiness is eating cake for breakfast for meee :) haha

    The DayLee Journal

  18. First of all- I needed your bargin shopping for maternity clothes. I did EVER have that kind of luck. I'm impressed. Thanks for the bloglovin tip. I have been a bit intimidated about figuring out how to make the switch...

  19. I got a necklace like that at the Navy Pier in Chicago almost four years ago. I still love it!

  20. I got a name necklace from them in the mail this weekend! I haven't worn it yet, but now I'm really excited to :)

    And YAY CRIB! Eeeek!


  21. So random! My hair stylist knows Sara from The Hinton Hookup! She did her hair for her wedding! SMALL WORLD. And I am trying to get my GFC Followers switched to Bloglovin' but the "Claim My Blog" thing is not popping up with my blog... I mean, I guess I've already claimed it? Just not sure where to go to from there. I had to e-mail the people there and hopefully they can help me!

  22. You look beautiful! Such a sweet thing putting together the crib. Oh the joy that is coming!

  23. You look so adorable and so does your baby bump! Love the crib, I can't imagine how happy that makes you!

  24. You look adorable! And yay for baby crib, one step closer right?! ;)

  25. Look at the crib, how cute it is :) I can't wait to get mine!!

  26. LOVE your stripes and name necklace - so fun! And that polka dot tote is so totally need the elephant print diaper bag :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  27. Your name necklace is adorable! That crib is so pretty, and I bet you just can't wait to have your baby sleeping inside :)

  28. love the crib!! makes it really seem real (to me!) now!!

  29. You look adorable with your mini bump! And score on the maternity jeans, I say it's totally ok to wear it every day! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  30. Yay for the crib! Can't wait to see the finished nursery!

    The Tiny Heart
    Avon Giveaway!

  31. LOVE that you have the crib all set up! The first day of spring is definitely on my happy list this week!

  32. Oh that sweet baby crib!!! Can't wait to see pictures of baby girl in there!

  33. Aww, yay for baby cribs :) and that necklace is adorable!

  34. Yeah for your crib! So exciting! I lOVE this necklace too, it is soooo cool!

  35. The thing about the crib is.. once its up I was like, "well all thats missing now is the baby... c'mon baby"... it makes you antsy...

  36. These are all definitely things to be happy about!! The crib is sooo cute, as is your personalized necklace :)

  37. I just did a styling sesh for Sybil AND I absolutely LOVE Sandra! They are the sweetest!! And look at that little baby girl heart is fluttering!

  38. Those pants look sooooo comfy!

    And the necklace is adorable. Yay for a crib! You're getting there :)

  39. Great jeans! I can't believe your bargain finds sometimes! :)
    Beautiful crib... so exciting!!

  40. Lovely outfit! I love your pictures, your so pretty!


  41. aw i love the crib! I can't wait until our shower when I'll start getting all the furniture and stuff!


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