March 14, 2013

High Five for Friday

shirt: old navy   pants: H&M maternity  shoes: target

1. I had thought I'd wear a lot of belted shirts in the early pregnancy stage but due to the fact that the majority of my shirts don't fit my upper half, this is the first time. 

2.  One of my students asked me in all seriousness, "So when are we going to name your baby?"  I had to break it to her that I wasn't really going to let my class choose a name.  (If you remember their first suggestion was Zorro.) 

3.  I feel like the only recipes I post about are desserts.  I swear I eat dinner too.  I made these this week for our small group and they were SO good.  Of course Chris said they were one of the best desserts he's ever had.  

4.  After many comments on this post I thought I definitely had an idea that was going to make me rich.  Turns out someone has thought of pretty much the same thing.  Thank you Allison for sharing this with me.  If it wasn't $90 I'd buy it and put it on my bed. 

5. I'm was so excited to get some fabric that I ordered from  I love the colors! I am planning on using the elephant fabric for a crib skirt and maybe curtains.  

This week has felt quite long, so I am very happy it is Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!

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  1. Those chocolate chip squares look so good!

  2. That raft is so funny!! Maybe you'll get it for your shower! ;)

  3. The chiropractor has a pretty cool table for pregnant women, too. :)

  4. Omg! That's amazing someone thought of it too! :)

    That dessert looks amazing! I want some now.

    Too funny that your students thought they were going to name her. Zorrro is awful, lol.

    The elephant fabric is adorable.

  5. Agreed, this week was super long. Hope you have a nice weekend!

  6. Feel your pain on the button up shirts. I actually had a stash of shirts that for one reason or the other over the years I accidently purchased too large so in my mind I thought I'll keep them for pregnancy.....yeah, well, those shirts don't even fit! Those bars look yummy! Happy weekend.

  7. I love that your class came up with really should give in and just let them name your baby. Haha. And I was sad to ruin your dream of becoming rich from your invention!

  8. Haha! OMG! I can't believe they make that raft! That is awesome! I have been belting my button downs and loving it! It's a good way to go when you can. I specifically like to do it when I'm wearing a sweater over it. It brings shape back to my body...

  9. Oh my goodness...look at that float! I still think your mattress is a great idea. :) And I love that your class is getting so excited about your baby as well (are you sure you don't want to name your baby Zorro? Ha!). Have a great weekend!

  10. I hate it when I "invent" something only to find out someone else stole my idea before me. The last time was when I invented the hands free dog leash. A quick google search led me to see someone had already made it :(

    Super cute fabric!

  11. That float is awesome! And those squares look phenomenal! I'm going to need some pronto

  12. Just bought a pair of green skinnies! Love what you put together with them! And how cool is that inflatable cut out belly bed?! I think I may need one for my post pizza or cupcake days! Haha :)

    Still lovin the elephants :)

  13. My chambray shirt is kinda boxy so maybe I should try the belting too. I mean, I won't look as cute as you with the lil' bump, but still lol

  14. My chambray shirt is kinda boxy so maybe I should try the belting too. I mean, I won't look as cute as you with the lil' bump, but still lol

  15. I love that elephant fabric, so adorable! Those chess squares look delicious! And what do you mean, you don't want to name your baby Zorro?? Haha

  16. Haha. I love that your kiddos thought they'd be naming the baby. That's adorable. I don't think Zorro's too bad of a name. ;-)

    I also really love that fabric you picked out.

  17. Loving you emerald jeans! So pretty!
    And what do you don't like the name Zorro?! Especially for a girl...;)


  18. I can't wait to meet my sweet niece Zorro : ) You are the cutest pregnant lady EVER!!

  19. What? You don't like the name Zorro for your baby?! ;)

    I love that elephant fabric!

  20. Darn, can't believe that your idea already exists!
    I love the fabrics you picked out. They're so fun. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  21. so funny, that raft! happy friday.

    for the record, i like that you post about desserts ... dinner is overrated :)

  22. I love the color scheme you picked and those fabrics are SO cute. I can't wait to see the final result! And um, I really think Zorro Vale has a special ring to it, don't you think!? :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. I love all the elephant stuff! Super cute!

  24. OH MY GOSH THE POOL FLOAT. i love it. best ever!!! it just proves you are clearly a genius.

  25. That dessert looks amazing and the fabric is adorable! Can't wait to see what you create with it!

  26. Yum...those squares look so good. Ha, I would have loved to have one of those floats when I was pregnant. I hated sleeping on my side or back!!

  27. That elephant fabric is adorable! Love it!


  28. Oh my gosh it would be hilarious if you could incorporate the students' name picks somehow - ours tried to name my co teacher's baby ALFONSO! The student that suggested it said it was a "strong" name like his! =)

  29. How cute that your students want to name your baby. Zorro is awesome! I giggled for sure. You look great! Hope you're having a wonderful Friday!

  30. Ha ha that's so cute that your student said that. Maybe instead you can let them GUESS what the name with be!

    Some Snapshots Blog

  31. You look great! And wow love that elephant fabric, can't wait to see what you make!
    xo Annie

  32. Those bars look to DIE FOR, so I might have to try making them during my Spring Break. Haha.

    Dang it, of course someone came up with it already. :\ Oh well, maybe you'll come up with something else.

    Happy Friday!

    Mostly Lisa

  33. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  34. can you help me figure out how many yards for curtains? i drove myself crazy today on and googleing and ended up just ordering premade curtains for her nursery on etsy. But I still need to make curtains for all the rest of the house! i am a lil slow when it comes to the math dept ;) and ps that tummy thing is genius! you know what i've just been doing though? I take my *stupid* $75 snoogle i bought and roll it up in a circle.. it makes it so comfy to sleep on my belly.

  35. LOVE the elephant fabric! Just saw it as curtains in Sawyers room over at Little Miss Momma's! SO CUTE!!!

  36. That's so cute how your students want to name the baby. Why in the world wouldn't you want a baby named Zorro? Haha. The fabric you got is so cute, can't wait to see what you do with it!

  37. That cut out thing always makes me nervous. I'm not really sure sure. I think it was always just so uncomfortable for me because my belly was SO big!!

  38. These squares look delicious! And I love the belted shirt on you!
    xx Katja

  39. Love the outfit, you should totally name your baby Zorro!;)



  40. Love that fabric you chose, it is precious!!

  41. That pillow with the hole in it is genius! I feel like $90 is totally worth it...

  42. That fabric is precious! And I'm so happy y'all liked the chess squares! I bet baby girl enjoyed the sugar :)

  43. You look SO cute!! Those jeans are amazing!! I haven't ever had a baby but that pillow with the hole is something I know I would want!! I can't sleep if I am not on my stomach!


  44. Thank you for providing such a valuable information and thanks for sharing this matter.


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