March 13, 2013

Bachelor Dream and a Life Lesson

scarf: gift    cardigan: walmart   pants: target maternity   shirt: shade clothing

I just realized that I posted an outfit picture with this scarf two days ago.  Oops.  What can I say? I really like it.  

I also should tell you that I had a dream the other night that I was on the bachelor.  We were on a date by some mountains and the producers were trying to make me say that I was afraid of bugs and didn't want to climb up the mountain, even though that was not true.  

Meaning of my dream:  the bachelor is staged.  

Lesson to learn:  I wouldn't even care and would watch it regardless.  I am a loyal fan.  

Another thing that I am a fan of is Jessah from Dreaming of Dimples.  Jessah is one of the bloggers I've connected with through the struggle of infertility.  Bloggers like her, that I've received support and encouragement from, have truly been the greatest blessing I've found since starting my blog.  She is honest, strong and beautiful and I'm so happy to share her with you today:  

Happy Wednesday! 
I'm Jessah from Dreaming of Dimples.
My blog is an extension of me. A space to share my life, my thoughts, and my talents. I blog to inspire and connect with this wonderful world of talented, amazing female bloggers. {that means you}

What you can expect to find on my blog is a true representation of my life. Not just the happiness and joy but the sadness and heartache as well. It is filled with the things I love, my struggles, things that motivate me and inspire me, my photography and any little adventure on my life’s path.

Here are 10 random things that y'all might like to know about me. 
  1. I love pomegranates and eating them is practically the only thing I enjoy about winter.
  2. Puppies make me smile. {And if they don't make you smile, you might be broken. Just sayin'.}
  3. I'm an instagramaholic. My addiction happens here if you'd like to witness firsthand. 
  4. The sun is my best friend. I love it more than anything. {I use protection. Don't worry. SPF30 to be exact.}
  5. I enjoy riding horses.
  6. I've got mad party planning skills. Check out three themed-parties that I hosted last year - Pinterest PartyFavorite Things and Sip & See
  7. I finished my first half marathon in October and think running has finally become a habit. 
  8. I have an unhealthy obsession with alpacas.
  9. My marriage is in a constant state of growing and stretching so it can become the best version of itself. 
  10. I've been (unsuccessfully) trying to have a baby for over four years and we openly share our infertility story here.

Winner will be contacted after the 17th.  Thanks for entering!



  1. I totally watch it even though I know it's staged! Still love it!


  2. I have no experience with infertility, but I've seen the blogging community it has and think you ladies are awesome.

    Congrats on your half! I've just started running and am doing a 5K at the beginning of May and I'm terrified I'm gonna do horrible, haha!

  3. I'm glad you love that scarf!! I loveJessah too.

  4. Thanks for sharing another great blogger with an incredible journey! I look forward to following!!

  5. I feel like i've been missing out on something....I've never watched the bachelor :/ ..... Can't wait to check out Dreaming in Dimples!

  6. How fun!

  7. I only saw the finale! LOL Love your outfit. And, thanks for the introduction to another blogger.

  8. I love Jessah! She works with my husband and was the one who got me started in blogging. So amazing!!

  9. Love your scarf and I'm excited to check out a new blog!


  10. Ooh I love when blog buddies know each other! You two are the sweetest!

    Enter my Scarf giveaway

  11. ahh that scarf! is it elephants?? i think i have it too :)

    The DayLee Journal

  12. Beautiful sweater and scarf!! You look so pretty! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style Delights Blog

  13. Haha! Aren't dreams hilarious? I feel like my dreams could be made into movies... they are so random yet exciting!

  14. Yep...basically. The Bachelor is so staged.

    And i'm a big fan of that scarf as well!

  15. Haha - your dream is too funny! I've definitely had Bachelor dreams too (Jeff & Emily's season)...and I will forever be a fan of the cheesy show...SO excited Des is the new bachelorette! Love your scarf Katie :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  16. Your dream was funny haha, that could be a possibility of it being staged, who know! Also, I will check out Jessah's blog.


  17. I watched The Bachelor for the first time in a LONG time this season and I have to say, I was hooked. It's so fake, but so addicting. :)
    Isn’t That Charming.

  18. Haha! I continue to watch it too even though it probably is staged and most of the couples don't last!

    The Tiny Heart
    Avon Giveaway!

  19. Haha, I had a Bachelor dream the other night, too! The gist of it was that he chose the wrong girl and regretted it. So... who do you think I thought he should choose? ;-)

  20. girl you KNOW i love me some Bachelor. loyal fan for life. also, jessah is adorable!

  21. Haha I'm a new Bachelor fan - but I'll admit that I've also had dreams, haha.

    Hope you have a wonderful day :)

    The Hartungs Blog

  22. How funny! I found that I had THE craziest dreams during my second trimester lol.

  23. First time here and I got to see two girls at once. :)
    Sorry to hear about the infertility. I work with women who want to have a baby and try to improve their chances with nutrition. If you haven't tried seeing a nutritionist, give it a go. It's amazing what a body can do once the issues are found and addressed through the diet.

    Have a wonderful day!

  24. Love learning about new blogs@ And I totally agree w. Dreaming of Dimples "Puppies make me smile. {And if they don't make you smile, you might be broken. Just sayin'.}"

  25. Hahaha the meaning of your dream! That completely made me laugh out loud that Sean asked me what's so funny?

    It's a great scarf! Wear it everyday if you want. That's what I do with my leopard scarf ;)

  26. What a strange dream! Who cares if you posted the scarf a few days's awesome! Great giveaway too! Oooohh! Excited! And looking forward to getting to know Jessah :)

  27. hi pretty! i love jessah too :) i also LOOOVE your mustard cardigan! love!

  28. Everyone's immediate thought is that all "reality" tv is pretty fake. Apparently The Bachelor is pretty real, though. Sean's sister is a blogger and has talked about the show and says it's all very real, no script, no producer's telling you what to do, no reshooting. It's interesting to see an insider's perspective!


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