March 12, 2013

How I'm going to get rich

dress: target maternity    scarf: gap    boots: ? 

I have always been a terrible sleeper, which I'm sure hoping isn't passed on to my daughter. 
I could count on one hand the amount of times a year I sleep through the night. 

Since being pregnant my sleeping has gone even more downhill and I attribute most of it to not being able to find a comfortable position since I always slept on my stomach.  Even with the use of body pillows I can not get comfortable on my side. 

Which is why I'm convinced I need to invent a pregnancy mattress that has a hole in it, so your stomach can go in it.  It could even have different sections or wedges that can accommodate your growing belly. 

In case you can't picture what I'm talking about, I thought it would be a good use of my time to draw one.  

Now I'm pretty sure chiropractors and doctors would not support this invention, but I'm guessing that a good amount of pregnant woman would still buy it.  Which is why I think I could make some decent money if I sold them.  What do you think?  Any fellow stomach sleepers out there?


Linking up to: pleated poppy    random wednesday    style sessions


  1. LOL! I SO would've used one when I was preggers! #patentthatbish

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hahaha that's hilarious! Genius invention! You're going to be rich! Patent it!!

  4. Love that dress!!! You look soo cute!!

  5. YES! I've never been pregnant but when I had foot surgery I had to sleep on my back w/ my foot up on some pillows. It was the worst b/c I'm a stomach sleeper. I've always wondered how I would sleep if I was pregnant. I think this bed would be a big seller!! :)

    Love your outfit too!

  6. I almost cut a hole in mine when i was pregnant. It was 2 am. I couldnt sleep. I was over it. Turns out I was just preparing for never sleeping again. Go figure.


  7. Good use of time, indeed. I also rarely sleep through the night.

    And I almost bought a maternity shirt with all that rouching (sp?) at Target. Just because it looked comfy and was $7.

  8. Your paint skills are top notch! :) I've had a few girlfriends sleep in a LAy-z-boy instead of a bed when they were pregnant.

  9. keep rockin' the dresses they are so cute on your bump!!!

  10. I love that dress!!! It looks so good.

  11. stopping by from style elixir's link up. Love your post. It would be nice if they made mattresses like that. I could have used it when I was pregnant with my son.


  12. haha brilliant!! OMG this is so smart - my coteacher is due June 13 and she said she's hardly sleeping, too b/c of no comfy way to lay! You would make $$$$.

    Just think, baby girl's college fund would be set? worth it....

  13. This is genius really! Getting comfy while pregnant is SO hard to do! I totally get it!

  14. You should definitely invent that!! Haha! You'd make the big bucks! :) I love your outfit! That dress is gorgeous!

  15. Haha, you're hilarious! The whole left side thing didn't work for me, I'm a right side sleeper. Go get a massage, they have beds like that. ;-)

  16. I'd buy that mattress for my next pregnancy. I suffered so much with being comfortable sleeping while preggo.
    You know what else I'd buy? That dress! Your bum is looking adorable.

  17. Haha! I agree.. that idea could totally pay for you daughter's college! Love that dress too :)

  18. I think a lot of pregnant women would appreciate this invention. I'd pitch it! Haha.

    Love the dress.

    Mostly Lisa

  19. Hahahahaha this is hilarious! I think it would fix your problem though ;) Luckily I'm a side/back sleeper... I didn't start sleeping on my stomach till I actually got pregnant. The pressure on my growing chest felt good lol...

  20. OH MY GOSH look how cute you are!!! Your bump is reaalllyy beginning to show now. Woo! Love that drawing, hahaha! Do it!! I am soo a stomach sleeper, too!

  21. That dress is adorable on you and I love your drawing, you're very talented :P

  22. This definitely is brilliant!! I'm also stomach sleeper - I have no idea how I'll deal with my future pregnancies!

    Hope you a wonderful day :)

    The Hartungs Blog

  23. Haha you are so cute! I feel bad for tummy sleepers when they are pregnant. I am a side sleeper so hopefully I can get comfortable on my side when I am pregnant!

  24. Looking adorable with your bump! And I think that is a genius invention.
    xo Annie

  25. # i love your dress! what a great color. #2 this is genius. i'm a stomach sleeper and i fear for my sleep habits when we have kids! what will i do?! i think you should patent this!

  26. Lol...genius! Even for a night when you ate (drank?) too much.

  27. Yes! I would totally go for that. :) I am a stomach sleeper too and the bigger I got the worse it was. So miserable. And then I was so excited about being able to sleep on my tummy once I had the kidlet. Nope. My milk leaked all over when I slept on my tummy. Yuk. I did however eventually return to my stomach. :)
    And I love that dress on you. :-

  28. Hahaha I would've loved this when I was pregnant!! Great idea! And I love that maternity dress on are SO adorable preggo! Sweet little baby girl bump :)

  29. you are hilarious taking an outdoor pic in short sleeves!! and somehow manage to look comfortable... girrrrrrrrrrrrllllll!!!!!

  30. From your diagram any chiropractor worth his or her weight should be able to see that your back is perfectly straight and aligned. I can't see how they could raise any objection. You have obviously done your research and this should be a winner! Hope you find a comfy spot soon.

  31. Hahah love this! I'm a tummy sleeper too so can you please start inventing so this mattress is available when I get pregnant? :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  32. Lol! You are adorable! What a genius! hehehehe.

  33. Ha! What a great idea!


  34. I'm a stomach sleeper and the idea of being pregnant and wanting to lay on my stomach never crossed my mind! I would totally buy your invention :D

    Your bump is looking adorable. Hope you're feeling well!

  35. beautiful dress <3 <3 You look great!

  36. i would love a bed like that hahah!!! you look soo hot in this red dress, mama!! :)

    Sandy a la Mode

  37. Haha great invention! I think you will become rich with this idea. Also, you look lovely in that bright dress, so pretty.


  38. haha i love it!!!! perfect invention!

  39. I'm a horrible sleeper! I don't recall ever sleeping through the night,even with meds. I always thought pregnancy keeping you awake is God's way of preparing you to be up during the night when the baby comes, hehe

  40. Haha, genius! I sleep on my stomach too and I definitely wouldn't be able to fall asleep on my side/back.

    The Tiny Heart
    Avon Giveaway!

  41. BAHAHAHAHAH THAT IS GENIUS! oh my gosh i would buy one!! i am SO uncomfortable sleeping now!!

  42. Run with this!!! Genius idea...I would have gotten it when I was pregnant!!! :) Can I be your Marketing Director when it hits the store??

  43. what a cool idea! i think that would seriously go over well! would love for u to stop by and enter into my giveaway today!

    2 $50 Gift Card Giveaway Today!

  44. Hahaha, I love this. You are a genius my friend!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  45. True story here: when I was 8 months pregnant I went to the beach. I just wanted to lay in the sand...but I couldn't because I looked like a beached whale. SO I dug a hole for my belly and it was the best idea. EVER. You look fabulous!!! And I promise, sleeping doesn't get any easier! LOL
    Found you via the linkup

  46. preach it and make it! lol. I was thrilled to sleep and lay on my stomach again after baby!!

    ok note: I am about to write you a novel :)

    are you considering sleep training? It isn't for everyone, but it does work. I read and used the book 12 hours sleep by 12 week old with all of my kiddos. ( this is not a cry it out method book ... it teaches baby to sooth themselves to sleep ) Anyways my oldest was sleeping 8 pm to 8 am by 12 weeks, my middle was sleeping 8pm to 7 am by 10 weeks and my youngest was sleeping 9pm to 8 am by 11 weeks.

    again it isn't for everyone and I know you have waited a long time to hold this sweet girl of yours...but i just wanted to share and put it out there :)

  47. LOL! This is too funny! I am sure that would be no good on the back but helpful for the stomach.

    You look cute in that dress!


  48. you look so great - love the outfit and congratulations on expecting a baby girl!

  49. You are a hot momma rocking that dress!

    And ok, so how funny is this? In 5th grade we had a science fair, and my friend Kevin made a bed for a pregnant lady - complete with a hole in the mattress for her belly! I still remember it to this day, he used a Barbie and Ken to demonstrate!!!

  50. Yes, yes, yes! I would buy it! I am definitely a tummy sleeper and I've wondered what I am going to do when I'm pregnant. I've said the same thing about making a bed like this. They have those masseuse tables that are specially designed for pregnant women... surely we can get a bed too! ;)

  51. Great dress - you look fantastic!!
    I guess I should be glad I'm not a stomach sleeper because I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have to change sleeping positions. That said, love your idea for the mattress... Very innovative! :)

  52. Haha, so funny, I told my hubby about this "pregnancy bed" idea as well:) I got 2 long pregnancy pillows and it really helps to feel more comfy!!!

  53. that would kill me if i was pregnant. i am for sure a stomach sleeper.

    i'm a new follower.

  54. Genius idea! And that dress! WOW! Perfect on you :)

  55. Love the dress!

    Genius idea. I went to the beach when I was pregnant and dug a hole for my belly. It was delightful. Also, I got a pregnancy massage one time where they had two big wedges (like the sponge wedges you use to put on makeup only several times larger) and they had them like a bike jump < > with a space in the middle for the belly. it was heavenly.

  56. Love this look. And target maternity was my GEM when I was pregnant with L :)

  57. Cha ching! I am having a hard time with the whole not being able to sleep on my back thing. I seriously am messing up my neck/shoulders from sleeping on my side these days. I still have been managing on my tummy but this week I notice it is getting more and more uncomfortable so I would totally buy this bed. It also kind of made me laugh bc I use to work at a chiro/massage school and it reminded me of how they had massage tables for women who were well endowed and like your table they had cut outs for their ahem.....girls.

  58. I LOVE this outfit!! I sure hope Target brings great maternity clothes to Canada when they open this year (for future purchases!).

    I missed sleeping on my belly so much when pregnant. I had a wedge which was someone comfortable. I've heard the Snoogle is amazing but it's pricy.


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