March 4, 2013

Life doesn't always go according to pinterest

sweater, maternity jeans, wedges: target    necklace: groopdealz 

Well I'm sure this is no new news to any of you, but sometimes in life and especially the blog world it's easy to assume that things are always organized, happy and in place for others.  We all know this isn't true but I think it's important to share those non-perfect moments. 

This weekend we started the first phase of getting our nursery ready.  We had to move Chris' home office down to the basement.  This room wasn't just an office, but has been our "extra" room, which just means lots of crap that's been there for too long. 

Chris did the big furniture a few weekends ago and what was left was just piles of random stuff to sort through.  Oh and cobwebs, dust and all sorts of lovely things. 

I got back from running some errands on Saturday morning and he had already done a majority of the work with bags full of garbage and less piles left.  To which I failed to say how happy I was that he started the process while I was gone. 

A few words exchanged and miscommunicated.  Along with a brief conversation about a large shelf on the middle of the wall.  Chris wanted to just leave it there because "we can just put stuff for the baby on there anyway, right?" To which I was too dramatically surprised that he thought it was a good idea to plan all our furniture and decorating around a shelf that was already there.  

I ended up sitting on the floor, sorting through piles in tears.  A few tears may have been justified, but the 20 minutes of tears I'm blaming on pregnancy hormones. 

A few apologies exchanged and things were completely okay.  But let's just say it didn't match up in my mind with this great, exciting and tender starting of our nursery. This moment was far from "instagram" or "pinterest" worthy but this is real life.  

I was thinking about it a lot more the day after and realize I have all these expectations for these exciting things that are coming: registering, preparing the nursery, organizing multiple things in our house, projects and others.  To which I blame part of it on pinterest, blogs and other unrealistic expectations.  Yes, they will be exciting, but yes they will come with their stress, miscommunications and emotions and I'm sure a large amount of them won't get done.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to try to do a lot of them, but I don't want my expectations and planning to get in the way of what we are really excited about and that is our sweet baby girl that is coming in July, who be happy and loved regardless of what projects or things I have completed. 



  1. Pregnancy hormones totally justify tears! Can't wait to see the nursery :)

  2. I think this has been a huge lesson in my life lately - adjusting my expectations can make all of the difference! I'm trying to do that with our upcoming move - staying focused on the things I can control, and expecting a few bumps along the way. I can't wait to see the nursery come together! xoxo, Eliza

  3. You have to take life day by day & know that even amidst all the stress/pregnancy hormones Chris is there to pick you up when you seem / feel down =) And when he can't help, remember sweet baby girl Vale + the God that blessed you with her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And when/where you register you better let me know woman ;)

  4. PREACH! I love this post ;) you are so inspiring dear... seriously. What a great message.

  5. You make such a good point- social media really does create some expectations that aren't realistic sometimes! Sorry it didn't go as planned! You look adorable!

  6. social media is a great way to feel like pooh about your own life if you aren't careful. good post!

  7. I can wait to see the nursery!! I'm sure it will be amazing, and she will love it!!

    Don't get me started on those pregnancy hormones!! 5 months later and mine are still here in full force! Lol!

  8. I love all of the colors in your outfit and those shoes!! Super cute!!

  9. Oh Katie, you are so wise! And the truth is, parenting is the exact same way! Most moments are nor Pinterest or Instagram worthy. There are tears(from parents and baby), messes that don't look or smell cute, and moments you expect to feel perfect that feel like disasters. But, even the hard moments are opportunities to love that sweet little girl and the family God is blessing you with. You have to look past the expectations to the people, and I know you are so good at doing that. I love you!

  10. Love the realness of this post! Reminds me of the standards vs. expectations post I did last week!

    Oh and PS...that outfit is totally Pinterest-worthy ;)


  11. Expectations are always the things that get least, they do me. You are smart to figure this out early in the process. Unfortunately, those hormones make us women do crazy things! Love the color combo in your outfit!! :)

  12. I'm sure the nursery will come together beautifully. You're right, Pinterest and other sites can totally present unrealistic expectations... so I can see how you could get stressed out and upset when things don't go quite right. Best wishes as you continue nesting... it'll be great!

  13. It's all def preggo hormones! I've never been pregnant (but witnessed my fair share) My girlfriend balled for hours one time because she hung a picture frame above the baby's crib and it fell and shattered. She was still pregnant and there was no baby in the crib but she freaked out and kept thinking about if the baby had been in there. it seriously tore her up for weeks... don't worry, this too shall pass! Try to enjoy this time, because in all honesty your baby isn't gonna give a damn what the nursery looks like :)

  14. I like the change up in the pic... An inside shot today...

  15. Gurrrllll.... Wait til you HAVE the baby!!! The drop in hormones is not fun!!!! Temporary.... But not fun!!!!

  16. I probably would have cried too and I'm not even pregnant. I seriously cry at everything. i love all the colors in your outfit and pinterest really does set up unrealistic expectations!


  17. Awesome that you have it right on mama! Preach!!

  18. oh man! i do NOT miss those pregnancy hormones!! but i do get PMS now... which is equally not fun!!
    Sandy a la Mode

  19. Let's just blame everything on the pregnancy hormones okay? It's so much easier that way :) And yes things won't be easy (I would imagine since I don't have kids) but it's all going to be perfect once that little bundle of joy comes along that you've been waiting for for so long! Keep smiling pretty lady :)

  20. I love this outfit! You look amazing! :) I cant wait to see picture of the nursery. I would be blaming everything on pregnancy hormones, those are not fun.


  21. Most things around here are un-Pinterest-worthy. Thanks for saying it :)

  22. pregnancy hormones are totally justified! i had some of those breakdowns, too. you're so right...this isn't a pinterest-perfect world! you just keep focusing on meeting that sweet baby the end that's all that matters :)

  23. amen sista! I've had too many of those weekends lately.. Still got so much crap to do but we're right there with ya guys.. the men don't see our cutesy Pinterest visions, they just want practical and less work for them ;).I just gotta keep reminding myself that we still got time. So happy though you're having a lil girl too!! It just makes it more fun.. that's the trend among the blog world right now :)

  24. I can completely relate to this post and how true it is!!

    I havent had a baby, but when I got married I felt like I was hugely disappointed because I had such high expectations. Those expectations were unrealistic and I think all the years of dreaming about my wedding gave me a false reality.

    Now years looking back I know I had an amazing wedding and I didn't have anything to be disappointed with. I'm thankful for having the wedding I had and the little details are what count.

    I hope your pregnancy experience will be something you can cherish even for its hard moments.

    You can read me at Once Upon The Hill.

  25. Sometimes, especially as a blogger, it's hard to remember that things aren't always easy. But I'm sure no matter what happens you will make some beautiful memories getting ready for Baby Vale :) Love the colors in your outfit pretty!

    The Other Side of Gray

  26. So true. Projects are fun- until they aren't anymore. At which time you have to take a break, let a few go, and do the ones that bring you joy. Remember, you'll spend most of your time in the nursery in the middle of the night. When you are bleary-eyed and can't see a thing anyway. :)

  27. this is such a monumental time in your and his life so it's bound to bring stress. I'm sorry that it happened tho!

  28. ahh, I can totally relate! Those pregnancy hormones are seriously some of the craziest! Everything will turn out beautiful though :)

  29. Love your sweater <3 Great outfit honey!!

  30. I totally agree! Sometimes blogs and pinterest make everything look amazing and stress-free, when in reality, that's only part of it! I can't wait to see the new nursery! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  31. Yes I'd blame it on stress and pregnancy hormones too! Glad you guys worked it out and you realized that unrealistic expectations can get the best of us. I'm sure your nursery will be beautiful for your baby. Who cares what pinterest thinks!!

  32. So true that the blog world puts up this front that life is sunshine and rainbows when it isn't always the case. Can't wait to see the finished nursery!

    The Tiny Heart

  33. To put this in perspective... when I had my daughter, I was 24.. the day after we came back from the hospital I had spent the whole day alone with her in a little one bedroom apartment.. I put her on the couch to sleep and I was so disappointed in myself that I had put her so far away... I spent the next 2 hours crying and apologizing to her for not reading Shakespere to her...
    My husband came home to me sitting on the couch with her, in tears... saying, "You're not bonding with me, I'm not bonding with the baby, the baby isn't bonding with you!!!" He literally.. just backed out of the room....

  34. Thanks for being so honest, Katie. I think it's so good to remember that things aren't as perfect as the blogging world makes things out to be. Thankfully, if life were perfect it would also be boring. ;-)

  35. Love this post! It's so easy to forget the reality behind Pinterest, etc!


  36. You're totally not alone. I think we all come up with a number of expectations surrounding a big event, especially with all of the inspiration there is with blogs, pinterest, etc. It's easy to get worked up when something doesn't pan out the way we're thinking. I love that you are honest and willing to share your feelings with all of us. That's not an easy thing to do! But it's nice to see the other side of things once in awhile. I have to remember to do this more myself. And - can I just say that your outfit is awesome?! I love the color combo so much! This might be my favorite outfit ever.

  37. Thank you for posting the "real" stuff too :) I think we ALL get sucked into how things "should" be. I get mad that we live in a rental house that I can't decorate, but totally didn't care when we moved in because it was before blogging and Pinterest. Haha

    I have every faith that your nursery will be gorgeous and more importantly, perfect for your little nugget!

  38. you are so adorable. and girl, if i could only tell you the amount of times i have just busted into tears recently over the most ridiculous stuff. seriously. it's okay to just let things happen, I'm learning. :)

  39. Your the cutest pregnant gal... it looks good on you :)

  40. This is a very well written post! I think a lot of people struggle with the same thing...I know I do. Thanks for being real and honest. It is very refreshing!


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