March 5, 2013

Random Wednesday

dress: forever 21   necklace: gift    cardigan: old navy   boots: dsw 

Thank you SO much for all your excitement, comments and congratulations when we announced we're having a girl! We really couldn't be more excited!

Despite my closed eyes I'm still sharing this picture. In honor of Dr. Suess' birthday my team dressed up as the "things" and even baby Vale got to participate.  I lost my shirt from last year, so I wore this instead.  
I finished my first baby room project. After seeing this adorable print on pinterest I wanted to copy.  I used a canvas that I already had, drew the elephant and used the top of a spray can to make the dots.  I had to use the paintbrush to go over many missed spaces and to even out the circles.

These are the colors we're planning on using for the room. I can't wait to hang it and add two others to each side.  Now to decide what to put on them! 

Hope you're having a good week!


Linking up to:  saw it pinned it

pleated poppy    random wednesday    style sessions


  1. Such a cute dress!

  2. Soooo cute! Love the colors for her room and your letter to her is too sweet! :) She is one lucky girl! You look absolutely gorgeous in the red and white dress! I love that necklace!! :)

  3. I loved the outfits you put together for Dr. Seuss's bday! And the baby room colors are so perfect =)

  4. Only us teachers know Dr. Seuss' birthday. Haha. Your outfit is perfect! And I love your painting for the nursery. So cute!

  5. I love the elephant canvas, so cute! Are y'all doing a baby animals theme or did you just like the elephant? I can't wait to see her nursery, I know it will be precious!

  6. I love your letter. And dress. Your canvas turned our great!! Good work!!

  7. I love the painting! So adorable, the colors are great.. it's going to be such a cute nursery!

  8. Look at that baby belly popping out! Yay! Can't wait to see more of the nursery!

  9. You look so cute in red!!! AND I love your nursery colors!! It's going to look great!

  10. I love your artwork!! ANd your cute striped tunic, too. You'er adorable, Katie!

  11. That is the perfect little outfit for Dr Seuss's bday!! Your art work turned out adorable and I love the colors you decided on for the nursery.

  12. Love the print! You did a great job!! Baby girl s blessed with you guys as parents! Love the letter!!

  13. You look great! Love that dress on you! I absolutely LOVE the little letter to your sweet baby girl!

  14. The red and the cream is a great combo - that necklace is awesome!

  15. I love your necklace! and that elephant print is too cute! Can't wait to see what else you make for the nursery :)


  16. I'm wearing the same necklace in my post tomorrow! (but in green)

    Love this new painting. i can't wait to see baby's room!

  17. Aww your little print is adorable!! Can't wait to see the room!!

  18. Wow, I missed a LOT! Congratulations on the baby girl! Let's be real, they're SO much more fun to go clothes shopping for :)
    You look so cute and I love the elephant canvas!

  19. A girl?! YAY!!! SO exciting! You look great! Love your red stripes! :)

  20. LOVE that dress! After following your's and a couple other people's blogs lately I've decided I really need to start shopping at FOREVER 21....

  21. LOVE that dress! After following your's and a couple other people's blogs lately I've decided I really need to start shopping at FOREVER 21....

  22. Love the letter to your baby GIRL! Congrats again. And that dress worked out perfectly for Dr. Seuss day! Love it when outfits work out that way.

  23. That Dr Seuss outfit is AWESOME!!! and I love that elephant painting, how cute are you? Can't wait to see what else you make!


  24. I love the print!! And your weekly updates to your little girl!! I always look forward to reading the next one. It's something I didn't do, and seeing others do it makes me wish I did!!

  25. Still so excited for you in finding out you are having a girl! (pretty sure I would have been just as excited if she were a boy too..haha) The elephant art is way too cute!

    And of course.. your outfit.. the colors are so great on you!

  26. I'm glad for you in finding out you are having a girl! I love baby girls. You are looking beautiful and I know that it's the beauty of motherhood <3

  27. That elephant print is SO cute! I secretly hope I have a girl so I can dress her :) Love that striped dress on you Katie!

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. What an appropriate dress for Dr. Suess' Birthday! The elephant project is darn cute too! Love it

  29. your project turned out wonderfully!! I love it!

  30. Love the nursery colors, so soft and pretty! The artwork turned out great! I may give my youngest son a bottle cap instead of paint brush on our next art hour :) Still cracking up over the thing 1-5 picture!!

  31. You look adorable in that dress! And I absolutely love the elephant. That is going to look SO cute in the nursery.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  32. The elephant canvas came out SO cute! Can't wait to see what else you decorate the nursery with.

    The Tiny Heart

  33. What a sweet letter to your baby girl! That just warmed my heart! Love the DIY project. You make it look so easy! Hope you have a great day.

  34. so so cute Katie you look great!!!!

    Here are mine if you get a second to take a peak:

  35. I want that F21 dress!!!!! Love it! And is it weird that I want that painting in my own room??? So freaking cute. Can't wait to see what else you do for the room!!

  36. Lovely outfit! I love that striped dress, you look fabulous.


  37. Love the striped dress! Great colors you chose for the baby's room. I absolutely love the art you made! So cute!!

  38. you are so beautiful. and that DIY canvas thing is ADORABLE!!! such a cute idea.

  39. oh my goodness, I love love LOVE that print!

  40. Three things:

    1. You look beautiful in that dress!
    2. Your letter to your baby girl brought tears to my eyes. I have baby fever to the max!
    3. I LOVE the painting you did for you little girl's room. I can't wait to see how you decorate it!

  41. Love the nursery colors!

  42. ok that elephant print is TOO cute!! Adore!!!!!!!!!!! and i also love your dress. :)

    thanks for your comment on my blog, it made me so happy!!!

  43. you look great! Love that big necklace, little babe is lucky to have such a stylish momma!
    Coffee Beans and Bobby Pins

    Mary Nichol Handbag Giveaway!

  44. First, you look great! I love the dress and necklace. Second, I love that you're writing your little girls letters. I did something similar and I'm so glad I did. Have fun shopping for her, I was a little (a lot) out of control in the nesting department. :)

  45. You look so cute! And you're having a girl! Congratulations again!

  46. I love that you did thing 3 & 5 for baby! So cute!

  47. AWWW your letters are so sweet!

  48. Adorable outfit! Congratulations on your girl!!

  49. I love your necklace and think you should give it to me ;) Adorable elephant DIY!

  50. I am OBSESSED with elephants and absolutely love your DIY! It's so precious.


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