March 31, 2013

The greatest blessing

skirt: target     cardigan: loft    necklace: groopdealz 

There are so many things I am thankful for.  My husband, my family, our house, my job, this precious baby girl that I will get to met in July. 

These things are amazing blessings that God has given me.  But without a doubt the thing that I am most thankful for, and often take for granted, is that God sent His perfect Son to pay the price for my sins so that I could spend eternity with Him.  

Reminded on this day of the price He paid for my sins and praising God for the greatest gift I could be given.

You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. (2 Colossians 2:13-14)

Happy Easter!

He is Risen.  He is Risen indeed.  



  1. Happy Easter my dear friend!


  2. I love this..."canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross." So amazing! Happy Easter to you, Katie!!

  3. Your baby belly is looking so cute! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  4. Aw such a cute picture of you and your husband. :) Happy Easter! :)

  5. amen!! i think sometimes we only focus on the life we have waiting for us in heaven (and it will be so glorious!!) but because of christ, we have new life on earth, too!! i'm forever changed and have been given so so much here on this earth. but of course, cannot wait for heaven, too :)

  6. love that skirt, you look great! happy easter!

  7. Oh my word! I can't handle how cute you are!!! Love that baby bump :) God is so good!

  8. You look fantastic!! That bump is just growing like crazy now! Grow baby V!!!

  9. You look so cute! Happy Easter!

  10. Happy Easter! You look beautiful!

  11. Happy Easter! Great blessing indeed. Love your Easter outfit!

  12. Definitely a day to remember the great blessings God has given us. You look beautiful. Hope you had an amazing Easter!

  13. he is risen indeed! What a beautiful post! My Easter started with a tremendous storm & turned into the most beautiful afternoon... He is always smiling down on us!


  14. Amen to that! So thankful for God's greatest gift of His Son who is alive among us! Happy Easter!

    PS your baby bump is looking so much bigger now! You look great!!

  15. Beautiful lauren! It truly is Amazing Grace!
    Xo Maria

  16. You look so pretty <3 <3

  17. Love your Easter outfit Katie! And hope you had a fabulous holiday :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  18. Hope you had an amazing Easter weekend. You look so pretty, love the pastel colors!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  19. Love your Easter outfit and the fact that your bump is peeking out more and more!

  20. Happy easter!! What a perfect spring outfit and lovely post!

  21. Love love love this! Hope you had a blessed Easter! Love this picture of you and the hubs!

  22. Oh Sweet Katie, great photo of you, husband & your Belly Baby Girl. Nice Maxi Skirt. I also love the color of your cardigan, between a Lavender & a Periwinkle. Looks great altogether with the Yellow Bubble Necklace. Hope you two... two and a half, had a Great Easter Celebration!

    I'd love for you to stop by my page and support me by following me as well. Much Appreciated.

    Also, on this Sunday's Feature this week I showcased one of your looks, too. This is the 4th time I feature you now. You have great style. =) So check that out, below:

    Also, I hope this other post puts a Smile on your Face. Here's hoping you had a Good Easter. =)

    Have a Great New Week, Ada. =)

  23. Hope you had a great Easter, Katie! Your bump is really growing now :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Target Giveaway!

  24. Amen!!! Easter in my eyes is the most important day to celebrate as a believer. BTW, are you guys watching The Bible? It is sooooo good and has already taught me so much more about His word.

  25. That is so true! I hope you had a great Easter!

    Also, your bump is adorable1

  26. amen! so thankful for that sacrifice! happy easter :)

  27. You look so beautiful! You are glowing and your skirt is pretty!


  28. You look so lovely in your chevron maxi and pastels. Glad you had a great easter!
    Chic on the Cheap

  29. Such a beautiful post!

    You look gorgeous! I love your baby bump!

    Hope you had a great Easter!

  30. You look wonderful! Aren't maxi skirts the most comfortable thing ever when pregnant? I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  31. That bump just popped out of no where! Kind feel like mine did the same thing the past week and a half. Hope you had a wonderful easter!

  32. I love this look and your adorable baby bump!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  33. you look darling in that maxi! I would love for you to come link up to my Tuesday Blog Hop!!

    xo Tori

  34. Happy Easter!

    You have definitely popped! Great family picture!

  35. Oh such a perfect baby bump! I just love it! Happy Easter, friend! :)

  36. Such an adorable outfit my dear! The pop of yellow if perfect.. I always underestimate the power of a good yellow pop. And of course, that cute baby bump is a great accessory too ;)

  37. OH MY GOSH DEAR! I'm sorry I've been slacking at keeping up with your blog, but all of a sudden I saw pictures with your hand on your stomach, and i thought to myself "COULD IT BE?!?!?" I am sooooo excited for you! Such a blessing dear!


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