March 28, 2013

Week to Week

shirt:  shade clothing maternity    pants: kohls    scarf: gift 

I read this week that my uterus in now the size of a basketball, which is starting to feel like what I am carrying around.   I wore this shirt at 16 weeks and it's quite the change now at 24 weeks.  I'm sure others would agree that you keep thinking you look really big until you look at weeks before and realize how small you look compared to now!

I started writing this post and thought it wouldn't take me long, until I spent over 30 minutes looking through old pictures.  I was trying to find one picture and I got distracted and ended up looking through quite a few.  But it made me so thankful for pictures!  It also made me miss my tan self and summer!

Today I get to go to Lake Geneva for the night with this sweet friend.  Lake Geneva is this cute little town about 45 minutes from us in Wisconsin and I love it!


And the high today just may get up in the upper 40's!  Spring is getting a little closer right? 
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! 



  1. I love your 16 week look like you are trying to stick out your belly, to make it look bigger. I remember doing that too :) Have a fun night away!

  2. wow, you DO get tan!! i'm jealous :) also, once the baby is born, you will marvel at how big your belly was in the last photo before the birth. with lazarus, i literally had a point to my belly but didn't realize it until i looked through pictures, ha!! the female body is an amazing thing and so powerful!

  3. That shirt just looks incredibly comfortable.
    I saw a tan picture of me the other day. Pretty sure I shed a tear.

  4. Ohhhhh love this outfit! The leopard scarf is perfect!

  5. oh my the 8 week difference definitely shows!!! you are just one cute mama girl :)

    The DayLee Journal

  6. Such a cute top! Sadly they don't ship to Canada! I love the comparison shots! It's do true you feel like you have a belly until you see next week!! Have a great little trip.

  7. You look fabulous! Enjoy your special trip.

  8. You're so right about feeling huge until you look back and realize you weren't. Last week I said I was gigantic and this week I am like "NOOOO I am gigantic". I do that all the time with pictures....could lose an hour going thru memories. Have fun in Lake Geneva, you just made me miss me and my hubby's trip there last summer and my tan!

  9. You look great!! Love that little bump!! Crazy how it grows!!
    Have a great weekend!!

  10. I was so huge with my 2nd child and he was born in July. It was one of the hottest summers on record. I was miserable!!!!

    I think you look beautiful. I hope you enjoy your weekend getaway. You deserve it Momma :)

  11. upper 40s? oh my! tell that spring to hurt up!

  12. The mustard is a great color..and yay for 24 weeks!!

  13. You poor thing, the weather sounds awful! Can't believe you're 24 weeks already!!!! So exciting!


  14. Cute baby bump! Have fun on your mini vaca, take lots of pics!

  15. Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  16. Have fun!! You look great! Love your scarf! Happy Easter!

  17. Leopard scarf and mustard DONE done and DONE

  18. So cute as always!! Enjoy your weekend at the lake!

  19. The leopard scarf looks so cute with the mustard pants! It's supposed to be 55 here today...heat wave! haha. Have a great weekend!

    The Tiny Heart
    Target Giveaway!

  20. I love Lake Geneva! My family used to go there a lot. Have fun!

  21. a basketball! omg! haha you still look just so gorgeous!

  22. Love the mustard pants! You look great!!

  23. You look so pretty!
    I totally thought my belly was so big at 16 weeks, now I just laugh at those photos when I compare them to my 39 week belly photo shots. Now thát was a belly, haha!

    I can't wait to see how your pretty belly grows, and then see that cute little girl that's growing in it!

  24. Love your 16 and 24 weeks photos! You are still looking super adorable! Have fun this weekend. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  25. Haha you barely look pregnant in the first picture!

  26. girrrrrrrrrlllll.. I am seriously sooooo excited as that bump gets bigger and bigger! I am super excited to see this baby come summer!!

  27. Love that you're wearing the same shirt in those first pictures - it really emphasizes your cute belly!

  28. Wow, you look so tan!
    But I think you might me cuter now with that baby bump!
    Sidenote; I went to Target today with some friends and found a couple of great dresses, and I totally thought of you!

  29. Have so much fun! I've been to Lake pretty! :)

  30. aww super cute!


  31. We LOVE Lake Geneva!! My Aunt and Uncle have a house on LG, more on the Fontana side of the lake, but us women like to go shopping in Lake Geneva while the men play golf at The Abbey :)

  32. I miss summer too! I sure hope spring is coming soon. I went on a bike ride today for the first time this year...but the 40s is a little chilly for riding bikes!

  33. I love leopard ANYTHING haha.. cute cute... how fun it is to watch baby girl grow ;)


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