April 18, 2013

How are you feeling?

I am positive I have never been asked this question so many times, as I have in the last four or so months.  It seems like the necessary question to ask a pregnant woman.  I'm pretty sure just about 90 percent of people I talk to ask me that. 

But I am not complaining.  I am happily accepting everyone's concerns and nice gestures for me and plan on soaking it all in the next three months.  

Last weekend Chris and I went to this university that isn't far from our house.  I can't believe we've never walked around here before.  Besides being super windy that day it was perfect for pictures.  I have plans of coming back and having someone take some real maternity pictures for us!

I am so thankful that it is Friday.  This week has seemed ridiculously slow and I am ready for the weekend!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


p.s.  If you want to win $450 you need to go enter this sweet giveaway that I get to be a part of! 


  1. cute pictures :) :) you're beautiful!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. I am SO SICK of that question! Every. Day. "How are you feeling?" "Are you nervous?" "Are you ready?"

    I know they mean well, but I will definitely be happy in a few weeks when no one asks me how I'm feeling (unless they ask new mommas that one, in which case I'm just doomed).

  3. My cousin started to get so annoyed towards the end of her pregnancy with people asking her how she was feeling! I can imagine people must ask a lot! I love these photos, they're beautiful!

  4. I am SO happy its the weekend too haha. You look gorgeous! And I'm glad you're taking people asking you that well, I'm sure they all have good intentions. What can I say, as a human race, we're pretty awkward haha.

  5. Beautiful pictures! It has been a long week for me too...looking forward to the weekend. Enjoy yours!!

  6. Love this outfit, and how pretty are these pictures!!!! Now I'm NOT going to ask how you're feeling ;-)


  7. I love that top! And what a perfect place for a photoshoot! Oh and I have been meaning to ask you...how are you feeling? Haha. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :)

  8. These are beautiful!!! Love that top. You are right, that question gets asked a lot!! :)

  9. so cute seeing pictures of you too, so excited for your new addition! There is a huge smile on my face right now!

  10. Such cute pics and love the top. Happy Friday!
    xo Annie

  11. OMG right?! I do appreciate it.. but at work about a month ago.. it started to bug the shit outta me! every person, every time I saw them asked me that.. I always had the same answer! No one ever asked me before how I was doing/feeling..lol that's funny that you are having the same thing happen!

  12. What university is that? So pretty. I think the question I get asked the most is "How is Baby B doing today?"

  13. Cute cute cute! And oh yeah...how are you feeling? ;)

  14. Ha! I remember being asked that question 2,386,311 times. The answer was always the same, 'tired, huge, ready to be un-pregnant.' Soak it up, once the baby arrives people stop asking about you, but want to know all about Baby. :)

  15. Oh your looks absolutely beautiful sweetie
    Amazing photos!



  16. Have a great weekend Katie and I am glad you are feeling alright!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  17. Gorgeous campus! And those wedges are great!...oh, and by the way..How are you feeling?? ;) haha.

  18. Wow, beautiful! I love that one with you both leaning against the columns!
    Have a great weekend!

  19. Nice pictures Katie ! I'm glad you are feeling good! :)

  20. I get that question a lot to and I just really never know how to answer it. I also get the "Have you been sick?" and that one is difficult because I think, do you really want to know that or why do you want to hear about me throwing up? I do love the concern but I am not used to people asking me questions about my health on a daily basis haha!

  21. I had to be on zofran 8mg ODT for all 3 of my pregnancies the WHOLE time and hated people asking "how I was feeling". I mean they really didn't want to know how I was feeling, as it wasn't sunshine and beautiful glowing. :) Not that I didn't appreciate being pregnant and loved all 3 of my little ones in my belly, but I never felt great and people didn't want to hear that. :) You look great and I can't believe you are so far along. It is flying by watching your belly grow in posts!
    Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick

  22. You are looking gorgeous! At least they are not asking you how long you'll be breastfeeding... haha. I still get a kick out of that! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. This is a great place for pictures! The wind has really been effecting my picture taking too, not a fan. I agree the week has lasted forever, the kids are definitely ready for summer break! Have a great weekend!

  24. What university is this? Beautiful place for photos!! :) And you are looking great! :)

  25. oh i bet you do hear that, every 5 minutes! and love these pictures! what a great place to take the pics!

  26. Those are great pictures. I can't wait to see what you come up with for an actual maternity shoot. What month do you usually do those in?

  27. Ahhh, you look gorgeous as always! I'm really digging those wedges as it's such a perfect height and color!

    So glad it's Friday also, this week has felt like a month has gone by. So crazy.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Mostly Lisa

  28. What a gorgeous place to take maternity pics!!! I'm excited to see them. :-)

  29. these photos are fabulous! I bet you are ALWAYS getting asked that, at least people care :)


  30. People ask me that ALL the time too! :)

  31. awesome look !
    follow me : http://nicoraulea.blogspot.ro/

  32. Cute pictures! I admit that I've asked that of my pregnant friends many times. It definitely is the default question to ask. Haha!

  33. Cute Pictures. I cannot wait till I see your professional ones. Doing Pregnancy Photos was a Great idea for us & they came out great. I love that Tunic Blouse too. Your bump is so tiny but cute, like mine was.

    Stay Tuned for this Sunday's post later today because I am featuring one of your looks.

    Hope you had a great weekend, Ada. =)

  34. i remember getting a lot of that question when i was pregnant! its really sweet!

    Delightful Ideas
    $25 Sephora GiftCard Giveaway

  35. I'm pretty sure no one asked me that while I was pregnant...so that's why I always do ask!! Great pictures of you two!

  36. This pictures maybe show how you feel: You both look so happy and bright together!
    xx Katja

  37. Great pictures! Looks like the perfect location for some maternity photos.

    Love those blue shoes!

  38. y'all look adorable. and YES. i have had that question asked to me SO MANY TIMES. also, "how are things?" "have you finished the nursery yet?" etc. etc. etc.

  39. I love the black and white, and then the pop of color with your shoes.


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