April 21, 2013

Countdown has began

skirt, shirt and shoes: old navy

In the last weeks I have said all of these things at least once in my classroom . . . 

Let me check your pencil sharpener for ants.  

You may not bring those ants home, please empty your pencil sharpener in the trash. 

We just talked about this last week.  You may not be firing people from your club.  

You may not even have a special club.  

Please stop crawling underneath your desk. 

It shouldn't take you 15 minutes to pick your pencil up off the floor again.  

and no I am not planning on naming my baby Zorro.
As another Monday rolls around, let's just say it is time for summer and the countdown is on! 31 school days to go!



  1. hehe, you are too cute! so exciting, girl!

  2. Haha love this! Are you sure you don't want to name the baby Zorro?

  3. This is so funny! I can't wait for school to be out either! Are you sure Zorro wouldn't be an awesome name though? ;)

  4. Is it sad that I have said many versions of these to my 8th graders??? I prefer to do my countdowns by Mondays: we have 8 left :)

  5. Oh man, I am WITH you! State testing finished for us on Friday, let the countdown begin!!!!!


  6. You know I understand girl!! Almost summer! Although you know you will miss their little voices when you are relaxing by the pool or reading a book in silence. Haha.

  7. Zorro Vale has a certain ring to it! :) Soooooo your outfit just reminded me of how you made me obsessed w/ that skirt last summer and how I spent a whole week checking out like 4 different Old Navy's until I finally found it. Geez, now I am wondering if I even fit in it!?

  8. I count in days too. I, actually, only have 5 left. But for everyone else, it's only 23. That's insane to me. It feels like this year JUST started!

  9. I'm right there with you! I'm so ready for a nice break. 5 year olds are exhausting!!

  10. Hahah...what I would do to be a fly on the wall in your classroom!

  11. Bahahahaha! Ants!? 27 left here! May we both make it! ;)

  12. What an exciting time in your life - congratulations you look gorgeous! x, kat

    Love and Ace

  13. With summer comes baby!!!!!! :) so excited for you!

  14. Hahahahha I remember special clubs! The good old days :) you look great girl!

  15. You are so stinkin' cute! And, I really need my Elie to read your blog. She is in the midst of taking all of her GACE tests in order to be qualified to "teach" with one of the programs here in GA that allow you to earn your certificate while teaching! LOL

  16. Believe it or not, I have similar conversations with my 7th graders...
    I haven't counted te days, but summer can't come soon enough!

  17. Yes ma'am, the countdown has started indeed! We have 25 days: praise Jesus! Have a great week!

  18. Just 31? lol! That seems soo soon!

  19. Ahhhh, the special clubs. Don't you just love those? Not sure who invented them, but they I am constantly talking to my girls about why these clubs are necessary. 31 days...wahoo!

  20. Ants?! In a pencil sharpener?! HA!

  21. hahaha those are some funny quotes. Can't believe one of them said they had a pencil sharpener for ants...?! Anyway, love your outfit! The tribal print maxi is soooo pretty:)

  22. haha! Funny kids!
    Yay, for count down to the summer holidays. Good luck with the last few weeks!

  23. Ahhh the life of a teacher...too funny! So exciting that there's only 31 days left :) And love that skirt - such a pretty pattern!

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. oh my goodness. you couldn't have nailed this more!

    The countdown has begun for sure. I feel like it is the beginning of the school year and the kids are just crazy all over again!

    good luck! summer will be here before we know it!

  25. This is so funny..while I do write down the funny things my clients say at times, I should start writing down the things I say as well. :)

  26. Your Skirt is amazing. Love that it is Maxi & in a Safari Print. Old Navy is so impressive lately.

    Thanks for complimenting my Baby, too. She is adorable, thank you. I bet you cannot wait till your little girl arrives. =)

    By the way, I am doing a special Birthday Blog Party where I invite all of My Readers & Followers to participate. Of course I love your style so you are Welcome to do so, Katie. =) All you gotta do is Style an outfit for you & your Cute Belly and E-Mail it to me by May 2nd. ada.furxhi(at)gmail.com - is the EMail address. I will be running the post with everyone's outfits on May 5th & you can link My Blog or that post to your blog either on the 5th or the next time you post after that. Let me know if you'd like to participate, Katie. I would love to have you there. It will be FUN!! So, let me know.

    BTW I featured one of your Looks from the past week, below:


    Have a Great New Week Dear!! Ada. =)

  27. Haha! Glad you're almost done with the school year!

    The Tiny Heart
    $25 Gift Card Giveaway!

  28. You are too funny! Love your ikat skirt! Hope this week is better than the last. :)

  29. Lol!!! I'm pretty sure the "it's doesn't take you 15 minutes to pick your pencil up off the floor" is the funniest! Totally cue a kid in slow motion dilly dallying!
    You're too cute with your belly :-)!!

  30. You are too cute. Haha and oh man - those sayings are so funny! Kids are adorable. I love that one of them wanted you to name your baby Zorro.

  31. After all this talk about naming your baby Zorro, I've really come to love that name for you. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  32. oh wow, I'd be counting down the days too!

  33. omg this is so darling. love the quotes. =)


  34. 31 days?! that will go by before you know it!! I give teachers a ton of respect for handling littles ones every day!!


  35. Haha, baby Zorro. What I would do to have the summer off! You clearly deserve it!

  36. Oh gosh little kids are so funny! You are looking great :)

  37. i don't know, i really think you should reconsider Zorro :)

  38. LOL I told Elie she needs to read your blog to prepare herself for teaching!!

  39. I think you are the 2nd or 3rd teacher I read this - you can't wait for summer! :)

  40. 31 days?!?! Man, am I envious. We go until June 19th, and all of your sayings sound a lot like mine coupled with, "You cannot make up a game where you throw balls at people's faces!".


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