April 22, 2013


dress: H&M    tee: old navy    flats: jcpenney

I feel a little like a pioneer in this dress because of it's length.  I don't know if I've ever had the problem of a maxi dress being too short but I'm pretty sure it shrunk and then add my belly to shorten it.  But it's so comfortable I am still going to wear it.

I am so happy to be in the third trimester.  It felt like it was beyond slow at the beginning and now time seems to be moving quickly.  There is this huge relief that I feel now that we've reached this point.  Although I have no plans on early labor or any reason to think something will happen, it's comforting to know that if our baby girl decided to come anytime soon, she'd be able to make it.  

Hope you have a great start to the week!



  1. yay for being in your third trimester!! i wore a dress very similar to this today and it too was from h&m. haha i wore mine with a cardigan, but i must say at this point in the pregnancy, maxi dresses and skirts are definitely the way to go!!

  2. this melted my heart!! i cant wait till your little girl comes!


  3. You're so close to the end! Congrats to the third! :) Hope it's full of good health!

  4. Aww congrats on reaching the third trimester! You are almost there! I can't wait to see photos of that little love muffin! And I love the skirt, shrinking and all! It's so pretty with the knotted grey top and girly flats!

  5. So sweet! These photos are beautiful! You look stunning!

    Aesthetic Lounge

  6. So my brain must have been put on pause because why did I think all day this week would be week 27?? Holy moly we are in the third trimester!!!!!! BTW I saw a photographer you liked on FB that I am thinking of using, wondering if it is the one you went with?? I had some favorites closer to us but they cost a fortune!!

  7. I love your outfit! You look so pretty!

    Yay for being in the 3rd trimester!

  8. friend!!!!!
    somehow i totally missed that you are expecting! :) :) i've not been blog reading so much lately, as there's been alot going on in life... but i am SO SO excited for you, i know what a dream come true this is - how amazing!



  9. Aww! That is one lucky baby! She has a great mommy! You look so cute! I love the tied up tee over the maxi! Such a cute idea!! :)


  10. Love your letters. You look great. Wow third trimester!! So amazing.

  11. Oh, you look soooo good!! Love the tied up top, so cute! This is definitely the point where time starts to fly and then it seems to slow down again in those final days before she arrives. It's so fun to see all that you're creating in her room, she's gonna love each dot, elephant and chevron stripe!!

  12. Loving this look! You have such great style and look cute in everything you put on!



  13. GOSH you have to be the cutest!! So excited for you! And these letters are the sweetest!

  14. Really that outfit is BRILLIANT! So cute!

  15. yay for your third trimester!! This letter is so sweet!


  16. I can't believe you're in your third trimester already! How did that even happen?! At least your ready to rock the skirt should the pioneer look ever come back around!

  17. Yay for 3rd trimester!!! Time is flying by!!

  18. Yea for third trimester! She will be here before y'all know it!

  19. Such a sweet letter from momma to baby girl! You are going to be the most AMAZING mommy. Enjoy this last trimester...it flies by!

  20. Enjoy this last trimester! Be sure to get lots of date nights and girly days before the little lady arrives.

  21. yay for third trimester!! i just entered my second, fhew! it's all about the little mile stones, even once baby is out :)

  22. The letter so sweet Katie! Can't wait to see this precious baby girl that you have dressed so cute for 3 trimesters ;)

  23. To me, the ruffly pink dress says "pregnant with a sweet baby girl". Congrats on being 2/3 of the way there!

  24. Stopped by to welcome you to Collective Bias and loved finding this picture. The third trimester is definitely a milestone. Enjoy the last few weeks as they fly by.

  25. Yay! Hope you'll have a great LAST! trimester! Just a few more months and she'll be in your arms!

  26. Yay for the third trimester! I wore maxi dresses constantly when I was pregnant with Ben. SO comfy! And you look adorable. And your letter to your little girl is so sweet. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Third trimester!! Woohoo!! That's what I always wanted to know, too. What will they look like?! It's so much fun!!

  28. Happy third trimester Katie! So exciting :) And you look so cute...I just love your baby bump!

    The Other Side of Gray

  29. Oh, you're letters to you little girl always make me tear up! So excited for you! Grant was born on July 2, so it was nice to have a bit of time after school got out to relax and make sure all was ready. The 3rd is the homestretch for sure!

  30. I love this! I need to write another letter now! Super sweet! Yay third trimester!

  31. Yay for making it to the third trimester! You look adorable in your maxi skirt!

    The Tiny Heart
    $25 Gift Card Giveaway!

  32. Yay for your third trimester! You look great!

  33. You look great! Only 12 more weeks...so exciting!

  34. i can't believe you are in your third trimester and look this beautiful! love the letter.

  35. you look so great!!!!!! happy 3rd trimester!

  36. Hope you have a speedy 3rd trimester. You look fabulous.

    Memoirs & Mochas

  37. She'll love everything you made for her, and shes going to be an angel!!!

  38. You look beautiful! YAY for the third trimester!
    I adore these notes to your baby girl, they are sooo sweet!

  39. Yayyyyyyyy for third trimester!!! I can't believe it's already here!


  40. yayyyyyy third trimester!! so excited. you look amazing!

  41. Yay! Congratulations on making it to the third trimester! You're going to meet your little girl in no time!

    I have the opposite problem of you with maxi dresses. They're all too long for me!

  42. Such a sweet letter!! Congrats for the third trimester! She will be here before we know it!:-) Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style Delights Blog
    Enter $40 giftcard giveaway by Lorraine Tyne

  43. I have a problem with maxi skirts pulling up in the back - I've got a little bit of a butt on me. I always have to tug it down back there so it will match the length in the front, ha. They sure are the comfiest, though. And yay for the third trimester!! Your little girl is going to be the cutest.

  44. Not long now! And, I am still hoping she holds out to her due date...My Birthday!!!

  45. Katie you look so pretty!! I am so excited for you as well! My gosh that went really quick!! Or it seemed like it!! I continue to pray for you and a healthy pregnancy !!

  46. The letter touched my heart. Praying you feel better soon.

  47. Aww love your letter to your little one! So sweet. Hooray for being in the third trimester! :)


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