April 5, 2013

Summer Planning

The weather is finally getting a little warmer, although I feel like summer weather is still far away.  
 Usually I am looking forward to laying out, getting a tan and doing lots of relaxing during the summers. 
It is wonderful!

But I think it's safe to say I won't be spending time in a bikini this summer. 
However meeting my sweet baby girl will be FAR better!

But one of you lucky readers, will get to plan a little summer bikini vacation with a Victoria Secret and Travelocity giftcard to use!  Enter below!

Spring is finally here.
You know what that means...summer is just around the corner.
Sunshine, bikinis and the beach.
At least that's what I think of.
To help you kick off the warm weather season, some blogger friends and I would like to give you a head start on planning for your next beach getaway and new bikini. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous that  I can't enter. 
Don't forget to check these lovely ladies' blogs. They are fab!

21 Amazing Bloggers
1 Winner: $300 Travelocity Hotel Gift Card + $100 Victoria's Secret Gift Card
Mandatory Entry + lots of bonus entries

There is just one mandatory entry and that is to leave a comment below telling me "where you would go on your beach vacay". The rest are bonus entries and totally up to you!
Dreaming of Dimples | So Shay | This Won't Hurt A Bit
Saturated Canary | Glitter and Gloss | KV's Confessions
Jessica Who? | Gentri Lee | Her Late Night Cravings
For Lauren & Lauren | Meg O. on the Go | Hey, Hollywood
The Life of Bon | Ramblings of a Southern Belle | The Sunshine Diary
Lipgloss and Crayons | House of Rose | the Anna Delores blog
The Vanilla TulipChoose to be HappyThe Vintage Modern Wife

a Rafflecopter giveaway
 Good luck! 
*Note: Victoria's Secret gift card is only valid in US. Winning entry will be verified.



  1. If I won this giveaway I'd go to a sunny Beach in Florida like Siesta Key or Destin!!

  2. I would love to go to San Diego, CA and relax by the beach!

  3. I can not wait for the warm weather, thanks so much for being a part of this!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. We get 5 extra weeks of summer this year as we are heading to the US! we are spending a few days in Florida but if I won this giftcard I think we'd extend it and spend much more time exploring and soaking up the sun there!

  5. I would go to the Bahamas on my beach vacay!

  6. I would head down to South Carolina! Sounds a little different than most, but my best friend lives down there and I only get to see her like once a year, so I would head down, drag us to some beach hotel, and enjoy my best friend for a few days :)

  7. Oh my goodness...where would I go?! Maybe Mexico? Who knows!

  8. i would take my daughter to the beach for the first time :)

  9. Ahhh, those photos look heavenly. It just started snowing again today, and I want to cry. So this giveaway is awesome! Where would I go? I've never actually been somewhere that is a beach resort type of getaway. So I'd definitely love to go to the Bahamas, like Atlantis, and just escape.

    Mostly Lisa

  10. I'd go visit my husband's cousin in North Carolina. We've never been since they moved into their new house a couple of years ago.

  11. There are SO many tropical beach vacations I would love to go on if money wasn't an issue- Hawaii, Thailand, Virgin Islands. . .

  12. beach vacay would be spent in virginia beach!

  13. Somewhere warm and beach-like!

  14. I would head to Ocean City NJ I can see the boardwalk and feel the sand in my toes already!

  15. My dream of a vacation is to one day go to Bora Bora! It just looks so gorgeous!

  16. I would go to Key West or Miami Florida! I've always wanted to go there!!


  17. Somewhere warm out of this crummy WI spring!

  18. Vegas! I want to take the hubby. He's never been.

  19. you have a great blog!


  20. I would love to go back to Bermuda. Its where the Hubby and I went on our honeymoon 34 years ago!

  21. I would go to visit the beaches of Mississippi! My dad took me there as a child and I would love to experience it again with my father and husband. The beaches of the Gulf Coast are far too underrated.

  22. I'd have to say St. Thomas - it's always been on my vacay wish list!

  23. SO amazing! Dream beach Vaca would have to be the Bahamas!
    xo Annie

  24. What a great giveaway. It's open internationally right.

    Summer seems so far away with the crappy weather. Ehhh.

    When you have a chance check my latest post on Vivian. I am sure it will put a smile on your face, since you will soon have a little girl, too. =)

    Have a Great Sunday Evening!!

  25. I love those pictures of us on the beach! Wish we could be doing that right now instead of school!!

  26. I would love to go to the Outer Banks. I've gone with my boyfriend's family a few times and have always had fun!

  27. If I won this giveaway I would use the money to head somewhere on our baby moon! Not sure where but I think it would be fun to head to Florida or up to Colorado to visit friends.

  28. You always have such exciting giveaways!
    I would go to Charleston SC for good food and sun!

  29. We are planning a vacation to North Carolina this summer!

  30. I think I would go to Washington D.C., New York, or Jacksonville FL :)

  31. Washington DC to see my BFF graduate with her teaching degree :)


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