April 4, 2013

Five on Friday

sweater: kohls    jeans: H&M maternity  shoes: target

1.  The back of this sweater is way more exciting than the front.  So while I am not a fan of the backside pictures, I feel like I had no choice. 
2.  I usually stick to pretty easy recipes, especially when it comes to desserts.  Which is why I loved this one because it starts with a brownie mix and ends with cookie dough that I can eat.  Which beat out the recipe I wanted to make last week.  
Cookie Dough Brownie Bites
3.  While this recipe is probably still easy to most, to me it is more work then the majority of recipes I make, but I'm sure it's worth it!  I am participating in Jess' Easter recipe swap and this is the recipe I received from Jasmine.  I failed at making it this week but plan on trying it this weekend! 
Chocolate Guinness Cake
4.  The other day my sister texted me a picture of my cute niece with a high pony tail and said that my three year old nephew said "She looks like a pine cone or a bad guy.  Either way it's not good." 

Photo: Love, love, love these two. And (most of the time) they seem to love each other too : )
I don't think he could be any cuter or funnier.  I am missing him a lot!

5. I want to make one of these lamps for our baby room.  I know there are many other things I should be organizing and cleaning at my house, but all I want to do it make things for her room!  

(floral lamp    polka dot lamp)

Happy Friday! Hope you have a great weekend!



  1. Love the color combo in that outfit! If you're taking votes, I vote for the polka dot lampshade. But, I'm a sucker for polka dots. :)

  2. Love the back of your cardigan!


  3. Love that floral lamp and those brownies are calling me!! Lol

    Have a great weekend!!

  4. Ahhh the back of that sweater is SUPER cute!!! Love that outfit!! Cookie dough and brownie? YUM! Those two are cute! Haha! The things little ones say, make me laugh!


  5. Great sweater!! Your nephew sounds awesome!! oh cookie dough, I could eat you allll day. :) And those lamps are so cute!! How to choose!! :)

  6. Such a pretty cardigan!

    Those cookie dough brownie bites look AMAZING. I'm with you on easy desserts....less time bakin', more time eatin'.

    Those lamps are SO cute...love them both! Can't wait to see how your nursery turns out :)

  7. The back of the sweater is so fun! Party in the back! :)

    That brownie/cookie dough dessert looks delish.

    And your niece and nephew are so cute. Love the little tiny pony tail!

  8. Can't wait to see which lamp you make. They are both sooooo cute! Just make both. Haha.

  9. h&m maternity, didn't even know that existed.
    good to know!
    and you look adorable.


  10. That sweater is cute and those brownie cookie bites look delicious :) :) hooray for Friday!

  11. I love the back of that cardigan!
    I love those lamps too :)

  12. love the outfit and that dessert looks delish

  13. You are glowing! Pregnancy looks good on you : )

  14. I love the flowers on the back of that cardigan and the lamp shade is adorable!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  15. I should be organizing things too. Instead I'm online shopping. Oh well. You'll have about a month of summer to prepare won't you? Problem solved. Happy Friday!

  16. That floral lamp is so CUTE! I love it! And your cardigan!

    Happy Friday my friend!


  17. haha, nephews are funny. Yours and his little sister are so adorable.

    Happy Friday!

  18. those cookie dough brownie bites look delicious!! yum!

  19. The lamp shades are SO cute!! Can't wait to see what you do!

  20. As much as I love polka dots, I think that floral lamp is SO cute and would be really awesome in the nursery. You are so good at DIYing all her stuff!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. You look so adorable as always! Love the coral and mint combo! That dessert looks amazing!! And I love the floral lamp! Hope you have a wonderful friday!

  22. you are seriously the. cutest. :) and yum...i need some of those cookie dough brownies stat!

  23. love the lamps and so funny about your nephew...little boys are so honest!

  24. I LOVE that cardi! SO CUTE!!! And yes! You totally should make one of those lamps!! Isn't Pinterest so wonderful?! (:

    Cute bump by the way (;

  25. I LOVE that cardi! SO CUTE!!! And yes! You totally should make one of those lamps!! Isn't Pinterest so wonderful?! (:

    Cute bump by the way (;

  26. The sweets look amazing, the DIY are awesome and I am loving your cardigan. The back part is stunning.


  27. Love, love, love that lamp!! We never did a nursery for this baby but I'm excited to decorate one after we move and that lamp will probably be in it!

    And p.s. you def look pregnant now and have that adorable baby bump!! :)

  28. Great photos girl!! Happy Friday!!


  29. Both lampshades are presh! If you make one, you better show us!! :)

  30. The back of the sweater is so pretty...I love back details like that! I ADORE that flower lamp!

    The Tiny Heart

  31. Okay, LOVE the outfit. The food looks delish and I am actually going to try to do a lamp makeover this weekend! Happy Friday :)

  32. Eeek!!! I love the back of your cardigan! I'm also very excited to see the lampshade you DIY! :-)

  33. If you want to ship me either of those desserts that would be just fine!

  34. love your blog! we follow you already, just take a look to our blog.. www.hauntingdresses.com

  35. Omg.... Girrrrrrllllll.... I just got that sweater in blue..., how much was yours? 11.38???if it was less don't tell me.... Ill be mad...

  36. I love the polka dot lampshade and the back of your cardigan is so cute!
    xx Kate

    The Style Department

  37. Chocolate Guinness Cake sounds GOOD! And cookie dough brownie bites!!

  38. Those brownies.... wow. And I love the fun little surprise of the back of your cardigan!

  39. That sweater is all kinds of amazing! I actually saw a sweater like that the other day but it was in the wrong colours so I didn't get it.

    I think the back view looks good! Nothing to worry about! :)

    All these yummy treats. I can't look or else I just want to reach through my computer screen and eat them up.

    I like the polka dot lamp shade. Looks easy enough. The rose one looks like Audrey's birthday cake so I kinda want to eat it! I'm obsessed with polka dots, chevron and stripes right now.

  40. Those cookies look yummy! The rose lamp looks quite doable. Would you use ribbons for the roses?


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