April 3, 2013

Say what?

skirt: old navy clearance ($5)   sweater: old navy clearance ($5)   scarf: discovery ($7)

I know I've written quite a few times before about how different Chris and I are.  Especially when it comes to his natural happy face or how he is always doing "funny" things and thinks I should be more amused at him.  Remember when I made it my goal to laugh at him more often? 

Well I think I'm failing. 

But sometimes the things he says I just am not quite sure where they come from. 

Like the other day when we were driving in the car he just says, 

"What would you do if I told you I was a robot and opened my wrist to show you my battery?"


He then proceeded to talk about it for the next 5 minutes at least and wanted to know if I'd still love him if he wasn't human, along with other questions that he seriously wanted me to consider.  

I got incredibly lucky with an amazing husband, but I can't help to find him a little weird at times. 



  1. I can't believe you got that skirt for 5 dollars! Great outfit. ;) And that robot conversation sounds like a conversation I'd have with my 3-year-old. :)

  2. Hahaha I love the robot conversation. At least things are usually pretty interesting? :)

  3. Love the outfit, so cute. Especially the boots!

    Jillian - http://epic-thread.blogspot.com

  4. OMG do you remember the show Small Wonder? Vicki the robot that the neighbors thought was a real girl!? Loved that dumb show. Haha!

  5. You are looking amazing!! Absolutely stunning!! And I hope you're feeling well!
    Ok, the robot comment made me spit water out!! Way too funny! And he was serious! Oh man, I would love to take part in some of those conversations!! Lol!
    Have a great night!

  6. haha I hear you on the weird convo, Zach and I have them all the time. He's always bringing up things on long road trips like, "So....if everyone disappeared off the face of the earth but us, where would you wanna live?". SO random!

    Your bump is SO cute- I can't get over it!

  7. My husband is always more amused at himself than I am at him! We joke about it all the time. I am definitely the more serious one in our relationship, but he has helped me to see the funnier side of things...most of the time :)

  8. I had questions like that every day for myself and others. I guess that's why I went into philosophy. I still haven't been able to answer any of those questions, but I do have a boatload of other questions. I should ask my students the robot question.

    I also just picked up this same skirt on a great sale! I love the long shirt and boots pairing!

    Kate @ A Journey in Style

  9. My husband is a little weird sometimes too, but that's why I love him :) And I really LOVE that scarf!! xo

  10. Cute outfit!!! I love that skirt!! My boyfriend can be weird sometimes. He will just break out into song out of no where!! I laugh, but I laugh at almost everything!! Haha!


  11. love the outfit! love the price!

    Girl, you know you'd love that robot! He knows this, as well <33 I'm always the *deep-thinking one* among my friends/company~ thankfully, my brothers share the same sense of humor and ideas {we laughhh when we get together}. Some people are really amazing for *weird conversation* lol.

    You should ask him why the battery is in his wrist, though. Everyone knows that batteries are never that accessible. ha! :D

  12. Hahahaha!! Husbands are seriously the weirdest people...but the best of friends I tell ya... Cute skirt :)

  13. Haha that is funny!! I think everyone must find their husband weird at one time or another!!

  14. Haha, I think you just need to watch more sci-fi together and be thankful there really isn't a chance of him turning out to be a robot!
    Chic on the Cheap

  15. This reminds me of my husband too, he always says the most random things!

    I love all the layers in your outfit!


  16. Hahaha he sounds like Garrett! Funny and weird and amazing all at the same time!

  17. I love that you are writing down some of the silly/strange things your husband says. I need to do more of this myself! :)

  18. I just bought that skirt in another colour and I thought I got a great deal at $12! Seriously, I need to shop at your Old Navy! I'm also glad I'm not the only one wearing boots still.

    That is a hilarious conversation with your husband!

  19. I need to come shopping with you. It's always one big fat FAIL when I checkout the clearance stuff.
    Your hubby has me rolling! BAHA!

  20. Haha, husbands are great! Mine will go on and on about how we need to get transportation off the ground AKA travel by hovercraft. He's convinced he could write the software to control them, so you could just punch in where you wanted to go and it would take you there, directing your path so you would avoid collisions, etc...

  21. Your husband sounds like my 14 year old daughter. She is always asking questions that I find ridiculous and then looks at me as though she's waiting for a serious answer LOL

  22. First of all, what a deal you got on this cute outfit! You look great and you didn't have to spend a ton. I love that. Secondly, I think your husband and I would get along. I am a weirdo, too. We could spend hours talking about what if we were robots?! Ha!

  23. Haha, that is so funny! My hubby will go on and on about how there might be a zombie apocalypse one day so he has to prepare. Weirdo! PS Come link up this post on my blog...your major deals are perfect for it!

    The Tiny Heart

  24. Um, is it weird that my husband and I have had almost the exact same conversation!? :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  25. Husbands are weird. But I guess I like laughing at weird things, so I laugh at mine all the time. And occasionally I've been known to quickly walk in the opposite direction of him when he decides to be weird when in conversation with other random people....

  26. haha my husband is very very weird!! no problem with that!

  27. Well you look gorgeous like always and you know how to shop a good deal! That skirt looks amazing and it only cost you $5!


  28. This is hilarious and sounds just like something my husband would say!

  29. I've seen skirts similar to that at Target too. They're perfect for spring or fall!

  30. that sounds like a typical conversation between Wade and I haha

  31. Wow! Great outfit for the price! What a bargin!! Congrats on the baby! Hugs from Cali! xx The Golden Girls

  32. Haha!! Love that conversation you had with Chris. I had a very similar one with Jordan the other day, except he was trying to convince me he was an alien... So goofy! We are blessed with husbands with very wild imaginations :)

  33. haha...my husband is so weird too!!! sometimes I wonder about him..

  34. Man... I wish I could be at ON when they have such great deals... UGH!!

    Husbands can be a hoot!! Makes life fun!! :)

  35. Haha! That's a hilarious!! How do people come up with ideas like that? :-)

  36. Great skirt. I have a similar one in black and white from Old Navy. I love the pretty scarf too. You look great!

  37. YUP, it's official, men ARE from Mars! haha - that is pretty funny though! When I first met my now fiancé, he was super sarcastic & I totally didn't get it. I don't know if I have learned to live with it, or if he has toned it down, but it is definitely better now! (might be the love goggles I am wearing post-engagement too!)

  38. You look really pretty. I'm in love with your skirt, so cute.

    x Audrey

  39. haha that robot thing is hilarious!!! Sounds like something my husband and I would talk about! :) BTW your bump is looking so cute!

  40. Ah! We should have him and my hubby have convos and then things would get really weird bc I swear he says the silliest things too! Cute, cute skirt.

  41. HAHAHA!!! What a goof! And seriously, what a random question!

  42. lady you are looking so cute!!! I wanna be just as cute as you when Im preggers!


  43. That's hysterical .. But I think my husband feels the same way about me sometimes!


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