April 30, 2013


dress: old navy  ($7)     necklace:  ebay  

This last weekend we went to the same place in Wisconsin where we spent this weekend in October.  That weekend in October was wonderful but it was also filled with lots of emotions, as it was the start of our final round of fertility treatments for awhile. 

The days that we were there were the start of a new round of shots and hormones and all the emotions that came with it.  Fear, anxiety, excitement, and hope.  

One morning this weekend I stood in the bathroom getting ready, thinking how 7 months before I was giving myself a shot, praying that this would be the time that would give us our baby.   There was something surreal about being in that same place 7 months later with a healthy baby growing inside of me. 

I know many trials aren't entirely healed by time, but this one thankfully was.  Time passed and here we are two months away from meeting our sweet baby girl.  What a difference those 7 months makes and what a different place I am in now.  

Praising God for giving me this baby, for allowing time to heal my heart and for reminding me to trust in God's perfect timing.   


  1. Yay for God'd perfect timing! So glad he has a plan in those moments I have no idea what I'm doing!

  2. This makes my heart happy!
    God's timing never fails! :)

  3. I love your maxi dress and necklace! You look so pretty! What a touching story and what a beautiful and peaceful place to be. You give so many others, hope! That baby girl is going to be so loved! :)


  4. That baby girl IS going to be so loved (by me as well as many others). Your blogs are amazing, Katie Jane - so full of hope and reality.

  5. I love this post! It brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful story you have! So glad God has blessed you with a precious little one. I love seeing all of your bump pictures! (p.s. I almost bought that same dress this weekend ;) it looks great on you and the babe)

  6. Sooo happy that you're time came!! And that you were able to enjoy that same space again!!

  7. You look beautiful! So glad you both had a relaxing weekend away :) God is so good!

  8. Truer words were never spoken!!!! God always answers us.... I'm so happy He gave you the answer you wanted.... It is a grateful heart that is so open!!!

  9. This definitely made me tear up. I'm sooo happy for you Katie! You are definitely glowing!


  10. Such a lovely reflection post. You and your bump are gorgeous!

  11. Love this! What a great reminder!

  12. This is an amazing reminder. I so love that maxi dress, you look great! :)

  13. What a cool thing to see God's faithfulness in providing the deep desire of your heart! So excited for you!

  14. You are so right! I'm so happy for you sweet friend!!! God's timing is so perfect. :)

  15. I think it's great that you were able to revisit that same spot. What a great way to reflect on the changes and time passed. So excited for this next stage in your life!

  16. Beautiful, beautiful post. This gives me so much hope for our own journey to baby. I love that you got to re-visit such a special place that holds so much meaning for you both!

  17. I'm wiping away tears.
    God is so, so good.

  18. You look absolutely stunning in the back maxi dress. Your beautiful soul is something to be admired and I am so happy for all your much deserved blessings. :)

  19. Love your dress <3 <3 Beautiful post honey!!

    Latest look:

  20. beautiful!
    So happy for you Katie!

  21. So excited for you, this is wonderful, fabulous pictures too

  22. Beautiful outfit, but even more gorgeous mama to be!

    Found your blog via The Pleated Poppy.

    Not sure where you come to WI for a vacation, but I live in this great state and on her behalf, I would like to apologize for the freakish weather you likely had to put up with. It's been CRAZY!!! :)

  23. That dress and necklace are SO cute together! And so happy for you :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. Praise the Lord for you and that final round of shots!!! I'm so excited for you to have a precious baby growing in your womb. And you look great in that black maxi dress. Love it!

  25. Ah, you look precious!! You are going to be SUCH a wonderful mother!

  26. it is amazing how many things change in such a short amount of time. and what an exciting time!! so happy for your family!

  27. Man, what a contrast! So happy for y'all!


  28. what a blessing sweetie!

    It is crazy to look back at how life changes.

    p.s. I LOVE that maxi dress! :)

    so adorable

  29. That maxi is gorgeous on you, Katie! It's amazing what just a little short amount of time can do!

    The Tiny Heart

  30. aw I love this. And you are looking amazing mama! :)

  31. I love this. It's amazing how much life can change is such a short period of time. Amazing. I love that dress on you, you look fabulous.

  32. What a bittersweet trip!!! This gave me chills!!! I can't believe you are gonna be a mommy in 2 months!!!! EEEEEK!!

  33. It is awesome how time can go by so quickly and make good things happen. I' m so happy for you Katie! Before you know it, your little bundle of joy will be in your arms! :D

    Mostly Lisa

  34. you look so beautiful! God gives us the desires of our hearts and this is shown all over your smiling face! 2 more months to meet your little miracle :)

  35. Oh Katie, this brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you! :-)

  36. God is so good, isn't He? you are so beautiful inside and out!

  37. It is amazing how quickly things can change! I'm so happy for you that you finally got your dream of being pregnant! Now if God would just send me a husband we would both have our prayers answered!! :)

  38. This is so beautiful! God's timing is the best timing. He always has a plan.

    You look beautiful. Love your outfit!

  39. The Black Maxi T-Shirt Dress looks amazing over your bump with the Beautiful, Turquoise Bubble Necklace.

  40. Yes, you are so blessed!! Beautiful post :)


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