May 1, 2013

The one time I found something at Goodwill

 dress: goodwill (target)   shoes: payless    necklace: ny&company

I used to own a good amount of clothes from thrift stores, but that was in high school and they consisted of t-shirts and soccer shorts.  

I always see these adorable outfits and sweet finds from other bloggers that they got at thrift stores.  I however, never find anything at thrift stores.  The other week I got so excited because I found a lamp base for $3 that was the perfect mint green color for the nursery.   Until I showed it to Chris and he informed me that it was broken and not fixable so back to the shelf it went.  

I'm not sure if it is me or the thrift stores I go to, but I never have any luck.  Unless I want to wear these maternity overalls.  
I did manage to find one thing a month or so ago.  This Target maternity dress that still had the tags on it and was only $3.  

So all you pro thrifters out there, what is your secret?  



  1. My friends and I tried to go 'thrifting' a few months ago and had zero luck. And I mean ZERO. I tried on an unbelievably awful-looking fur coat just for laughs. It's hit or miss!! :)

  2. I used to HATE thrift shopping, but my in-laws have taught me their secrets to success! I have been able to find all KINDS of goodies, thanks to them. I got a brand new Banana Republic shirt for $3 once! The secret is patience. You have to be willing to dig, dig, dig! :)

  3. I have never really been good at thrifting! I find it completely overwhelming! I hate looking through the mess. Even Kohls gets a little overwhelming for me!

  4. I'm not really a thrifter, but that is a STEAL! and it looks amazing :) you go girl, you're always dressed to the nines on such a reasonable budget!!

  5. Those overalls are keepers! :) great find on this dress, super cute!

  6. I'm not any good at finding stuff at thrift stores, either. I've decided that my problem is 3-fold. 1. I live in a Dutch community, and the Dutch are known for their thriftiness...and pretty much don't get rid of anything until it's junk. This is definitely true of the stuff in thrift stores. 2. I'm picky. I don't want to buy clothes that already look worn out.
    3. I'm not a very "average" size...and already used clothes tend to be stretched out anyways, so the section of clothes that fit me is tiny. My husband wears size XS shirts, and there's never anything in his size either. Plenty of L's and XL's, which is a much more normal man size!

  7. Don't think I have ever shopped in a thrift store, unless it was for a costume or themed party. I don't know how people find such great things. Love the dress, especially with that necklace!!

  8. I usually strike out at thrift stores. To make myself feel better, I say it just depends on where you live and if the stores have good options. I should probably dig more!

  9. I hardly ever find clothes at thrift stores. I have found some "projects" or games for my classroom though. One time I found something called a "Super Kegel" at goodwill. So there's that...

  10. Always find great deals at thrift stores.

  11. Thrift store are definitely hit or miss. And it can be overwhelming to dig. But if you go often enough, there are definitely deals to be found. It probably also depends where you live. I am sure certain cities and towns are better than others! I am pretty sad you didn't buy those overalls. You could totally have rocked those! :) Honestly, though, this dress is super cute on you! And what a deal for $3, brand new!

  12. I hate shopping, I just like to find and buy, so thrift stores are no bueno for impatient me.

  13. I'm not into Goodwill shopping. I'm too lazy to dig through the racks and I think the secret is you have to go often to find stuff as soon as it hits the shelves!

  14. I never find good buys at goodwill! We are such a small town we don't get anything good! But that dress is cute!

  15. I'm terrible at thrifting! Part of it is that I just don't have the patience for it!

  16. I have a friend who buys a lot of her daughter's toddlers clothes at her local Goodwill. I am going to try it but I am not very good at thrift shopping. Let me know if you find anything else!

  17. I never find anything at Goodwill. I think the people who are finding good stuff there must be in a major city near rich people LOL! I go to Plato's Closet. I find stuff about every other time. I also shop on eBay.

  18. AWESOME thrift find! Love that dress!! I'll be honest, I get lucky every once in a while at a thrift store, but for the most part, I am an awful thrifter.

  19. Awesome find! I have never had luck at thrift stores- except for baby clothes. I know there are a few high end thrift stores where you can get some good deals.
    I just don't have the time or patience to sort through stuff.

  20. I need tips too. I completely suck at thrifting. I never find anything good!

    Great find! What I would do to spend $3 on an outfit!

  21. Dig and be patient. Also, check out chain thrift stores (Goodwill) in nicer neighborhoods. The prices won't be jacked up because Goodwill has the same pricing pretty much everywhere, but the clothes are usually at least a shmidge nicer.

  22. My best advice is to go looking for something else! I went to look for stuff for jewelry displays, and a mannequin I walked by on my way to the register was wearing the COOLEST dress... in my size. It is, seriously, epic. And $6. I actually cried over it when we got home. And I am choked up now. It came at a time when I really needed to feel pretty :-)

  23. I'm with you, I never find anything at thrift stores (and terrible Halloween costumes don't count)! If you snag any thrift store secrets be sure to share them.

  24. You look Lovely Katie. I want one of those necklaces. Great Dress & sandals also, so comfy.

  25. Minneapolis has some really great vintage thrift shops and I've bought quit a few different things. It's definitely something you need to safe up for though.

    Love that look on you!

    Mostly Lisa

  26. Can you pleeeease go back and get those overalls? I hear overalls are making a comeback :) That dress is super cute on the ruching!

    The Other Side of Gray

  27. I can't believe the tags were still on it!! that is just plain awesome.

  28. That dress is SO cute on you! I've hit or miss luck at my Goodwill. I am amazed by bloggers that can thrift an outfit head to toe! PS Come link up your post on my blog today :)

    The Tiny Heart

  29. Good find for sure!! Such a cute dress on you!!

  30. I am the same way when it comes the thrifting. I'm thinking it's probably because of where I live (not a very big town). :) Nice find, though! A Target dress WITH the tags on is awesome (and it was $3!).

  31. I feel the same way - I'll go to thrift stores and buy horrible things just because it's cheap or not find anything at all. I think the key is going often. I just don't have time for that.

  32. Believe it or not, I've never gone to a thrift store before!! But I see bloggers find so many cute things that I always wish I would go. Sorry you haven't had much luck shopping there :(

    You look very cute in this outfit btw! I love this dress on you.

  33. I am loving your striped dress, you look so cute!


  34. Thrifting is definitely hit or miss. I used to get discouraged by it so easily, and i hated digging through people's old clothes. But then i went at the end of last summer and got so much great stuff! The next few times got good hauls as well, but then when I just went last week, and I came home empty handed. I know for me, it's also a lot less likely to get the super fancy name brand stuff with the tags still on because we don't really have any stores like that around here.
    So yeah this was a ridiculously long comment that provided no help at all.... sorry!

  35. You totally have to dig for the good stuff...and go often. We yard sale and thrift a lot, and some days are just no good. Other days are great!

  36. I am with you on the T-shirts and soccer shorts. For some reason it was really cool to wear the shirt of a team you didn't even know. Man I was lame back then.

  37. I have never had luck with thrifting for clothes but home decor items is a different story. I definately think to be successful you need to go often (like once a week if not more) and check out a few different locations. We have two Goodwills near our house and then I always make sure to scope out the one near my job as well.

  38. I am right there with you...I never find anything! And, while we have 4 Home Goods stores within 20 minutes, I can't seem to find anything there either.

  39. Thrifting secrets: Thrift A LOT and look through everything!!

    you did great on thrifting this striped dress, I love it!

    <3 danielle

  40. I can never find anything at Goodwill and those overalls are hysterical!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  41. I focus on finding patterns or colors I'm attracted to. I do not go through every item on the rack. Just look for something that pops out at you!

  42. I say the Target maternity dress is a pretty good find! But I am not good at finding any thrift store finds either...I do go in and browse from time to time, but never seem to come out with much luck.

  43. I seem to have issues with finding clothing for myself at thirft stores... I can find cute items, but nothing that fits me the right way. I have much better luck find great deals on men's and boy's clothing there!

  44. Oh I love Goodwill and always walk away with something. I find it helps to have patience and to not necessarily have any expectation of finding anything. Those are when best finds happen:)

  45. I truly need to start thrifting.

  46. I don't find stuff every time I go, but there are a few on my route to work, so I just stop in and browse when I have spare time. I do find more stuff in the Spring during Spring cleaning, though! Oh, and the closer they are to "ritzy" areas, the more you will find ;)


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