May 20, 2013

Giving In

 tee: shade clothing maternity     pants: walmart     scarf: gap

First thing:  I don't want this post to sound like I answered the interview question: "What is your weakness?" with "I just don't know when to stop working," or "I love the kids too much and take my work home with me."  Because I truly do this to a fault and will hopefully communicate what I am trying to work on. 

I have a very hard time giving into things.  I've always been really stubborn and disciplined and I think that can be a good thing and has.  A good thing when training for a marathon or working really hard at my job.  A good thing with exercising daily and working on the relationships around me. 

But a really poor thing when I try to control everything.  

This pregnancy has challenged me with a whole new level of giving in and it's starting to give me anxiety because I'm not doing it.  Even with little things like giving myself a break with not stressing out about what I eat, how often I'm not exercising and how much weight I'm gaining.  I need to give in to what my body needs to do, and do so with an attitude that this is what I need to do and to be content with it.  

But on a greater note I'm feeling less in control of the future than I ever have.  I don't know what it will look like to be a mom.  I don't have the answers of how Chris and I are going to adapt well and quickly to parenthood.  I don't know the exact time I'm going to go back to work, or how insurance is going to work out.  I can't control how much money Chris makes in his business.  

I'm failing quite miserably at giving in to a future that I can not control.  You may think that I would have learned this already, as I've written multiple posts about giving God control.  But here I am today filled with anxiety about what our future will look like.  My stubbornness and desire for everything to be in order are making me fearful and emotional.  

So I am working on giving in to my body, my relationship with Chris, our finances and our future changing.  Handing over my stubbornness and control and having confidence that God will take care of it.  



  1. I struggle with this too. It amazes me how I fight to give up control and how each time I do God always blesses me in ways I could have never planned. Yet I still have to fight it.

  2. I have that problem too. I want to give God all the control but often I think so much about what if and forgetting that God is in control and that He is working for me. It's human nature to worry, think and just feel uncertain.

    It's nice to take a moment to step back and just remember that I'll have peace of mind if I just leave it all to Him.

    Sending prayers your way.

  3. i'm going through the exact same things lady.. i've decided but don't really want to confirm it (even on my blog) just in case someone from work sees.. that I'm not going to go back to work after maternity leave.. Which leaves us with what about benefits (since currently they're through my work) and hoping hubs can get enough hrs a week for us to survive.. but all i know is somehow we'll just figure it out.. you guys will too. We'll have to adjust but it will all end up working out. :)

  4. Sweet Katie, Mark and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Elie was born just a little over 23 years ago. All was unknown, and truth be told, still is. We placed our trust in God, and prayed he would provide, and he has. Not always easy. Not always what was needed (because WE overspent, not HE!) Trust in Him, He will see you through. Take it one day at a time. For tomorrow is unknown.

  5. Everything will be just as it is supposed to be. I know that may not make it easier, but try to rest in that truth. Having so many unanswered questions is hard for me too. I will continue to pray for you, my friend.

    Love the mint pants! Is that the watch from the giveaway?

  6. Girl you forgot your hormones are also in overdrive which doesn't make your anxiety with all the new changes happening and coming any "easier" I think the best moms feel these feelings and they are "normal" Praying for some peace for your huge heart. So very excited to meet baby girl! P.S. Her pretties are going out tomorrow! :) Can't wait to see her rockin them! Love you!

    Kristine -The Foley Fam {unedited}

  7. Love those mint pants!


  8. Very cute outfit! Control is a difficult thing, I think you're definitely n the right track on giving control to God.

  9. It's weird not having control of your body. Very weird. Just think of your little girl though when you get overwhelmed or anxious. Picture her in your arms! Try to enjoy each moment as much as possible because no matter what everything will work out in the end :)

  10. I tend to want to control everything too...and the Lord has been SERIOUSLY working on me. I can tell He's working on your heart too and giving you a much more submissive spirit than I've had lately! Plus, you look adorable!

  11. Girl I love your heart. I think we all have similar struggles and it helps to see it put out there. xoxo

  12. Love this honest post. The good thing is though, is that God totally knows our weaknesses. And when we are weak, He is strong and faithful to carry us through to the end. I have to continually remind myself of that fact. I am helpless. I am in need of a Savior. And I have a mighty one who can take care of me if I only continue to cling to Him. You got it, girl. Having anxiety about the future, finances, etc. are totally normal. God will carry you through! And I adoreee that outfit. Those mint pants are fabulous!

  13. Such a cute summer outfit! I am in love with the pants and scarf.


  14. I am the same way!! I am going to tell you everything will happen as it supposed to. Like you said god will get you through this help you let go. But I'm the worst I should really practice what I preach but it is so hard.



  15. eeeeee!! Look at that baby bump!! Love it! Only a few more weeks! Then that adorable nursery will be a million times adorable with your precious baby girl! And I think you guys are going to be so amazing in your adventure as parents :)

  16. You honestly don't look like you've gained any weight. You look beautiful. Keep listening for Gods voice & guidance.

  17. very cute pregnancy outfit! and on the becoming a mom bit, I'm sure it will be a seamless transition and like you say, God will bring you into the best version of yourself as a mother!

    xoxo linds
    my style blog :: Ruby Girl

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. It seems we all struggle so much with the concept of "Let go and Let God". We know who is in control, but it is still a constant struggle of just giving it up to Him. We have free will and control over so many aspects of ours lives, that when things are beyond our control, we have a hard time just letting it go. I haven't had quite the ordeals to struggle through that you have had, but it's kind of comforting to know other people go through their own various trials that we have no control over.
    Good post. I'll be praying for you. :)

  20. This is hitting so close to home, Katie. It's an everyday battle to *continuing* giving it all to God - even when I feel like I have handed it over, I feel my grip fly instantly back to whatever it is I've tried to give up. He's patient though - He knows we're working on it :) Praying peace for you!

  21. This is something I struggle with too! But having a baby is such a good and beautiful way to learn to give in and let go.
    You're going to be an awesome mama!

    (I love your hair and your outfit btw)

  22. Aw Katie, everything will work out! I know it's easy to say that from an outsider's perspective...but it will. You & Chris will be awesome parents to your baby girl :) It's SO hard not knowing what the future holds sometimes...and I guess all we have in those times is our have faith that everything will be just as it should :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  23. Hi Katie, Just read your post and thought that I can sometimes do the exact same. So I stop and give it all to God as I know whatever he has planned for me is better than anything I could ever do on my own or imagine. I think we need patience, this is a hard one for me...we need to be patient for Gods perfect timing....I think everything will work out for you and your family.

    On a side note you look absolutely your outfit so cute :)

    Hope you have a great day

  24. I've been struggling with this exact thing this past week. It's a daily reminder to myself that God is in control and it will all work out.

    P.S.-You look great! Love those mint jeans!

  25. I hate the feeling of not being of control of certain things. Big changes are in store for you so I think it's only natural to be feeling anxious!

    The Tiny Heart
    Group Giveaway!

  26. I am the same exact way, but you can't control it...enjoy the most of what you can...this is SUCH AN EXCITING journey!!! Embrace it and you look GREAT!!!

  27. I think that everything will be as it should, i have faith!!

  28. This is a tough one. Parenthood is full of so many unknowns. You will do the best job you can. Everything else will fall into place.

    My hubby is always telling me to relax and just let things work out but I have a hard time giving up control. A lot of the time I think it would be irresponsible of me to just stop caring and trying to control everything but he is right.

    Love the mint! That scarf is great. Perfect bump accessory!

  29. I'm sorry you're struggling with this, dear! You're in my prayers. :-)

  30. I struggle with this often and have to relearn the lesson of giving control over to God over and over again. Sometimes I am so shortsighted and forgetful! Thank the Lord for His never ending grace.

  31. I know everything will turn out fabulously and I love this mint look!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  32. I'm feeling the same way about my future. I have no idea what the future holds for me at this point in my life. It's all in God's hands, just like you said. You look gorgeous in the mint color!

  33. you sounds just like me, so now i am nervous for if I ever get preggers. I am such a "control freak" but I dont like being called out on it. I have a hard time with things in my life that I can't control, it gives me the worst anxiety... this is why I run. My anxiety lessens and I have control for the hour or so. I am working on "letting things go" as well! good luck, and PS you are looking amazing mama!!!


  34. Yes, give it to Jesus! He is really good with these things. Understand that all of your worries end up doing nothing for you in the end, but making you anxious. It will all work out according to God's plan!

  35. Don't worry, everyone worries and has anxiety. The key is to not let the chaos of life stress you out. If you do it will ruin you just enjoy the happy moments and focus on the positive.


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