May 21, 2013

I was a runner

dress: old navy   belt: target   shoes: dsw 

I've considered myself a runner for at least the last 8 years or so.  I have finished a few marathons, half marathons and other races.  But a week or so ago my confidence in my ability to still be a "runner" was a little shattered.  

I had every intention of being one of those pregnant woman that run up until they are due.  Well that quickly went out the window when I was on bed rest for a big chunk of the beginning of my pregnancy, then too scared to be running and then too late to start running while pregnant.  So I've stuck to walking. 

I was walking outside the other day and a bee flew in my hair.  Which I think will always make me run.  I ran probably 5 yards.  You would have thought I ran at least a mile.  Running with this belly was a complete change in my sense of gravity and I immediately felt like I was front heavy, carrying another person.  Oh wait I guess I am.  But a very very small person. 

I was out of breathe, hot, tired and then also slightly concerned.  

It's hard to imagine getting back into running shape and becoming a runner again. But I sure plan on working on it in the Fall.  

On a different note this may be my favorite maternity outfit so far.  I got this dress this Winter at Old Navy for less than $5.  It's not a maternity dress, just extra baggy! 



  1. Super cute! You will get back to it soon enough, and with baby in tow. Be sure to get a good jogging stroller. You will love the exercise and the baby will love the fresh air.

  2. I love this dress!! What a great combo...coral and polka dots! Although it doesn't seem like it now, you will get back into running, if that's what you truly want. Just remember not to be too hard on yourself if it takes longer than you think it should. ;)

  3. I need to shop with you! You get great bargains! I LOVE the dress on you.. As always you look beautiful and glowing!

  4. You look too cute.

    I was a dancer for about 20 years. Then I got DVT. While I do not dance so much anymore or run I do walk a lot. It is the exercise of any amount that counts. You are carrying something very precious and you will be running after the child soon enough. Enjoy this time.

  5. Absolutely love this dress on you...color, polka dots, and fit! Probably my fave maternity look on you to date :)

  6. I know what you mean, I stopped running during my pregnancy due to morning sickness, then pelvic rest, then it was too late to get back into it. I was cleared at my postpartum appointment yesterday to start exercising again and today I went on my first run (well more of a light jog). It felt good to get back into it!i am sure you will feel the same after having baby!

  7. "I finished a few marathons." ha! so nonchalant. i love it.

  8. Beautiful dress, I love the colour and print, it is gorgeous. I can only imagine how different running must be for you now. I know you can definitely get back into it, you are very inspiring, makes me want to get back into it also, I used to run for years myself too.

  9. You are adorable!

    Don't worry about running right now. Seriously, you'll jump right back in when your body is ready!

  10. I'm not a runner but when a bee is into space I become one.

    I love that dress! It looks amazing on you!

  11. Definitely a cute dress! Even if you were running all the way through your pregnancy, I think you would still feel front heavy and out of breathe. I am a Pilates instructor so before pregnancy I was doing quite the advanced exercises and tempos.... It's amazing how quickly and how much has changed. Out of breathe in some of the most random exercises... Or at least I used to think they were random.

  12. I love this outfit so much! You are glowing!

  13. That dress is stunning on you!! You are glowing girl!!!! xo

  14. That is such a cute dress!! Simply LKJ is right, just get a jogging stroller! Don't worry, if you loved it then, you'll likely fall in love again!

    <"Exploring My Style">

  15. You still are a runner, just taking a break. I adore this outfit!!! So cute!!

  16. I love this dress! I wish I could find it on clearance, and copy you:) Dresses are the best for pregnancy - and I have found a lot of my faves at Old Navy.

  17. Girl, I can't even run in a non-pregnant state so I know there's no way I would be able to run pregnant! haha

  18. You'll be a runner again in six to eight weeks! Trust me, you won't be slowed down. Invest in a good running (not jogging) stroller like a BOB and you'll be hitting the road in no time.

  19. Love that dress! I'm sure it must be tough to not run after all that time running but you'l be running again soon enough!


  20. This is definitely one of my fave outfits of yours EVER! You look SO cute, love the dress, love the wedges, and your hair looks so pretty :) And don't'll ease yourself back into running when the time is right!

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. I think everyone would understand why you stopped running. Also, those dresses from Old Navy are HUGE. I have some smalls and mediums that are in a box waiting for the day when I'm pregnant because I look pregnant in them anyway. They were dirt cheap and I couldn't resist. That one is really pretty!

  22. What an adorable dress! I don't run to begin with so I can't imagine trying to run while pregnant!

    The Tiny Heart
    Group Giveaway!

  23. I'm a runner and definitely do not plan on running while I'm pregnant! I would be too worried that I'm hurting the baby or that I'd topple over. And yes, bee in the hair is definitely a jump start for a sprint!!

  24. This is most definitely my favorite maternity outfit of yours too! You look so cute and so beautiful! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  25. girl if a bee flew in my hair i would have run, too!!! i'm TERRRRRRIFIED of bees. and i agree - this is absolutely my favorite maternity look of yours - SO gorgeous!

  26. I did the same with my youngest. lots of scary moments. i did the least amount of physical activity possible. all was worth it, as i am sure you feel the same way with your babe :) Don't worry in a few weeks you will be itching to be active!! I bet you will be counting down the weeks to start physical activity. I t will be a glorious feeling to bend over and to lay on your

    lookin' good!!!

  27. I would love to run a marathon! You look beautiful with this dress.


  28. I'm sure you'll be back at it in no time, especially if you ran a lot before you were pregnant.

    That's one thing I'm so excited for after having this baby.... being able to exercise without a bowling ball on my belly. I have always admired those women who could work out until they were due. I am not one, and I've come to terms with that.

  29. LOVE that dress too! Super cute outfit. I don't think I could find a sock at ON for that cheap! You always find the best deals.

    Don't beat yourself up for not being able to run right now. You have lots of time to be a runner- pregnancy is so short and precious.

    You will be a runner again.

  30. Just wanted to send some encouragement that you can totally get back into it! I did my first (and only, so far) half a year after nat was born, and am thinking of doing another one this fall. :) You'll be great, and you look adorable!

  31. Don't worry my friend, you'll run just might be slow in the beginning!


  32. Super cute! You look fabulous, I'm sure growing a human is no easy task, and you will find your new normal soon!
    Enter my $50 giftcard Giveaway

  33. STOP!!!! You look adorable in this dress!!! One of my faves you have worn since your belly arrived! ;)

  34. omg i cna't imagine being a pregnant runner (let alone a runner, haha!) you look great.

  35. I always give huge props to ladies who run during their pregnancy. I had a client who ran 6 miles 4 days a week until she was due. I couldnt imagine. I think walking it better for you anyways, you dont want the little guy bouncing around in there!


  36. Oh my word. You are darling! This is my favorite maternity outfit to date. And you will be back to your runner self shortly my dear, no worries. :)

  37. I couldn't imagine running while's hard enough to walk! You'll get back into it in no time after the baby though! And I agree...this is probably one of my favorite maternity outfits of yours, too!

  38. i got this dress too on clearance awhile back! it is perfect for the baby bump. so cute :)

  39. Running at this stage in pregnancy is hard for anyone! You're gonna be just fine :) Loving your hair style and def agree this dress is too cute!


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