May 22, 2013

My love for Amazon

Months ago Chris spent a good amount of time convincing me that we needed to sign up for Amazon Prime. You pay a fee each year but then get really fast, free shipping and also get points for future purchases.

I finally gave in and am so thankful I did because it's come in real handy with buying our baby furniture.  

The first time we looked at Buy Buy Baby and looked at cribs I was surprised how expensive they were.  So I was really excited when we found the same cribs on Amazon for so much cheaper.  We ended up getting our crib, dresser and glider from there and each was under $200 (plus we had points so they were even cheaper).  

Lucky for you, you have a chance to win two Amazon gift cards, along with Target and Ulta gift cards and other great prizes from my May sponsors! 

And I definitely plan on sharing more picture of our nursery and how I made our baby girl's bedding soon! 

$15 Amazon gift card from Back East Blonde

Media Kit Design from Wifessionals

$15 Design Credit to Olive & Ivy

$15 Amazon gift card from Pursuit of Pink

$10 Credit to Sweet Piper Lane  from Social Sara

$10 Ulta gift card from Beauty by Arielle

Wine sippy cup and large ad space from Hey Hollywood

$10 gift card to Target from Everyday with the Jays

Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for entering!  The winner will be contacted after the 27th! 
Want to be included in next month's giveaway?  I have a handful of large and medium ad spaces open for June for 20% off! Check here for more details! I'd love to work with you!


  1. I love amazon and the crib looks so cute!!


  2. I'm a prime member too and use it like crazy! Plus, you can watch free TV shows with it too. We have a PlayStation and can even stream their prime movies & TV shows to our TV. Score.

  3. Cool giveaway Katie.

    I love your baby girls bedroom. Elephants bring good luck you know.. :)

  4. we joked about buying our mom one of those wine sippy cups! i love your furniture...and how great that you got such a good deal!

  5. Ummm I totally want that wine sippy cup for this weekend! Love it :) And your baby's room is the cutest...good to know about Amazon Prime!

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. Beautiful crib and bedding.

    If you get a sec, check out my latest post 'Polka Dotting'. I would love to read your thoughts on it.


  7. amazon is fantastic. i ended up buying our wedding china on amazon because it was so much cheaper than in stores. love the bedding and the crib!

  8. i would love love to win this!!! eeeekk fingers crossed!


  9. Totally makes me want to sign up for Amazon prime!!!


  10. I need to know how you made your bedding, I can't find any I like!!!

  11. The crib looks nice. I totally love that elephant print cushion & furnishings!!! So so cute!
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog dear.
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  12. Ha just signed up too! Cute baby room! Congrats!

  13. The crib is beautiful! I'm going to have to remember to keep Amazon in mind when buying for future baby.. I wouldn't have thought of that! :)

  14. AMAZON is seriously my favorite!! Back when PFB was born we registered at Amazon and at that time with Amazon Mom ended up with almost 7 months of free Amazon Prime (they don't do that anymore...) Anyhow after that we were hooked and have purchased it ever since. Let me tell you with kids it is AMAZING to be able to order little stuff (and big stuff) online and have it come to your doorstep in a couple days rather than going through the hassle of getting everyone to the store for a little errand. We also got baby furniture from there. Really, can't tell you how much we love and buy EVERYTHING off Amazon

  15. That nursery is looking so cute. I cannot live without Amazon in my life!

  16. I don't know what I'd do without Amazon Prime. Amazon is the best.

  17. Amazon Prime seriously is the best! I wish I were kidding when I told you there is a package from them at least 3 times a week on our front porch. I use it for watching movies and tv shows:)


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