June 4, 2013

and there were tears

My sister sent me this video back in March and I watched it and got all teary eyed thinking about becoming a mom.  I saved it and am so glad I did, although this time it produced not just teary eyes but a full streams of tears.  

Lately I have been overcome with so many emotions as our due date gets closer.  I am beyond excited to meet our baby girl and can't even wait to hold her and start our life as a family of three.  

But I am also scared.  Scared of labor, of her being born healthy.  Scared of not knowing what we are doing and the responsibility of taking care of this tiny baby.  Scared that I already love her so much and I haven't even met her.  It scares me to think of how much more I'll love her when she's here, which makes me scared to think of anything ever happening to her. 

This video was such a great reminder that I am far from alone.  A reminder to just breathe and take it day by day.  A reminder that it's okay to be scared and to not know what to expect.   I also remind myself that God loves our baby girl more than I do and is always in control.  

Linking up to: random wednesday


  1. Sending you love, hugs, and prayers.

  2. Girrrrrrllll... You are so much more prepared than most moms.... This is the thing that happens to alot of newborns.... They are low on bilirubin and the nurses scare the daylights out of you about it and it all turns out they need to sit in the sun.. This and latching on if you're planning to breastfeed... Other than that... Everything will be fine!!!! It all seems very scary at the beginning but once you get in a groove you find you're better than you thought you'd be.

  3. So so sweet! I love little letters to little baby! And you look stunning in that dress! I'm nervous too when I think about it. But mostly I just plan on taking it as it comes... Then I don't get nervous.

  4. i agree with everything in that video!! and we googled soooo much hahah, funny about the one that said google doesnt have children haha!! you will be a great mama! and you will be the expert of your own baby!!

  5. Oh Lauren! That note you wrote was so sweet. I can only imagine the love that you're feeling for that little girl! What a huge blessing!!!

  6. Beautiful video! Thanks for sharing, Katie! Everything is going to be great. There will be hard moments, day, weeks... but you will be an amazing mother and your precious girl will be just fine. :)

  7. You are adorable and you will be an amazing Mom! Thank goodness God is in control of it all or we would all go crazy with worry!

  8. oh! I loved that video!! All the advice any of us really need bundled right into what 3 minutes?! SO sweet! And you look FAB, I'm excited for you to wear this dress again while holding your baby girl!!

  9. I can totally relate to your fears but I always tell my husband if the crazies on those MTV teenage pregnancy shows can do it then we sure as heck can figure it out too!

  10. You are going to be amazing. No doubt in my mind.

    Thinking and praying for you.

  11. Such a cute note, I can not wait for your baby girl!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  12. I love that video clip. I saw it shortly after Little Man was born. It made me cry (more like bawl) then, and still produces tears now.

  13. How beautiful, sweet, and precious!
    You will make a wonderful mother and my advice is to savor, savor, savor.
    Remind yourself that each moment in life is a gift.
    Some you will enjoy more than others, but each is still a gift.
    And being a mother is absolutely the best vantage point from which to truly view the gift of life.
    God bless!

  14. What a sweet video! If/when I get pregnant, I will have to watch this again :) You will be a fabulous Mom and this baby girl is so blessed to have you and Chris as parents!

  15. Girl! Go easy on yourself. You are going to do AMAZING. Your going to be a total natural :)

  16. Aww, I love that video clip. So much truth in it!


  17. What a sweet note! I think it's totally normal to be scared but I know you're going to be an amazing mom!

    The Tiny Heart
    PayPal Giveaway!

  18. I hope I'm as cute and stylish as you when I'm pregnant someday :) You always look darling! And that note was so sweet. She will love reading that one day.

  19. My "baby" turned 14 a week ago. I really wish I had seen this video prior to my 3 girls. What wonderful reminders! Your letters to your daughter have been so sweet! I'm sure she will cherish them as much as you do. Prayers to you and your little one!

  20. How are you already just 6 weeks away!? It's going by so fast! You look great! I'm going to have to postpone watching that video until I'm not at work!

  21. I love this video! Such great advise! Being a Mimi's truly the best thing I've ever done! Enjoy this six weeks, you're little bundle of joy will be here before you know it :)

  22. That is SUCH a sweet note Katie! I'm sure your baby girl can't wait to meet you & Chris either :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  23. What a sweet note! And I love that when Chris talks to her, she starts moving all around. That is so cute. And you are looking amazing! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  24. You look great! So cute that she moves around when your hubby talks to her. Same happens to me when my husband talks to my belly. You'll be a great Mom, go with the flow and enjoy it!

  25. I love that video! Thanks for sharing (:

  26. you look great in that dress!
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

  27. oh my goodness, i get teary eyed just from reading this!!

  28. Yes can imagine being scared this is a HUGE undertaking, the biggest of your like. But really human beings having been doing since the dawn of time you'll be fine : )

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  29. Such a sweet post! I'm sure being afraid is very normal. I can only imagine! I know I'd be worried about the same things. Everything will turn out as it's meant to :)

  30. my big advice would be this.... if you get post partum depression... don't feel alone.. and don't feel guilty... it is HORMONES!!! tell your dr. and tell yourself every minute of it... " I won't always feel this way!! its the hormones..".. that ppd.. it hits you like a truck.. you never see it comin...

  31. I am almost 29 weeks and within the last week my hormones started going crazy and I have started kind of freaking out thinking about my baby actually coming and if I will be a good mom to him. This video made me cry my eyes out but really helped! Thanks!!!

  32. What a sweet video! I am bawling so hard right now. Haha...I loved the "Google doesn't have kids," and "Real men change diapers." :-) We are getting so close now! It's fun to have someone who is due so close to the same time as me, because I know you are probably having the same emotions, fears, and excitement that I'm having. But just know that you are going to be such a great mommy! Waiting has given you more appreciation,and extra time to prepare for your sweet baby. I can't wait to "meet" her, and see you become a mom!

  33. I could barely read your words because I'm so obsessed with the gorg dress you're wearing, you look stunning! As a momma of 3 my best advice is, don't sweat the small stuff.:)

  34. awwwww so sweet! and so exciting!!!!!!


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