June 3, 2013

Dressing my pregnant self

This dress may be my favorite maxi dress I own.  I won a credit to this store and am SO happy with my choice. I know I will get lots of wear out of it! 

After this last pregnancy recap, I intended to do another at 30 weeks but here I am four weeks late. Oops! 

While one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that every pregnant woman is so different, and you can only take so much advice from someone as I think you have to live it yourself, I thought maybe it'd be helpful to share a few things I've learned about dressing my pregnant self: 

1. I'd have to say that weeks 27 to 33 were probably my favorite weeks in terms of how I looked pregnant.  I was passed the stage of just feeling like I gained a lot of weight and finally had a hard, pregnant looking belly.  

2. I probably bought way more maternity clothes than I really needed, but I'm okay with that as I was SO excited to finally be pregnant and still did not spend much money as most were pretty cheap!  I bought a handful of things well before getting pregnant when I saw them on sale and then most of the rest near the beginning.  If I would've held off a little longer I would have realized that I there were some items that I didn't end up liking or really needing.  

3. I wore more maternity clothes the first trimester and first half of the second trimester, which seems backwards to me.  But once I had a real "bump" I felt much more comfortable wearing some of my non-maternity dresses and tops, where at the beginning I loved the looser fitting, maternity clothes.  

4. I bought a few of the maternity jeans with the under the belly panel thinking that would be more comfortable.  I was WAY wrong and can't imagine choosing those over the full panel jeans.  The idea of wearing pants with a button ever again sounds foreign.  (which makes me nervous). 

5.  A lot of clothes I thought I could wear when I was pregnant aren't even close to possibilities.  There have been so many times I thought of a dress or a top that I thought would be so cute, only to put it on and have nothing to do but laugh at myself.  (Okay I wish I could say I laughed every time, but there definitely were times of crying getting dressed).  Not only has my belly drastically grown, but my growing chest has made many clothes far from an option! 

6.  There have been many days or even a week at a time that I've been happy with and loved my pregnant belly and then days or a week that I feel the exact opposite.  But this happens not pregnant so I shouldn't be surprised!

7.  My most successful places to find cheap, comfortable, and cute maternity clothing has been old navy and shade maternity.  I've found many tops and dresses for under $5 online at both places. 

8.  I keep reminding myself that I am only pregnant for a short time and should do my best to enjoy all these changes as it will be over soon! 



  1. Oh my heavens you look so cute!! These weeks have flow by! I can't believe your little will be here so soon! Congrats lady! (:

  2. You really impress me! My favourite is actually the last look, those colours look so pretty on you.

  3. I love this dress! You are such a cute pregnant lady!!

  4. These outfits are all adorable. I can't wait to see what you do post-baby!

    Only a few more weeks!

  5. I think you are the cutest :)

  6. You are SO beautiful!!! WOW and LOVE this maxi dress you're rockin'!!!

  7. You are SO beautiful!!! WOW and LOVE this maxi dress you're rockin'!!!

  8. You are SO beautiful!!! WOW and LOVE this maxi dress you're rockin'!!!

  9. You dress cuter pregnant than I do not pregnant! I am looooving that first maxi dress.

  10. You are such a cute preggers girl!!! I LOVE that first maxi!

  11. I love this, what great advice!


  12. I love this, what great advice!


  13. What a fun recap! I loved my prego belly too, I agree, enjoy it while you have it :)

  14. Don't worry, you will wear pants with a button again :) You are so right about every pregnant woman being different. I hated the over the belly panel pants and could not wear them. The under belly were so much more comfy for me. You continue to look amazing!!

  15. amen to #s 3 and 4!! once the belly is nice and round, i like to show it off with a tighter top :) and full panel pants ALL THE WAY!! you live and you learn :)

  16. All I can say is I hope that one day I am as cute of a pregnant lady as you are! You are glowing and your hair is gorgeous!! Oh and one more thing...that first dress is to die for!

    XO Samantha

  17. I bought a bunch of maternity clothes before ever getting pregnant, too! And definitely had stuff I never wore! I can't believe you can wear non-maternity clothes! I was SO huge, by the end of my last pregnancy I couldn't wear my husband's clothes! YOU look gorgeous pregnant! And it sounds like you kept yourself in good shape before, so you should bounce back well!

  18. Love this! You look beautiful in every picture and chose great outfits for your growing belly, this is all such great advice for maternity wear!!

  19. You look absolutely stunning in that dress! You make pregnancy look beautiful!

  20. I seriously have never seen a more stylish pregnant woman! I look at your outfits and think..I NEED to dress that cute whenever I am prego! haha ;) 34 weeks of adorablness!!

  21. You look so darned cute!!! Hope when I am pregnant, I look that good :)

  22. Just make sure to bring something maternity to wear home from the hospital and something you can breast feed in if you're planning on doing that..., I was sooooo naive when I had my daughter I thought my stomach would just shrink right back down after delivery..... Yeah...... Not so much....

  23. OMG!!! I have loved nothing more than to watch your grow!! :) This is precious!

  24. OMG!!! I have loved nothing more than to watch your grow!! :) This is precious!

  25. You are so gorgeous pregnant.
    Keep reminding yourself of this short period of time. When it's all said and done you'll look back and miss it.

  26. Oh my goodness, you are gorgeous in this dress! I have loved watching you grow into your new role as mama, I have to say, it looks pretty good on you! :)

  27. Oh nice post! =)



  28. Congrats on dressing AMAZING throughout so far, i hate when some just give up...maxis are awesome for preggies:)

    These photos are beautiful!

    Aesthetic Lounge

  29. That maxi dress is my favorite of yours too...so pretty! And you're just glowing :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  30. That's so funny that you kind of went backwards with the maternity clothes! I will probably buy way more than I need when the time comes too! You are such a gorgeous momma!

  31. That maxi looks gorgeous on you! You've done a great job dressing your pregnant body!

    The Tiny Heart
    PayPal Giveaway!

  32. Awwwwwwwwwww :) That's really all I have to say! You're just so gorgeous! Love the first dress on you.

  33. I totally get that - I think I would love having a pregnant belly sometimes, and other times hate it. But of course I think you always look adorable. I love the maxi dresses you've been wearing! And you baby bump just looks so great! :)

  34. I love these pics of your growing belly! You look great!

  35. i am not kidding when i say this, you are the cutest pregnant person ever! always so cute and fun!

  36. That maxi dress is my favourite too! Everything looks good on you!

    I love seeing this progression- you really popped at 22-23 weeks.

    Yes, the growing chest. I loved it and miss it :(

    I would like your entire wardrobe! It's so bright and cheerful! I guess that's the difference between having a summer baby and a winter baby (A was Feb).

  37. Love this post and you have rocked dressing the bump! You have always inspired me and I love all these outfits!! That dress above is so cute, what a good choice!!

  38. PS. I am so sad Shade doesn't deliver to Canada!!

  39. 1) I have a ton of clothes I thought would be cute - until I put them on..and then sometimes cry...

    2) I wear almost all maternity now but I am looking forward to wearing normally things when I have a big round PREGNANT looking belly!

  40. That's so interesting that you don't wear as many maternity clothes now. You always look so cute, no matter what. :-)

  41. That's funny that the more you show the less you wear maternity clothes! I am definitely just living in maternity clothes now! So comfortable!

  42. You look so gorgeous and I love your dress - I would wear it if I was not pregnant!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  43. You are making me miss my bump so bad, honestly you look lovely! You have great style :)

    I found you from pleated poppy - hi! Toronto Mama and I are hosting a WWWW - that's what WE wore Wednesday :) yep we are including the littles and since you are styling for 2 we'd love to see you over there! Glad I found your blog!


  44. Love this post!!! You still look gorgeous and I am obsessed with that maxi dress!!! :)

  45. Loved the little round up you did. It was nice to see your progression both in your pregnancy and style. Really nice.


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