June 26, 2013

Can I have yet another surreal moment?

dress: destination maternity    shoes: kohls

While our struggle to get pregnant came with so many hard and trying times, I can say that there have been so many blessings that have come from it.  I know there are many lessons, blessings and experiences I would have not had if we would've gotten pregnant when we wanted to. 

One of those blessings has been experiencing the power of prayer and encouragement from others.  Last weekend my mom, sister and sister in law through me a baby shower and everyone that was there has prayed for and waited for this baby.  My struggle through infertility would have been a completely different experience without these woman in my life.  Some who I shared everything with and others who just knew we were struggling and faithfully prayed for us. 

It was amazing to look around the room, full of woman who love me, love this baby and have been a part of our journey the last two and half years.  People from all areas of my life: work, college, high school, family, and even a few of my mom's friends who have been constantly praying for me were there. It was a room full of good listeners, prayer warriors, women full of encouragement and love who have been there for me.
 My sister gave this beautiful talk that brought me (and many others) to tears.  Sharing how wanted this baby is and how prayed for and loved she already is.  She also gave some amazing advice and encouragement to me as a new mom (which I will have her share here soon). 
The whole shower was wonderful.  I felt loved, blessed and so excited to tell my baby how many amazing woman helped me through all the waiting we did for her.   Just writing all this out, makes me all teary knowing how blessed I am.  Not that I would ever choose to go through what we did to get pregnant, but I have to say how thankful I am to have been able to experience feeling blessed in this way.
I'm pretty confident that this baby couldn't be more loved.  And now that my showers are over and everything is ready she can come any time!!



  1. Awesome! How fun it must be to look at all those people and just smile b/c their prayers worked! It is wonderful that you reflect on all you've been through and appreciate where you've been and where you are. I think you will make a wonderful mother due to the struggles you've been through.

  2. Aw yay! This makes me so happy, I'm glad you had a wonderful shower!


  3. This is so sweet. It's actually making me teary. I guess I'm realizing lately how much people love me too, and care for me, just like they love and care for you.

  4. Wow, wearing heels! I bet your ankles did NOT thank you after this lol.

    If there's one thing I do know is that God provides for you in his own time. He has three answers to prayers; yes, no and not yet.

    By telling you not yet and making you wait, he has truly made having a child even more special for you and those around you. Don't question his reasons just give thanks!

    I can't wait to see your beautiful baby, I'm sure all who read your posts are anticipating this almost as much as you and your family!

  5. This post made me think of one of my favorite songs, Blessings, by Laura Story. Here is the ending chorus:

    '"Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops
    What if Your healing comes through tears
    What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near.

    What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
    Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
    What if trials of this life
    The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
    Are your mercies in disguise"

  6. This makes me so happy. :) she is one lucky little girl already. So loved. As are you.

  7. smiling ear to ear! I am so happy for you, and know that everything is working out as He has planned it. I'm still saying my prayers for you, prayers of thanks and continued blessings!
    Enter my current giveaway!

  8. This is so sweet! That little girl and you are clearly very loved!

  9. awwww, looks like a great shower, I love all the pics. So happy for you, and your little princess!


  10. this reminds me so much of how I felt when my sister finally got pregnant with my nephew. So many times were spent crying in prayer for him to come! I got to be there while he was born and I think I cried loudest/ugliest of all. There is something special about a child who's been waited on :) You already know this, but I'm so happy for yall Katie :)

  11. So sweet and that dress is adorable!

  12. That is so sweet. It really makes such a difference to have people walking alongside you and praying with you through your struggles and joys! Your baby girl is so loved!!

  13. I can't even imagine how happy everyone is for you!! Such an exciting time!


  14. This is so sweet, it brought tears to my eyes.
    You have an amazing group of ladies in your life, and your daughter is so blessed to have them all to help welcome her into this world!

  15. you look truly amazing. Sending Labor vibes :)

  16. Makes me tear up! I am so happy for you !! I really hope I will be as lucky as you Katie!

    -- Manda

  17. What a blessing to have all those amazing prayer warriors for your precious family! And yes, Little Miss can come at any time!!! :)

  18. Look how cute you are! SUCH a cute bump!

  19. What a fantastic shower!! Baby girl really is already loved so much, isn't she? I also felt like I gained a stronger testimony of prayer when I was going through hard times before Charlie. It's amazing the lessons we learn through difficult times.

  20. Such a sweet post Katie. I can feel the love for this child through this post!!

  21. I am just so happy for you, Katie! Knowing how much you struggled previously makes this so much more special!

    The Tiny Heart

  22. This post made me tear up. I'm SO happy for you!!!

  23. Of course you can have another moment, but can I have one to talk about how cute your outfit is....LOVE it!

  24. Yay for these wonderful friendships! What amazing support to have in your life :) love this dress too, so cue!

  25. What a beautiful shower! It's so great that you have so much love and support in your life - you deserve it!

  26. I love that dress!! Perfect for your shower!

    Your baby will be very loved!

  27. That last photo is too cute! And I love love love that dress on you :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. This is so sweet and I am so happy for you. I love that last picture, I hope you frame it!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. You talking about all the love for your daughter and you made me tear up. What a blessing to have so many people caring for, loving, and praying for you both! :-)

  30. Aw that makes me happy, I'm glad you had such a wonderful shower!

  31. Looks like a wonderful shower, the baby is already so loved. And you look great!
    xo Annie

  32. Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww I couldn't be happier to hear that you are surrounded by people who love you and your baby so much. That is so wonderful and sweet.

  33. You are one gorgeous glowing mom-to-be! Congratulations!!!

  34. Such a wonderful post. Reminds me that God's timing is the best timing :)

    What a lovely shower! You looked beautiful! Love your outfit.

    OMG any day now !!

  35. "I know there are many lessons, blessings and experiences I would have not had if we would've gotten pregnant when we wanted to." This is definitely how I am feeling right now. A perfect reminder that God's timing is best.


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