June 25, 2013

I'm officially starting to. . .

dress and tank top: target (a few years ago?)

carry a full term baby that is the size of a watermelon.

grunt and moan most times I have to bend over to pick something up or put on my shoes. 

be able to hold my hand entirely under my belly and not be able to see it. 
feel like I could be pregnant for 5 more weeks after my appointment today when I heard that nothing is happening down there.  She is head down but still really high.  

would like to hear some encouraging stories of no progress at all but still having a baby a week or two later.  

feel like some days are going by very slowly and although anxious about labor, getting unbelievably excited to meet our baby girl.  



  1. That is a really cute watermelon, lol

  2. It's been so long since I've been at your blog--but I remember praying for you last year as you were trying to have a baby--am I correct??? You're almost there! :)

  3. I've had friends who have literally left the doctor's office with "no progress" and literally hours later been in labor. Anything can happen. I hope things go well for the rest of your pregnancy!

  4. I don't think I've seen that super cute dress! I love it!

  5. Cute dress and good idea with the tank under it! You look great and are close!! I'm sure you are so anxious to meet her!! :)

  6. We are due very close together and I am making no progress either. With my first 2 I had made enoigh progress to be hopeful at this point. But I did make it to a 2 with both of my first 2 at 36 weeks one was born at 40 weeks exactly and the other was born at 38 weeks so no matter how little or how much progress you have made baby day could be right around the corner.... or that is what I tell myself when I can't sleep.

  7. I had to be induced, Grant was ready to stay put for the duration. Good luck! I hope she decides to Mae a quick and easy exit for you!

  8. Ugh, putting on shoes is the worst! I try to wear flip flops or slip on sandals as much as possible! Only a few more weeks though :)

  9. You get to meet her so soon!! Yay!! Love your dress :)


  10. I was stuck at 1 cm 70% effaced and -3 position from my 37 week appointment until the day my water broke, which happened on my due date! I know it is annoying to hear but enjoy these last few weeks they really do go by fast and I miss being pregnant so much!! Praying for you!

  11. Size of a watermelon? Isn't that crazy? Well you look cute as always!

  12. Progress or no progress, means nothing! If you've read my daughter's birth story, you know that I was not even a centimeter dilated and she was still really high, and then less than 24 hours later she came so fast that she was born in an ambulance!

  13. You look great! Hang in there :)

  14. At 37 weeks, you look amazing :)

  15. 37 weeks! Hang in there momma! You really, really want that sweet little girl to stay put for at least two more weeks.
    It seems like an eternity now, but enjoy these last few weeks (possibly days!) with just you and the hubs.

  16. So exciting!!! Anytime now! I'm going to be stalking you on instagram and twitter to find out when it happens!


  17. This is not meant to be obscene... But semen really does weaken the amniotic sac.... And a friend of mine swears by pedicure/foot rubs for inducing labor.... I did the first one and it DID work... My friend did the second one and it worked....

  18. When my best friend was pregnant with her second baby her doctor told her that her body was acting like it had never been through labor before... She told me that on April 8th... April 9th I got a text around 10am telling me she was in labor... By 4pm baby was here! Things can happen fast sometimes! Praying for you, Katie!

  19. My Doctor kept saying "looking good, could happen at ANY moment!" from like 37 weeks on. It made me super hopeful...I was even dilated more each time. But I still went all the way to my due date. So maybe it's better to think "nothing's going to happen" so you won't be thinking, "something's definitely going to happen" and be disappointed? I don't know, either way, the waiting part is a practice in patience! Love you and can't wait to see this precious baby's face!!

  20. I can't believe the time flew by and you're almost due! That's so crazy to me. But I'm beyond stoked for you. Cute outfit as usual.

  21. you look so pretty!!! I love this outfit you look like a pregnant Venus :)

  22. You look so beautiful! I hope something starts happening soon for you!

  23. I've been in the same boat... And I'm just a week ahead of you. No progress. But then Sunday, she dropped. And according to my research, for first time mothers that means that the baby can be born anytime between the next 2-4 weeks. I don't know about you, but I could have her today and be so happy lol.... Please not 4 weeks!! Going to the doctor today, so we will see about the rest. At our birthing class there was at least one girl who had already been dialated 1 or 2 cm for weeks or months so I don't think that really makes anything any more predictable.

  24. Well, you're in the home stretch. And she has to come out one way or another, right? Stay positive!

  25. You look adorable! I hope I look this cute when I'm pregnant :)

  26. You look beautiful, Katie! Here's hoping the baby comes sooner rather than later :)

    The Tiny Heart

  27. Well, I had c-sections because my first was breech, so no encouraging stories for you here. =/ It it helps at all, you're still adorable!

  28. i love this!! makes me so super excited for the next 15 weeks of my own pregnancy :) (or i guess i should say for the next 15 weeks to pass by..ha). you look great! and i'm impressed you're just moaning and groaning when you bend over now - i started doing that awhile ago!

  29. having never been pregnant i can't even imagine!! but so exciting at the same time, and again, you still look fantastic!

  30. haha yes! i was having lots of sign and thought baby would be here with in the week...but 3 weeks later she still cooked lol...sooooo no signs isnt a terrible thing :)

    dont be anxious...i is a natural thing and it will eventually end...take the epidural youll be just fine!!

    not much longer!!!! YEAH!!!!!

  31. I'm telling ya...she is holding out for "our" birthday!! You look amazing. Wish I could be of some encouragement, but both of our girls were 6 days late!

  32. I feel like putting on shoes would def be the worst :) You look so cute...and eek...so soon!!

    The Other Side of Gray

  33. I can't believe you are 37 weeks!!! Don't worry!! Baby girl will come when she is ready...you know it's nice and comfy in there!! :)

  34. Hoping baby girl makes her appearance soon. Audrey showed no signs of coming until the day I went into labour.

    Good news is that she won't stay in there forever, even if the next up to 5 weeks feels like forever.

  35. You are so close, Katie! Your litte one will really be here in no time. :-)

  36. Yay for a full term baby! You are so close katie, wahoo!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  37. You make pregnancy look so adorable!
    Love your outfit <3

    Colour Me Classic

  38. So.... I was 2 weeks late and weighed a whopping 10 1/2 pounds! That probably doesn't help you. Do you hate when people tell you depressing stories like I apparently keep doing? Sorry about that! The good news is, they all worked out in the end :)

  39. Yay for full term! I hear all these old wives tales of spice food, lots of yeast, walking, or standing on your head even hahaha! Hopefully she doesn't wait too long ;)

  40. Such a gorgeous polka dot dress. The colour is beautiful on you. You wear your maternity so well!



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