June 16, 2013

Showers, shoppers, and statement necklaces

Last weekend Chris' side of the family threw me a wonderful baby shower. It was another one of those surreal moments where I kept reminding myself that this was for our baby!  We were so lucky to be blessed with lots of gifts for our baby girl and couldn't be more thankful.  

I did warn you that I'd mention this again because I'd LOVE to be one of the top 5 in this contest for expert shoppers and am currently number six.  If you already voted you can vote again and all you have to do is click on the love it button here!  Thank you so much!

It's not a secret that I love statement necklaces and know that I am not alone.  Which is why I'm excited to introduce you to a blogger who has a very talented shop full of beautiful necklaces, like this one, which I got in the mail yesterday and can't wait to wear it!!  Not only is she a talented shop owner, but also a mom of two adorable boys that were adopted this last year.  

I'm excited to introduce you to Kelly from Curated by Kelly . . . .

Hello, For Lauren and Lauren friends! I am Kelly and you can find me on my blog, Curated by Kelly, or in my shop by the same name.

I started the shop because I have a little thing for statement necklaces. As in, I own more than 50 of them! I just love how they can make a plain and ordinary outfit truly spectacular. It's fun to curate the collection in the shop and it's even more fun to see how everyone styles their purchases. We do a lot of fun giveaways and steals too!

I also write on my blog for fun. We recently adopted our two boys so I'm an "instant mom." I blog about my favorite parenting finds, adoption, fashion and our every day life. Each Friday I round up my Weekly Favorites. My Weekly Favorites cover anything and everything from Kate Spade shop tours to serious articles.

I hope you'll stop by and say hello!

Thank you so much Kelly!  Definitely go check out her blog and her shop - especially this one and this one which are my favorite!



  1. you are GLOWING! Your smile makes ME smile. So so so excited for the arrival of your little girl!

  2. You look gorgeous, Katie! That is so great you were showered with so much love, and those necklaces look amazing!

  3. This is such a happy post! I'm so excited for you:) And ooo the necklace looks so pretty.

  4. You look gorgeous. Love the shower pics and your dresses are so cute!

  5. I love the dress you chose for the shower. I can't believe how close it is getting!

  6. How CUTE! You look so pretty in that maxi Katie :) And Kelly's necklaces are gorgeous!

    The Other Side of Gray

  7. You look beautiful in that maxi and seems like you had a wonderful shower!

    The Tiny Heart
    Scarf Giveaway!

  8. have fun with all your new goodies!!!

  9. Your shower looks so wonderful. You got some BIG gifts. :) Off to vote for you again.

  10. You look stunning! Your baby is going to be so loved!

    Thank you for posting about the statement necklaces- I'm going to check out her shop!

  11. that shower looks so perfect and you look radiant as always!

  12. You look great!! And what a special shower, looks like you guys did good! :) Love your dress!

  13. Yay for baby shower!!! You can tell she is loved oh so much already :) And now I need pretty much every jewelry item from Kelly's shop haha.

  14. you look beautiful and love your dress! Also just voted!! goodluck mama!

  15. You looked so pretty at your shower! So exciting! Looks like it was a wonderful time!

  16. You looked great in your shower dress. Another color that suits you well!

  17. Love the baby shower dress, and congrats on having a girl. Also loved the person you featured below.

  18. I loooove your baby shower dress! Where did you get it?!


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