June 13, 2013

maternity pictures

A week ago a good friend of mine took maternity pictures for us and I am so thankful for her! We decided to not pay for professional pictures and save that for our newborn ones and I feel like we still got professional looking pictures.  There are so many I love so be prepared for a little photo overload!

I LOVE these pictures with these booties because they were the first thing we bought for our baby and used them in our baby announcement
I can't wait to show our little girl these pictures some day and tell her how unbelievably excited we were to meet her.  I can't believe she will be here in less than 5 weeks!



  1. SO beautiful! They came out great! Your friend did a fabulous job!

    5 weeks?! OMG!

  2. Yay! You guys look beautiful! The first thing we got were little yellow booties too :) you friend did a great job!

  3. Those are great! They look professional to me! Good job saving money!!! I ordered that dress but w/ the blue top. I went w/ a small so I hope it fits ok.

  4. Love them!!! You look great!!!

  5. OMG. I am so in love with these pictures! Have I told you lately how overjoyed I am for you?! : )

  6. These look AWESOME!


  7. love these all. especially the last one!

  8. oh my gosh! these are beautiful. you look gorgeous!!

  9. These turned out great! You look so good preggers! I will be returning to your blog OFTEN when I'm pregnant with #2 and looking for maternity inspiration. ;)

  10. Cute! I love the bootie ones too!

  11. These photos are wonderful! The forehead to forehead shots are my favorite!! So sweet. Makes me a little sad that I never took maternity photos...

  12. Money well saved. The photos are amazing, and nothing short of professional. The little booties make me want to cry and smile at the same time. One of the first gifts we received when I was pregnant with our first was a pair of hand knitted booties! They are safely tucked away in hopes a grandchild will wear them in the future. Now she just needs to hold out until July 18th ;-)

  13. These are so great! Y'all both look so happy, and that dress too cute!

  14. Eeeerkkkkk these are beautiful!!!! They turned out so good!!

  15. So cute!!!!! She did a fabulous job!

  16. these look so great! my fave is the one of your belly where you are holding hands. too too cute!

  17. The pictures turned out beautifully! Are you nervous about the whole 5 week thing? Because in my case I definitely am.

  18. Goodness these photographs are darling! I love love love them. p.s. cute dress!

  19. These are beautiful pictures! I love the one where he's kissing your belly. So cute!

  20. Aww they look awesome! We also saved our money on maternity pictures and we're saving it for the newborn pictures which we know we will get much more use out of and a a newborn is waaay cuter too haha

  21. They are all so beautiful! There's so much love captured in each photo!!

  22. The last one is my favorite! You're beautiful...so excited for y'all :)

  23. your friend did great! I love them!

  24. these are gorgeous!! your friend did a fantastic job. and i love your outfit!

  25. OH my...! What a beautiful couple and baby bump :) I am loving these photos!!!

  26. These certainly look professional to me. I love them! My favorite is the third one down where you are both sitting. So cute!

  27. As others have said, SO beautiful!!

  28. these are stunning. Love the dress you wore!!! Def. professional looking.
    Good call on saving the $$$.
    Can't wait to meet her!

  29. These are SO classy. And they look so amazing. You are one glowing mama <3

  30. BEAUTIFUL photos! cannot believe she is almost here! and I love how you got some many beautiful and unique shots. so awesome!

  31. Great pictures!! You look so adorable and so incredibly happy!!

  32. you my dear are darling! :) i loved having the hubby in my maternity pictures as well... it will be so fun to look back on these one day and like you said, show the kids. so excited for you! 5 weeks will FLY by.

  33. These are AMAZING, Katie!! That dress could not be more perfect...SO cute and really shows off Baby Girl. Which, lucky lady, is all you are...baby! You look gorgeous!

  34. I love your outfit! I think they turned out so cute!

  35. Your photos are beautiful!!! Lucky you to have a friend who is so talented! I love them all, but my favorite is the one of you with your heads together and Chris is holding your belly!

  36. Beautiful pictures!! You both look so happy!!

  37. Oh my gosh katie, I LOVE these! You look so gorgeous, love that dress. The ones with the booties are adorable. My favorite is the first one with the booties, where you and chris are sitting against the wall. LOVE.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  38. These pictures are GORGEOUS! Your friend did an amazing job! I am bursting with excitement for you guys!!! <3

  39. Oh such sweet pictures! And your dress pick is really cute! :)

  40. Love, love, LOOOOVE! You look BEAUTIFUL!

  41. You look great you have a lovely outfit you know how to be a fashion pregnant woman you look awesome!

  42. Well don't you look so cute! These pictures turned out great! LOVE the dress!

  43. These came out so beautiful, Katie! Your friend did such a great job!

    The Tiny Heart
    Scarf Giveaway!

  44. i love the one where you both have your arms wrapped around your belly and holding hands. super precious :) giving me some good ideas for my maternity pics coming up in a couple months! so thanks!! you look awesome, ps.

  45. You are adorable! I love these pictures and that skirt is TOO CUTE!

  46. These are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! You are one hot momma to be!

  47. What beautiful maternity photos! You two look so happy. Congratulations on your little bun! Happy Friday!
    xx. McKenna Lou
    p.s. Have you had the chance to enter into our Anthropologie gift card giveaway?
    Here is the link: http://www.lynnandlou.com/2013/06/how-to-perfectly-frost-cake-25-anthro.html

  48. Oh my gosh these are so sweet! I love love love the 4th one from the bottom where you guys are kind of wrapped and holding different hands. Beautiful pictures. I love your dress!

  49. Katie these are fantastic!! You look so beautiful in all of them, and you both just look so happy! I love all of them & I'm so excited for you guys!! 5 weeks is not very long at all! ;)

  50. Gorgeous photos, girl! I love the dress that you chose to wear for it and the photos with the little booties are adorable! :)

  51. Oh my goodness - these are some of the most beautiful and love-filled maternity pictures I've ever seen. Your hubby only has eyes for you and this baby and it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

  52. You are absolutely glowing and I love the pictures of him kissing your belly!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  53. sooooooo sweet!!! Love all of these! So much joy on your faces..precious :)

  54. How adorable are these!? And that dress!!!

  55. You guys are too much! I love these...they're gorgeous!

  56. They're so good! You're a gorgeous woman! :-)

  57. You look super adorable and your hair looks fabulous. You both just look happy and that is how it should be. Blessings my friends. Having a girl is the best thing ever! Susan

  58. I love your photos. They are all so beautiful. Your friend did a great job on taking the photos. I love them all, but I would say one of my favorites is the last one.

  59. I love these! they are beautiful, I am so excited for you guys!


  60. Such adorable pictures, you too look great. Love the dress and the pic with the booties is too stinkin' cute.
    xo Annie

  61. I love all of these pictures! I can't stop looking at them!

  62. Aww this are so cute!!! I love that dress too, your friend did a great job!

  63. The Tiny Heart sent me :) What great pics! You look beautiful! Love how you incorporated the little booties into some of the pictures.

  64. These pictures are awesome! It's getting so close, you must be so excited!! :)

  65. I love these pictures! You guys look so happy and cute together. It won't be long now...

  66. These are amazing - you guys are glowing!

    The Other Side of Gray

  67. so lovely to meet you! I am coming over from the The Wiegands blog hop

  68. You are absolutely glowing. What gorgeous pictures!

  69. first, can we talk about how amazing you look!!!?? pregnancy fits you well friend :)

    love all the photos with the teeny tiny shoes.

  70. Love the dress you wore for your maternity pictures. Sent over from The Tiny Heart. Thank you.

  71. These turned out great! Love that maxi dress!

  72. Your friend did an amazing job!! I have too many favorites to pick just one also you are so brave this far along to have pics taken (of course you look great so why not?) I want to burn every maternity pic of me right now! :)

  73. Loved the pictures. You friend is talented. Wow 5 weeks away. That's quick. Arent summer babies the best, I say that as I was born in June. Really like the contrasts in your dress.


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