I feel more excited to share this news with you than some I've been able to tell in person, as the friendships, support, and encouragement I've made through this blog during our infertility struggle has honestly been a bigger blessing then I could have ever imagined.
Thank you for your encouragement and prayers as I've shared my heart through disappointments, struggles and hope for this baby that we've prayed for daily these last two years.
There are still many times that I feel nervous about the future and feel like this isn't real, but I am believing that I will get to hold our sweet baby in July.
Thank you again for your prayers. They have been so comforting and are appreciated more than you know.

I am in tears. This is so unbelievably exciting!!! I am so overwhelmed with emotion right now. Congratulations :) It gives me a little ounce of hope for us.
Oooh, yay! Congrats! This is so exciting!
I've never been so excited to see a blog post, than this one! So happy for you and your husband! You are going to be a fabulous mom!:)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! I am thrilled for you two!!!!!!! Congrats!
Congrats Katie!!! Soooo excited for you!! I pray everything is going well!!! Wishing you a healthy remainder of your pregnancy! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know I'm so excited for you :) God is faithful and I can't wait to watch this little peanut grow. Love you my friend!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Congrats times 100 lovey!
Ok, first I had to swallow the sip of wine I had just taken and try not to choke, and then the tears started flowing. As a mother of two beautiful girls, I know the feeling of longing, of waiting, and then the miracle of receiving. Congratulations Katie! You will continue to be in my prayers. We have a very special bond, as you know...Katie, Lauren and Lauren, Lena, and several others...I feel it! Maybe, just maybe it will be a girl and will need 3 names?!!! LOL Continue to keep the faith and pray daily for your little one. God bless both of you!
I have goosebumps! AHH! I don't think you know how excited I am for y'all! :)
God is good! Congrats, beautiful!
Oh, and forgot to mention...shoot for the 18th, my birthday!!! :-)
SO EXCITED to see this up here!!!
AHH! Congrats Katie :) So excited for you....these pics are adorable. God will continue to watch over you as your family is growing!
XO Samantha
congrats Katie!!!! so exciting!!! beautiful pics!
Oh wow! What ahoy Katie! I've had you on my prayer list since I've started reading your blog!!! Now I can add this sweet baby to my list!
I seriously have such happy tears going for you! For some reason, I had a feeling you would be announcing good news soon!! Congrats! :) xoxo
Congratulations! So very apply for y'all!
Praise the Lord Katie! SOOOOOOOOOO excited for you guys! Ah, when I saw this post my heart melted and I just felt so joyful for you girl! blessings on this sweet journey, love Katie
So exciting! I have a friend that is going through fertility issues herself. I am hoping that she will be blessed just as you have. Enjoy and congrats!!!
This brought me to tears. Our battle hasn't been going on as long, we got pregnant pretty quickly, considering how little we actually saw each other anyway, rambling now ... but mine was ectopic after a lifetime of being terrified that my diabetes would be the evil culprit in my pregnancy. Like you, I developed tons of fears and what if's. So, you are right. God is in control. Period. Big and Small. Sooooooo CONGRATULATIONS. I will pray for y'all {and your nerves!}. God Bless!
How exciting! Congratulations! I'm due in June and get so excited to see other bloggy friends expecting too! Best of luck to you in this exciting new adventure!
Congratulations, Katie! I am so excited for y'all!
I squealed when I opened my reader and saw your post! Congratulations!!!!!! How very exciting!
Oh my gosh, I am so excited for you guys!!! I saw the title and got really really emotionally happy!!!
AWWW!! YAY! I'm about to tear up as I write this! SO happy for you two!! I know how you have wanted this! Will be praying for you!
YAY!! CONGRATULATIONS! It's really cool!
You know how excited and happy I am for you. ;) I've been waiting for this post!!!! Tears! :) you are so strong and inspire me and give me so much hope. So excited to follow along with you. Muah!!
Aww yay! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you both!
Oh my gosh ooh my gosh ooh my gosh! I'm so so happy for you guys!! When's your due date in Jul? I'm Jun 21St you must be right behind me!
I'm a kind of a new follower. And I am very happy to hear you are pregnant. I hope you have a full and healthy pregnancy!
I too am having issues with pregnancy. I only wish you the best! Truly.
YAY Katie!!!! Congratulations, I am so so so happy for you guys!! You deserve all the happiness in the world and this is just so exciting :)
I'm so very happy for you. My husband and I are having difficulty getting pregnant. I had an ectopic in the summer and ever since I've had a hard time. Your story gives me lots of hope!!!
This is such incredible news and I am so excited to see this happening! I will be sending positive thoughts your way during this time! And after reading about your struggles, this truly makes me happy to see such wonderful news. :) You deserve this greatness!
Congratulations!! I've enjoyed reading your blog for a while now and am so excited that you and your hubby will be welcoming a little one this summer!
Congratulations!!!! This is so exciting :) I can't wait to see all your bump date posts and find out whether you're having a boy or a girl! Such a fun journey!
I'm so thrilled for you and Chris! And the rest of your family must just be so over the moon! Yay!
Can't wait to see your cute maternity wear :)
Well, what can I even say? I have read and re read this post, and I cry each time. I am beyond thrilled and excited for you. I love you and Chris and my sweet niece or nephew so very much!
Lauren I am in tears right now. I am so, so happy for you. I know that it has been such a long trying journey. God is so, so good!
Congrats, congrats, CONGRATS!! I look forward to following along on this amazing journey!
Katie! Oh my goodness....I am so over the moon happy for you. I screamed when I just clicked on my reader and saw your post title.. I know the long journey you've endured and am so happy to share this amazing journey with you. I'm not far behind you...due 8/24. Blessings to you, love!
Xo- Katie
Katie! Oh my goodness....I am so over the moon happy for you. I screamed when I just clicked on my reader and saw your post title.. I know the long journey you've endured and am so happy to share this amazing journey with you. I'm not far behind you...due 8/24. Blessings to you, love!
Xo- Katie
I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations.
Why in the world did I call you Lauren?! I promise I am not pregnant, with Pregnany brain! Gosh!!!
Ahhhh!!!! I am freaking out! So so so happy for you!! xo
Eek! The cats out of the bag. My heart is just bursting with joy all over again for you!!
Congratulations, Katie! I'm so happy for you!
Yay!!! Such exciting news!!! I am so excited for you and will pray for a healthy pregnancy!!
OH MY GOSH!!! I am in tears! SO SO happy for y'all! I didn't even finish reading your post yet because I got too excited to comment on it! Congratulations times a million, y'all will be such sweet parents!
Praise Jesus! Katie, I am SO excited for you and Chris!!! I'm praying that the following weeks will get easier for you and you will be able to enjoy the pregnancy and trust the Lord and not be too anxious about your sweet baby!!
I cannot believe this - it is the BEST news and am kicking myself for not reading sooner -
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAYYYYYY you're going to make an amazing mamaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! congrats again & again - you two are so deserving!! xoxoxoox
WOW WOW WOW!! YAY! Congratz! I am so happy for you too. =]
What a beautiful blessing, congrats!
Oh Praise God! Katie I am so very very happy for y'all. Congratulations and I will continue to pray that your pregnancy goes well. :) Oh what a perfect ending to my day.
oh my gosh i am so excited for you!
so so so excited.
you are going to be such a great mother.
what a great blessing to great people :)
OMG!!! CONGRATULATIONS Sweet lady! This brought tears to my eyes. SOO incredibly blessed and happy for you!!
Katie, I had tears in my eyes after only seeing your post title. I know how much you and your husband have talked with God about giving you this little bundle, and it warms my heart that He has delivered! You are going to be the cutest little thing with a baby bump, and I just know that this is going to be the MOST loved baby ever!
I am crying and smiling from ear to ear for you!
Katie!!! This is such fantastic news and I am so so happy for you and your husband. We will continue to pray for your little family. I had a feeling you would be telling this news soon...yay!!
Woohoo, this is fabulous news!! It made my night, I am beyond thrilled for you :D
KATIE!!!! I am so excited for you both! Congratulations!!!! <3
Just found your blog - so beautiful & congratulations! Nothing better!
Perhaps we could follow each other?
xo Lulu
This is amazing news! I am so very happy for you!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh my goodness!!!!
I am tearing up something fierce right now with goosebumps all over.
So excited for you, Katie! How do you feel?
Congratulations!! How exciting! Our babies might have the same birthday! (I'm just a few days shy of 12 weeks). It's so amazing when God reveals His perfect timing and shows us that all the pain and waiting was not for nothing! I'll be praying for you guys and the baby :-)
yay, yay, yay and YAY!!!!! i am overjoyed for you all. what a blessing!!! honestly, thank you for your openness in this struggle, for pouring yourself out and being such an example of a godly woman waiting on her Lord. praise God for this gift!!!
Oh Lauren, my heart is about to burst for you- SO SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
Many congrats!!! I'm so excited for your family!
What a great way to end/start the new year!
We're welcoming our first son in April!
I literally just jumped out of my seat! KATIE!!! Congratulations! I have prayed for you guys often and am thrilled to see God blessing two wonderful people with a baby.. you will be a FANTASTIC mom and I can't wait to follow your little family. Keep us posted! :)
It's an Easy Life]
So, so excited for you girl! Congrats!!
Yay yay yay! So happy for you!! Congratulations
Oh my goodness! I am so, so, so happy for you. That is the absolute best news of my day! Congrats - mama!
When I read this i gasped and my eyes filled with tears. I'm beyond excited for you two!!! I've been praying for you guys and I know you will be amazing parents! This baby is so lucky to have you as its Mom. Congratulations!!!!
So exciting! Congratulations!!
Sooooo happy for you! I look forward to following your amazing journey on your blog :)
Oh my gosh Katie I am so happy and excited for you guys!!! This is the best news I've heard all week!!!!!!!!!!!
COngratulations!!! So happy for you guys!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I really needed to read this post this morning...it gives me hope! So excited for you, I can't think of anyone that deserves it more! Thanks for giving me the small piece of hope without even realizing it. :)
Congratulations! This is the post from you that I've been looking forward to seeing for quite some time. You are going to be a wonderful mother and I can't wait to follow along with you for your journey!
I am so incredibly excited for you! After hearing about your struggles I'm so glad you finally get to share such wonderful news. God is so faithful and in control of this new life. I pray that he gives you peace throughout the pregnancy!
Congratulations girl!!!
I read this with tears flowing, I am beyond thrilled for you and your family!!! What a blessing!!!!
Enjoy every moment and that is one VERY lucky baby!!!!!!
What beautiful news! Congratulations to you both, and I'm so excited for this new chapter of yours! :)
Ahhhh Katie I am so happy for you!!!! That's wonderful news!
KATIE! I am beyond excited for you - such amazing news :)
The Other Side of Gray
Katie! I am SO happy for you and Chris!! After all you guys have been through, it is so amazing to hear this wonderful news! And I love that you're due in July because I'm a July baby too :)
The Tiny Heart
OMG congratulations Katie!! So so excited for you and your family! You will be an incredible mother!
OMG! Congrats!
We just passed our year mark of trying and i was starting to feel a little hopeless, but reading your good news gives me hope for the future!
I'm so happy for you!
AHHH!! Katie that is AMAZING!!! :) so pumped for you and your man.
Awwwwwww, CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so happy for you, friend! Such a blessing! :)
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your husband!!
Oh my gosh! Even though I don't really know you all that well, I feel more excited about you being pregnant than some other people I know in real life! Super huge congratulations, girl! How very exciting for you both.
I am SO SO happy for you. Seeing the caption of today's blog post on my feed put an instant smile on my face. I'm halfway through my own pregnancy and getting here wasn't as easy as I had hoped, but it is such a blessing. Enjoy it and don't stress or worry too much - everything is going to be ok :) Congrats!!
congrats! Prayers go up, blessings come down. So happy for your family!
Oh my goodness, Katie!!!! Praise The Lord!!!!! I'm so happy for y'all!!' I've been praying for you since I found your blog months ago!!! God is GOOD!!!!!
So happy for you! I know what a struggle this has been for you and your husband. I can't wait to see your maternity style!
Yay!!! Congrats Katie!! I am so happy for you :)
This seriously just MADE MY DAY! I am so happy for you! You are totally going to rock the maternity fashion. Yes, I said maternity fashion ;)
Even though I already knew the happy news, I was anxiously awaiting the day when you announced it to the world. How exciting for you!! I'm so happy for you, but please don't forget about all of us who are still patiently waiting.
p.s. praying and believe with you that god is in control friend! praying for a healthy baby and mama!
Yep!!! Tears and a happy heart when I read your news!! I am beyond excited for your family!! :) I think you can tell from the comments, that alot of people have been praying for you and we will all continue to do so!! WHAT GREAT NEWS!!!! :)
AHHH Katie!!! I am so incredibly happy for you. I cannot stop smiling for you. Once you have your beautiful healthy baby, the struggles you went through will seem like a distant memory! I KNEW 2013 was going to be an amazing year for you! Email me your address please! :) :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Congrats!! What a perfect Christmas gift. I'll be praying for a smoothe pregnancy for you :)
Congrats! OMG so fun!
Currently Coveting
awwww!! CONGRATS! Great news for the new year!
I know I am late to the party, but congratulations!!!
SO so unbelievably excited!! I love the both of you so much and can't wait till this little baby comes!! Praise God!!
Oh Katie, I am SO SO happy for you! It took me a few years, doctors, and modern medicine to have my little girl, and while I have no way to compare the feelings, I feel like I appreciate and enjoy the parenting process SO much more than I would have if it weren't such a journey to get here. All those tears and heartache seem worth it now, because it put my love for her in such a better perspective.
Congratulations again, and enjoy every second...you'll be a great mama!
Congratulations! That is fantastic news!
And? I just LOVE maternity fashion posts ;) haha.
Oh I am so super excited for you. Congrats, congrats, congrats. I will be covering your pregnancy in prayers!
Congratulations! What a blessing! Hoping the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!
I am so happy for you and your husband. Congrats!!! :)
Oh congratulations I am so excited for you!!
Oh congratulations I am so excited for you!!
KATIE!!!!!!!! I am soooo unbelieveably happy for you guys!!! This has been a long time coming and you so totally deserve to be a momma. What a great way to bring in the new year! Best of luck & continuing to keep you in my prayers!
I literally just squealed with excitement for you!! Ah! Yay!
OMG OMG OMG!! I am beyond crazy happy for you right now!!!! ((hugs))
Chills are ALLLLLLLLL over my body right now!!!!!! HOLY MOLY!!!! I wish I could hug you IRL!!! I know how long you have wanted this, prayed for this and dreamed of this. It's now REALITY!!!! You are going to be the BEST mom!!! I am beyond excited to follow you on this journey!!! Congratulations!!!
I tried to post earlier and it wouldn't save so I may have already commented once haha ;) but it's worth commenting 1000 times for!!!!
CONGRATS!!!!! I am just so happy right now, I could cry!!!! You are going to be the BEST mother in the world. GOD IS SO GOOOOOD!!!!! Praying hard for a healthy baby, a healthy mommy, and a healthy pregnancy!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
Congrats on the baby news! I am so happy for you! PS - I'm also pumped about the Bachelor next week! Yippee!
SO SO SO excited for you love!!!
xo Shane
YAY!!!!! Oh thats SO exciting!!! I literally teared up when I just read that announcement!! I've been following your struggle and I'm just so glad for you - you have LOADS of blogging community support (re: all comments above ;) Congrats lady!!
xo, Katie @ Kathryn Laine
congratulations!! I'm fairly new to your blog, so I didn't know you were trying to get pregnant, but I've had family members who struggled with infertility, so I can imagine how excited you are!! congrats again!
Yayayayayayay!!! I'm so excited for you! What a treat for the New Years:)
Praise God, Praise God. I am so far beyond happy for you.
OMG KATIE!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
This is my first time commenting but I just had to say CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you and your husband! God is so good!
I'm pregnant with my first, also due in July! :)
I will be praying for your sweet baby!
OMG congratulations!
So, So HAPPY FOR YOU!! And beyond excited for your journey! You will be an amazing mother :) God answers prayers all the time in his own timing! He has so much in store for you and your family! You look beautiful, I know you're beaming with happiness!
Aw great news! Congratulations! Y'all deserve this! I couldn't be more happy! wooo
Congratulations - I'm so incredibly happy for you!
Congrats thats so exciting! any gender preferences? Girls ARE SO MUCH FUN and boys are pretty easy!
What a journey! Congratulations Katie!!
Yay praise the Lord!! So so so happy for y'all!!!
Congratulations Katie! That is amazing news!! I want children (someday) and I can't imagine the struggle of infertility, I'm so happy for you!!
i know i already left you a message on instagram - but oh my goodness - i am in TEARS i'm so happy for you both. i know how badly you've wanted this! you're going to be AMAZING parents!!!!!
Congratulations! This is so wonderful!
this gave me shivers. i have known you i feel since day one that I started blogging and you are such a genuinely amazing person that it hurt to hear of your struggles. you will be SUCH an amazing mom. i am SO happy for you!
SO so so happy for you Katie. Congrats!
xo Annie
Congratulations! :)
OMG! Seriously the best news of the weekend! SO excited for you!
I COULD NOT BE MORE EXCITED FOR YOU TWO! congratulations!!!!! sending hugs and happiness to you!
You're pregnant?!!!!!!!! That is sooooo exciting! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see you pregnancy style and then pictures of your cute baby :) Congrats!
AH congratulations! I've never met you but I cried tears of joy! God bless you and the hubs and your beautiful little babe to be!
I know this comment is a little late, but I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you!!! What wonderful news :-) I pray you have a happy & healthy pregnancy. Can't wait to read along as you progress through the next few months.
Yay congratulations!!!
New Follower!! Found you through Caseys linkup! Love your blog.. and when you have time hop over to my blog kjaggers.com and if you like what you see.. follow back! Happy New Year!!
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