January 22, 2014

How to enjoy the superbowl without watching any football

I'm not sure if I've ever shared my non love for watching sporting events on tv, but it's no big secret that I am not a fan.  I'd happily attend any sporting event in person, but watching it on tv.  BOR.ING.

What I do love though is parties, friends, delicious food and funny commercials.  Here are some ways you can enjoy the superbowl without being a football lover:

1. Dress is something comfortable so that you can eat a large about of appetizers and desserts and not feel restricted.  Which let's be honest.  That's my dress code on the daily. 

2. Find out the teams that are playing before you attend a party so you don't look like a total loser.  Feel free to be the one to tell me.   

3. Make one of these delicious appetizers to bring to your party.  And proceed to stand in the kitchen by the food for the majority of the party.  

4. Watch the commercials and hope that there are a few funny ones.  And when all else fails, read blogs on your phone and enter this giveaway to win $250 to amazon or one of these stores and do some online shopping for super bowl sales

SuperBowl Giveaway_edited-1
This giveaway is open to US residents only.



  1. Hahah! Before I even read your post, I was thinking to myself "if that post title was a question... I'd answer eat" LOL looks like that's pretty much how you answered it too!

    <3 danielle

  2. Seriously loving your #1, dress comfyyy! My belly will be FULL come Superbowl Sunday!! I'd definitely want the 50% off Nike clearance!!!

  3. Amazon - Save $15 Off $75+ Athletic Shoes.

  4. Hahaha love this post. Also, the TOMS coupon!

  5. hahaha I'm just like you! I like the commercials and the food, but i seriously have no clue who's playing.


  6. I love this sweater dress, so pretty!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. I would much rather watch sports in person than on TV. Every year for Super Bowl I make "touchdown taco dip." And, I always park myself near the food.

  8. Well duh i didn't get very far before seeing the deal I'd use right away.. Babies r us! (toysrus)

  9. Broncos vs. Seahawks :) Go Peyton Manning!! I love all of the game day treats but I also enjoy watching the game. So my plan is to eat lots of appetizers while watching the game & commercials. Looks like you've figured out a great game plan for Super Bowl Sunday.

  10. Hahaha, I love football, but since my team isn't in the "big game" I'll happily be enjoying some good food, commercials and awaiting Bruno to sing at half-time :)


  11. You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog.
    Buy sandal online

    @chelsea oliver! i am also love football.

  12. Haha it's definitely all about the appetizers and the commercials! Love your outfit, you look adorable.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  13. I have made something similar to those roll ups! They're sooo good!!

  14. i am 100% with you on this post- i really could care less. just not entertaining at all. haha but these are great ways to make it fun :)

  15. yum!! those dips look so good. i never actually watch the game, either!

  16. Hahaha. This is awesome. I'm not a fan of watching sports either. :-)

  17. The 25% off on HDTVs at Best Buy is awesome- we need to upgrade our basement box TV soon!


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