April 15, 2013

Arms High

I wrote this post in the Fall, soon after we had some scary complications with our pregnancy.  I wrote about my tendenacy and desire to want to hold everything I loved as close as I could, as if I was the one that could protect them and keep them safe.  I knew God was teaching me this big lesson of surrendering and letting Him hold all the things I treasure, because they are His.  

Well here I am learning that same lesson again.  Two weeks ago my mom went in for a routine test and they found that one of her valves in her heart was leaking significantly and that she will need open heart surgery. 

I know that open heart surgery has become a common procedure and being that she is young and healthy she should be okay. But my mind couldn't help go to the worst, as I can't even begin to fathom life without my mom.  For days the tiny thought of it would bring me to full tears. 

I was sitting in our baby room, crying one day, thinking about how I wish I could keep my mom from doing anything that could make her heart worse, keep her healthy, and keep her from needing surgery.  A little too slowly I was reminded of the lesson God showed me back in November.  
My mom is such an amazing woman.  She is beautiful, has a positive attitude, is an example of a Godly woman with a strong faith. She was telling me not to worry and that God was in control. (Sounds like a wonderful mom thing, right? Encouraging and comforting me when this is happening to her.)  I fully believe that, but it is still scary as even though God is in control, tough and painful things still happen and it's hard for me not to worry about the future.

But as I learned in November, my hands can do nothing to protect my mom.  As I was sitting in our baby room that day, I knew God was teaching me to open my hands and give Him control over the things I love the most.  My mom being right near the top of my list.  

In church on Sunday we sang this song: 

I'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the one who gave it all. 

My soul Lord to you surrendered
All I have is yours. 

And I was reminded again, that I need to stop wanting to hold the things I love myself and open my arms and surrender them to God.  Surrender my fears, the future, my mom and this whole process.  

God is in control and I trust in Him. 



  1. This is a great post, especially applicable for us all today with the Boston bombing. I do hope everything goes well for your mom. That's really scary.

  2. Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts! Surrendering your fears can be extremely difficult but so necessary, especially in such difficult times.

  3. I'm glad they caught it!! So any times it can go un-noticed and next you know congestive heart failure! But you are right heart surgery has come along way!! Stay strong!! God will see you through, along with your family!!

  4. Your mom seems like a wonderful woman, and her spirit is clearly reflected in you! I will keep her in my prayers for a speedy recovery :)

  5. Prayers.
    In the past year my mother has undergone two aortic aneurysm dissections. (2 -14 hour open heart surgeries). I know where you are and how you feel. My mother is in the midst of her second cardiac rehab. Prayers and your connection to your family are what is important now.
    Prayers are there for you.

  6. This is so sweet and so true! I am so sorry to hear about your Mom... I truly hope everything goes well.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear your mom is going through this! I love the song you referenced, and I think sometimes I sing the lyrics, but ignore the meaning. What a great reminder! He is in control: Jeremiah 29:11

  8. Oh sweety, I'll be keeping your mom, you, and your family in my prayers! I'm so sorry you're having to go through this! Thankfully, God is the one who will bring you through, whatever the outcome! <3

  9. I'll keep your mom in my prayers. But you are right, it is a relatively common procedure and she (sounds like)is healthy, so hopefully everything goes through smoothly.

  10. We sang that song yesterday, too! It is one of my favorites. It is so hard to open our arms to God, especially when we just want to hold our loved ones tight in them. Will add your mom to my prayer list.

  11. This is so touching! I wish your mom and your family the best and she will be fine, I know that because god is great!


  12. Such a testimony. I go through such petty circumstances and have the same thoughts, wanting to control vs. giving it up to God. I KNOW He has it all in His hand, but it is so hard to cling to that truth in tough circumstances. I have the same relationship with my mom and would feel the exact same way as you. Perfectly normal, but what a witness to show how to give it up to God. One of my life verses is when Paul talks about God's power being made perfect in our weaknesses. I am SO WEAK... it is a comfort to know that He is strong for me.

  13. Aw Katie my thoughts will be with you and your mom. Any surgery is scary but I have faith she'll be well taken care of. Xoxo

  14. thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  15. Katie, all I can say is AMEN. We received quite a scare with our Katie this last week...issues with her blood and urine counts that pointed toward a VERY serious kidney issue. She is 12 hours from home at the university. I gave it all to God. And, he provided...friends to comfort her, great technicians, loving physicians...and she is doing better. He is there for us and for those who have accepted him as their Lord and Savior. He will be watching over your sweet mom!

  16. Oh sweetie really lovely post.
    All be right with your mom.
    Now I´m following you in FB and Bloglovin´
    I hope your follow me back in both


  17. Praying for your mom, and for you too! I know how hard it is sometimes to not be the one actually going through something, but to be the one watching it happen. I struggle so much with letting go and laying things entirely in God's hands - no matter how many times I am reminded of how capable He is. It should seem so simple to us as believers, but oh - it's the hardest of all.

    Stay strong, Katie! And thank you for this reminder to trust in Him. I needed it today.

  18. Katie, thanks for writing this post! Sometimes I have to physically say, out-loud "I know that you're in control, God." Otherwise, it's easy to forget. I hope your momma is okay.

  19. I hope your mom is ok and her surgery goes well.

  20. Saying a prayer for your family, Katie!

    My mom had her hip replaced (at the young age of 50) right before I got married and I was terrified.

    Your family is so supportive of each other...I know she'll be just fine :)

  21. You are so strong and truly amazing girly! Praying for your mom that everything will go just fine :)

  22. Ill be thinking of you and your mom. If you got your strength for her, she must be super woman!! ;) xo

  23. I LOVED this post and needed to hear it today. I am struggling because I am trying to make tentative plans for something I cant plan for.I need to let go and let God :)

  24. oh how easy we forget the lessons that God teaches us... but we wouldn't know anything about forgetting lessons wise (ha!) teachers have taught us, would we?

    Praying for your mama and your heart and your babylove!


  25. I'll be praying for your Mom!! My Mom is having surgery in June so this post is the perfect reminder that God is in control.


  26. with my arms wide open and held high I am raising you and your mother up to Him

  27. Keeping your mom and family in my prayers sweet Katie!

  28. Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and will be continuously praying for her. I'm so close with my mom and just the thought of losing her brings me to tears. You are so right remembering God's grip on our lives, and how to surrender all of our hurts to Him. It's something I'm still learning to do :)

  29. I have this huge fear sometimes of losing my parents. I watch himym & a rerun was on when Marshall lost his dad. Around that episode lily & him were trying for a bit to get pregnant & went through testing. He said his dad will never meet their child. You know biggest fear of mine is that. Right after that episode I called my dad. We really have to remember love them while we have the time. And yes it is all in Gods hands.

  30. Hey there. I want you to know that your mom is in our prayers. This is one of my greatest fears as well...I talk to my mom almost on a daily basis. But, like you...I am confident in my mom's faith and relationship with God. And that always brings me comfort. Beautiful post!

  31. Thank you for this great post, I wish all the best to your mom!
    xx Katja

  32. Good reminder - it's easy to worry about things that, often, are not in our control and we need to trust in God. Saying prayers for your momma :)

    xo samantha

  33. I'll be praying for your mom. I know it must be hard but you are right, God is in control. Also, love that song!!

  34. I'll be keeping your mom in my thoughts and hoping her surgery goes smoothly!

    The Tiny Heart

  35. Prayers for your mother for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery.

  36. I'll be praying for you and your mom. My mom passed away a few years ago of brain cancer and it was the worst thing I have ever been through, but it did make me realize how much stronger I was than I thought I would be. You will be amazed at your strength.

  37. I've got a story to tell you about my Dad. Sending prayers.

  38. Aw, praying for your mama! I hope everything goes smoothly and that the surgery makes her heart stronger!

  39. Saying a prayer for your family!

  40. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and your mom. As you so positively stated, God's is with us always, our faith and prayers never go unanswered.
    Wish all the best for ur mom's surgery and quick and healthy recovery!
    Style Delights Blog

  41. What a beautifully written post! I too often sing that same song without truly thinking about the meaning of surrendering my all to Him. Thank you for reminding me of His great love and power. Praying for you, your mom, and your family!

  42. praying for your mom <3 this is something else in your life that God has placed you in that he knows you can handle. you are so strong, I know this baby girl of yours is going to be so luck to have you AND your mom in her life :)

  43. What a lovely hymn to quote. Especially, since the bombing in Boston the day after you posted this. My heart is full, too.

  44. aw my friend.....will be praying for your mom!!!


  45. I hope your mom is okay, I will add her to my prayers!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  46. love that song and yes so thankful he is the ultimate healer and that he is in control!

  47. How scary! I'll be praying for her. I can't imagine having that worry when you're pregnant and everything seems to be intensified. God is good, though, and He is in control!

  48. My thoughts and prayers are with your guys. Don't forget that God wouldn't give you anything that He can't handle. He knows what's best for her and for you and He won't let anything happen to her during this special time in your life. xoxo

  49. Praying for you, that same song spoke to me of trusting-even when it is really hard -only the other week x

  50. Prayers for you and your momma. You are such a strong lady. I would feel the exact same way if it were my mom. I hope the surgery goes well and she has a speedy recovery.


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